Shipyard ever after / discovery

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


"Willow, look what I found!"

They're down at the water's calmest edge, a little secluded space where the ocean is gentler. It's an overcast day, chilly here too, but not quite cold enough to freeze a cat through their pelt just yet. He doesn't quite believe that it's going to get colder, and so each day he is surprised and scandalised when he finds that it has. The way his breath billows in the salty air is fun, but he wants to swim and explore and play like the grown cats tell him stories about.

Duck's claws are just shy of the lapping waves, ginger paws shuffling back and forth as if engaged in a game with the shoreline. The water is bitterly cold, but alluring all the same. Would his coat keep him warm?

His plumy tail waves in the air as he calls to his aunt, hopeful green eyes scanning her expression for interest. He practically hops up and down in place with eagerness, hoping she would come and investigate the strange blob that's washed up at the docks.

// no need to wait for @willow to post<3 it's a snail egg sac!​
() fondness sparkles in the seaglass gaze of the she-cat as she watches her nephew shuffle about, his flame paws pitter-pattering against the pebbled sand. in times like these he reminds her achingly of night, whose spirit had always been sparked by the beauty of the ocean. he has his mother's grin, she notes, as he turns to look at her, and willow will smile back, unfolding long legs and getting to her paws. her muscles ache from the strain of hunting every day, paws stinging from the long walks she takes to find even the smallest bit of prey. still, she bounds over to her boy, meeting him by the shoreline with interest.

"what is it, my duckling?" the woman asks, following his verdant gaze to the blob of… stuff floating in the water. narrow muzzle snuffling at the object, the older feline tips her head, kit-like curiosity overtaking her own spirit. "what do you think it is, duckie?" she thinks she knows, from her time spent poking around alone along the shores, but she encourages his imagination with her words, prompting him to come up with an answer.

the water laps at her slender paws, ice cold, almost numbing. a flash of worry pings in her head, the thought that perhaps it is getting too cold for her charges to play near the coast any longer. where else could they go? smoke's little ones are hardly travel-ready, and the docks have been her and her brother's home for several moons now. it's a dangerous thought, leaving, and it comes with all sorts of consequences. she shakes it from her head, focusing back on duck as he thinks.

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    a lithe black smoke feline with ghost striping and leaf green eyes. long smoky fur dashed through with grey and white adorns her frame, sliced across by darker stripes that frame her face and legs. eyes like sage, brilliantly green, gaze with an intelligent look. she is scarred across the bridge of her angular nose.

Ever since their first meeting, where some sort of shaky alliance had snapped into place, Storm couldn't help but orbit Willow and Smoke's little family. It reminded her so much of when she and Frost were little that just watching their kits grow here gave her some comfort. She had never resented her childhood, no, but she worried that their mother had struggled more than she had believed when they were little. Granted, back then they were able to beg for food from the local fishers, but the lack of huntable food was always present. Now was not any better, and Storm had felt a strange mix of pity and sympathy for the small family. She and her brother were always worried about food. About shelter. About each other, and now Storm had selfishly added another worry to her shoulders.

Storm had seen Willow walk past with the kits this morning and had wondered behind the bunch to watch from a distance. No one had asked her to. Neither Willow or Smoke had ever voiced their desire for more eyes on the bunch of little ones. She just... felt like she had to. Maybe she was too nice and in the end would get burned by them. Maybe they would turn their back on Frost and Storm when they needed assistance. Well, they'll cross that bridge when they get there. The she-cat laid with her paws folded underneath herself, watching the kits bobble around on the shore. Their curiosity was infectious and she stirred at the idea of joining them. One had called over Smoke's sister Willow and was excitedly ogling at what seemed like a pile of goo. A purr started in her chest at the sight of Willow's equal excitement.

Storm couldn't resist any longer. The she-cat made her way down to join the gaggle with a gentle smile and nod in Willow's direction. She was not a fighter. When she sparred with her siblings as a younger cat, she always gave up before any fighting actually happened. She knew Willow would not know this fact about her. She hoped her smile was enough to win her over. Storm turned her eyes back over to the kit. "What a good find! Hmmm I think I know what these are, but I'm with Willow. I'd like to see what you think they are!" There was a pang in her stomach at the way her tone changed for the kit. If Tangle was still around, they probably would have had kits by now. The thought shook her enough that she flicked her eyes warily to the water lapping the shore and her pelt stood along her back.

Storm quickly shook out her pelt, faked a dramatic shiver, and gave a sheepish smile to Willow, hoping she had not noticed. "Brrrr. Getting colder everyday, huh?"

𓆝 . ° ✦
Bubble finds camaraderie in her fellow shipyard cats, even if she isn't very closely affiliated with them by any means. Bubble herself lacks any close family who had also made their way to the colony, so she has determined to make her own here. However, it is proving to be particularly difficult; many of the cats here are wary and starved, unwelcoming to outsiders. The silver molly understands, and she realizes now that she has to make her way in whatever opening possible. She's made an effort to at least learn many faces and names, but situations where they can bond and become somehow closer are hard to come by. Like now, with Duck crooning about a discovery and being looked over by Willow and Storm.

She edges closer, trying to get a good look at blob. Her first reaction is to crinkle up her nose, but then she remembers herself as her mother's advice of non-judgment echo in her mind. And Bubble, ever the glimmering light with nobody home (so to speak), has no idea what Duck's findings are anyway. "I have no idea what they are," she admits aloud sheepishly, though she keeps a curious edge to her voice "But I'll bet Duck already knows." Bubble smiles sweetly. At least there is honesty behind her compliment.

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    longhaired silver classic tabby with moderate white spotting and blue eyes. bubble is the people's princess. i'll make a real description eventually go read her tags.