Open The Colony every heartbeat i have left / open

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


and in the storm of life, there was you
ThunderClan / Warrior
Played by

Paws thudded on the ground as the large tabby moved forward, his ears perking up for a second before swivelling, picking up the chatter of the every day buzz from the colony. It was growing, it was a big group... Perhaps it was getting too big... His golden hues drifted momentarily, finding them fixating upon the place where he knew Fray was resting, worry etched clearly on his face for those who would notice him. How long would it take before the other was back to full strength? He knew there were some that whispered the cat wouldn't last very long... The whispers that made him bristle and bare his teeth. But there was very little he could do to his own father. Ear twitching once, he turned his head away, padding forward with a soft sigh as he dropped the prey he had managed to kill on the ground in front of a young kit who had seemed hungry before he had left.

He could always hunt again, the young'uns could not... Better off sticking close to the colony... The place away from this place could be... dangerous...

" Here you go, kiddo... Don't gulp it all down. Share some with the others. " he spoke, whiskers twitching for a moment as he watched the big eyes of the kit looking up at him for a second before they happily took the prey and rushed to what he pressumed was their mother. It caused a fond look to cross his face for a second... It made him think of his own mother... It felt like ages since he had last laid eyes upon the molly... Shaking the feeling off he scouted the place for a moment longer, observing the cats that came and went about their day. He hesitated, uncertain of whether he would or would not strike conversation with someone. He never had been quite the social talker... But he supposed his brother had been right, he needed to be more social, right?

Almost groaning to himself, he swiped his tail once over the ground before he moved toward one of the cats of the colony and sat down, awkwardly clearing his throat once. Okay, so... Now what? Golden hues flitted sideways every now and then before he locked them on the sky above. " The weather is getting chilly, huh...? "

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦​

tensions were rising steadily like floodwaters. it lapped at the colony's paws, threatening to pull them under. cats were more noticeably tucking themselves away, huddled in makeshift groups, nyx noticed. the sense of community, their order was fading right before them— like fay's life.

she blinks at copper when he approaches, her plume-like tail curling around her paws. "um… yes, it is." she responds with a slow nod. her head tilts sideways, "what's bothering you?" her voice is careful, treading the waters with her question. copper was a benevolent cat, so while she knew he wouldn't snap at her, his anxiety felt contagious.



Orange hues flitted down once to look at the she-cat aside him, one ear flicking to the side. Ah... He started a talk, now he needed to continue such. Tilting his head a bit giving a long sigh he finally let a light shake run through his body to get the feeling off. What was bothering him... That was a big question, one he wasn't sure on how to answer... His eyes searched around for a second before accepting it was safe. His father was not closeby. " I don't know. " he uttered softly, looking back to Nyx. " I worry... I worry for the whole of this clan. " he admitted, looking around for a second. " It's... Big. And getting bigger. Leafbare is upon us and I am afraid that the territory we currently have... " he shook his head. " Not to mention the withering health of Fray... I'm-- " he cut himself short, frowning for a second.

He was what... Scared that the old tom would not make it through... And what happened then? He already heard the whispers of discord.

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦




When Ghost had stumbled into the colony, bloody and delirious, he had not expected the group to let him stay. Or to nurse him back to health. Even more disturbing confusing was the fact that they seemed content to leave him be, insisting he 'owed them nothing' and refusing to enforce any kind of law or ruling on him. He came and went as he pleased. Could speak to or ignore whoever he wanted. Was never called on to head a patrol that wasn't meant to make it back in one piece.

Dark eyes watched, as they so often did, the colony around him, trying to understand it all. The world was so different from what he was used to, and he was still trying to figure out what constituted 'normal' and if he could even pull it off. So far, it wasn't looking good. There was a social aspect to things here that he struggled with, a trust he wasn't able to so easily hand over. And the worst part of it all was that he didn't really hate what he was seeing. Not all of it, at least.

His gaze shifted, catching sight of a dark brown tabby handing their catch over to a random kit they didn't even seem to know, and for the first time since arriving, Ghost found himself troubled by what he felt. Conflicted. How many kits of the hind mark did the Coalition lose every winter to starvation because nobody wanted to share? Because they hadn't had parents there to hunt for them?

And more importantly, why did some of these cats refuse to let that happen here? While some still worked to only feed themselves and their own, others, like this dark tabby, would forfeit their meals to those less fortunate than themselves– without ever asking for something in return. Like Cicada. And Thunder.

As he lazily groomed the fur on his chest flat, he watched as the tom then made their way over to a nearby shecat to converse, well within earshot. Not that he intended to join in. He didn't know them, and the matters of the colony and it's leader had nothing to do with him. Once the rest of his cuts had healed up and he'd properly recovered from the bloodloss, he'd be long gone…

OOC- just lurkin'

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars