Mirepurr prides themself on their sensitive nose; they might not possess the same amount of battle prowess as the majority of their more vicious Clanmates, but at least they can keep their bellies fed when they successfully track down something plump. Even now, with the rain pouring and the winds blowing, they can just pick up the scent of a dove over petrichor and mud. The conditions are not comfortable... but ShadowClan is not yet in position for kicking back and relaxing. Work must be done even when the circumstances are far from ideal.
So, Mirepurr stalks between the marshy undergrowth. They creep past thorns that threaten to snag in their fur — their pelt's plushness protects them from the worst of it anyway. No reason to fuss and thus give away their nicely-veiled position.
The winds change course, and with it, the shape of the frost-bitten land shifts. A large bit of false nettle that has been steadily gathering rainwater on its surface flips over, its wet contents spilling straight onto Mirepurr's neck.
Their paws squelch in the mud as they propel themself forward. No use; the dove must have heard their surprise and fled, but surely not without internally mocking Mirepurr for their misfortune.
So, Mirepurr stalks between the marshy undergrowth. They creep past thorns that threaten to snag in their fur — their pelt's plushness protects them from the worst of it anyway. No reason to fuss and thus give away their nicely-veiled position.
The winds change course, and with it, the shape of the frost-bitten land shifts. A large bit of false nettle that has been steadily gathering rainwater on its surface flips over, its wet contents spilling straight onto Mirepurr's neck.
they gasp, "that's cold."
No amount of winter coat can save them from the worst of it. The sudden shower is- well, it is not refreshing, considering that it catches them entirely off-guard and now allows the wind to remind Mirepurr of just how frigid it is.Their paws squelch in the mud as they propel themself forward. No use; the dove must have heard their surprise and fled, but surely not without internally mocking Mirepurr for their misfortune.
"And that's gone..."