[This thread marks the next step of our haunting event! Replying to this thread gives you an additional point towards the Fresh-Kill prize! Happy digging :3] [CW : bones]
ShadowClan has strangled itself with paranoid delusions of ghosts and apparitions haunting its new territory. So far, the Night Guard's heard tell about eerie voices in the wind, furtive shades occupying the fringes of clanmates' visions, and pawprint trails becoming arbitrarily overwritten by an invisible third party. What a bunch of hooey. Rattled minds and strung-up nerves aplenty, all over stuff going bump in a night. In case no one's noticed, the clan'd just made its home in a bunch of mush and muck, a primeval swampland crawling with disease and vermin. Sometimes a splash's just a splash, and not anything more.
But the bones. Now, that's something.
Call him a pragmatist, or call him a clueless cynic; if there's any truth to be chased here, Smogmaw feels it lies in the feline-like bones that'd washed up after a recent rainfall. He's no specialist on understanding the weather, but as far as the tom knows, meat-stripped body parts are an uncharacteristic symptom for torrential rain. Those fragments hailed from somewhere; from someone, too, obviously, and they couldn't have fallen from the sky. With Sablestar's permission, Smogmaw commissioned a patrol to scour the shadowy knolls near the bones' last known sighting, and assigned it some simple directives:
Map the terrain. Deduce possible origin points of bones.
2. Take note of all peculiarities encountered.
3. Report back with findings.
4. Do not, under any circumstance, die.
They'd embarked when the sun was just past its highest. Now, daylight is but a recent memory, and rather than warm rays lathering their hindparts, their backs instead glisten with the sludge churned up by their march. It is a foul part of the territory they are in, up to now undeserving of a thorough exploration. Heavy, oozy mud stretches on from where they stand, broken only by mere strips of land and dark bodies of water.
Viscous slush snaps from his hocks as he clomps out from a soggy waste, forepaws hitting firm ground at long last. Smogmaw's laboured breathing is loud, deep and drawn. When his sightline eventually lifts, he finds he stands upon the largest swath of unbroken land he'd seen in what felt like an age. "Okay! Everyone, c'mere! Let's-," his tongue lashes over his lips, "-regroup for a bit."
He sighs, rightly drained, and bracing for the looks of sheer loathing that would come his way. Being all too aware that boring patrols are the bane of this clan's existence, boring, long, and exhausting patrols must be an unthinkable scourge. When they emerge, he's initially relieved to see no one had gone and broken directive #4, yet becomes otherwise uncomfortable with how fruitless their efforts have been. Miserably, Smogmaw glimpses down at his muddy paws as they cluster before him.
"We're all gonna-"
'Head back', is what he's about to say, but no sound follows. Instead, his tongue retracts violently and suddenly catches on the roof of his mouth. He stifles a gag. Then, a tremor, strong and pure as sunlight on a cloudless morning. Nausea and dread compete to fill the gaps, eliciting a similar sensation to what he'd felt when the fog closed in all around Wolfpack's patrol, only so much stronger. Is something closing in now?
It dissipates as quickly as it had arisen, and in its wake festers a compulsion, an urge that must be sated at the soonest convenience. Eyes, previously scrunched, fall upon the clanmates once more. "We're all gonna dig where we stand. Now."
The group isn't afforded the luxury of elaboration; the Night Guard has pounced onto the soil, claws wrenched free to ravenously rip it away.
// y/c discovers bones. old, yellow bones. if they're unfortunate enough, possibly an entire skeleton. these bones belong to cats, and there's an entire graveyard's worth of them. note that this isn't just any graveyard; the remains are messily piled on top of one another, as though haphazardly buried as an afterthought, rather than a formal ritual.
// feel free to have y/c feel the same sort of nausea/dread that smogmaw felt! it would be super cool if u did ;)
// and as mentioned above, replying to this thread grants you a point towards the fresh-kill prize!
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