we're all wrapped up in GREED - THERE'S AN EGO TO FEED
He was not accustomed to the loamy earth, the way it sunk slightly under each step as though he was some great behemoth lumbering over the ground - Magpiekit was small, yet his paws left tracks easily in the rich soil and he often followed his own pawsteps in circles in idle amusement; head bobbing and slender limbs struggling to keep his body upright as they staggered and stumbled along. The ink spill of a kitten tilted his head down, careful not to lower it too close to the earth because if he tripped his nose would get a flood of dirt right up it when it crashed downward. His eyes blinked slowly before he winked them each one at a time, nose scrunching up in thought and uncertainty; the tracks he was ambling along after had suddenly grown larger and he placed a tentative paw down on one to match the size. Far bigger than his own tiny black foot, the toes ending in scrapes along the muck as though the claws were perpetually unsheathed. The leader's son inched forward more, shuffling pawsteps carrying him after the trail that turned sharply from the nursery to the edge of camp and vanished in the tall reeds and thick fog. Purple eyes danced back to the den briefly, looking for any sign of Timberfrost to tell him not to venture out too far, to call him back into the warmth of the nursery, but when he heard nothing he pivoted about to follow the tracks, feeling a chill kiss his nose and then lance down his spine in a shiver before the paw prints abruptly ended at the edge of the camp leading outward to the sinking bog.
"Hello?" He chirped quietly, ears pricking upward and then suddenly he leaned forward, straining as if hearing something before continuing, "...but papa says I'm not 'sppose to leave camp on my own."
"Hello?" He chirped quietly, ears pricking upward and then suddenly he leaned forward, straining as if hearing something before continuing, "...but papa says I'm not 'sppose to leave camp on my own."
Prompt-A combination sort of using both these prompts but specifically this one "Your character is walking through the pocosin and suddenly notices they can see their own breath while feeling an unusual chill. when they look around, a trail of pawprints appear to have stomped over their own." and to a lesser degree this one "it's typical for kits to develop imaginary friends, but your character swears this friend theyve met is not imaginary! how do they explain it to the caretakers and denmates?"
❝ i don't know euphoria - i'd like to meet her someday - c'est la vie ❞
— kitten of shadowclan
— He/They
— Solid black w/low white & blue-violet eyes.
— Has 'wobbly cat' syndrome.