ASTRO - Male (He/Him) - Short fur blue tabby tom with low white / Black smoke with ghost markings chimera has sharp features and sectoral heterochromatic eyes (soft yellow inner, soft blue outer) - Kittypet
COMET (to be Comettail in full - Male (He/Him) - Short fur black self tom with low white and fluffy tail + ginger somatic mutation in tail, bright yellow eyes - Future Windclan Apprentice
TWINKLE (to be Twinkletuft in full - Female (She/Her) - Fluffy rosetted silver tabby molly with tweed white hairs and soft blue eyes - Future Riverclan Apprentice
COMET (to be Comettail in full - Male (He/Him) - Short fur black self tom with low white and fluffy tail + ginger somatic mutation in tail, bright yellow eyes - Future Windclan Apprentice
TWINKLE (to be Twinkletuft in full - Female (She/Her) - Fluffy rosetted silver tabby molly with tweed white hairs and soft blue eyes - Future Riverclan Apprentice
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