VANILLAPAW apprentice & shadowclan

a founding shadowclan apprentice with nothing but the drive to protect her siblings & ensure her own place, as well as theirs, in the clan. there is not much that vanilla isn't willing to do to make sure her goal is achieved, aching for more and more in the pursuit of this knowledge.
a tall girl, vanilla takes most after her [parent], towering over most cats even at her age. standing at about ten inches at her shoulders, it seems like she has much more room to sprout. she carries herself with elegance, or at least she tries to; her walk is a slinking, wolf-like gait, her standing position is a tipped up chin and she hardly wears emotion on her face aside from the occasional grimace... most of her emotions are displayed in her body-language.
her fur is always neat and tidy, obsessively groomed over and over to a silky flow. a dark chocolate color covers all of her coat, only interrupted by the a few spots of red tortie patches. the only white on her body is a tail cut short, but plumed, more like a dollop of cream instead of a tail. long tufts sprout from the ends of her ears, and her paws are tufted with long fur, the only thing that could be scruffy on her... a pair of venom-green eyes sit upon her face, adorned with a usual narrow.
↪ genetically a LH chocolate tortie w/ low white | smells like sweet vanilla, orchids & hyacinths -
observant ✿ prickly ✿ hot & cold
quiet ✿ loyal ✿ soldier-like
vanilla is always on the hunt for more, whether it be knowledge, understanding, anything to fill the void that has settled in her chest since her parents untimely passing. since then, shes also taken is upon herself to be a parent figure to her siblings, a self-proclaimed older sister who will stop at absolutely nothing to ensure their survival. she'd go so far as to lose herself just to make sure they're okay, a path shes currently treading the path of... she has an understanding that nothing in the world ever comes for free, and though cautious, she cannot help but approach things she wants with deals or bartering for it. beneath the immense drive of protection and devotion, vanilla is hardened by the great battle, a sword ready to be wielded in defense of her new home. shes a bit prickly, a match waiting to be struck, but most of the time she stays quiet so she could observe and take notes for later.
she isn't opposed to playing dirty nor fighting dirty, in fact she will gladly do so if it ensures anything to be in her favor... she does not discriminate on who earns her ire or claws.
✿ NPC x NPC, sibling to fennelpaw & gingerpaw | adopted sibling to pepperpaw
✿ mate to n/a, crushing on n/a
✿ parent to n/a✿ mentored by coalstrike, mentoring n/a
FRIENDS fennelpaw & gingerpaw
ADMIRES vampire & wolf
DISLIKES thunderclan / thornstar supporters -
✿ medium-hard difficulty in battle, WILL fight dirty & aim to kill / maim
✿ easy to talk to if its on her own terms; does not speak much unless she wants something
✿ respect is earned begrudgingly, follows a strict hierarchy even if shes not happy about it
✿ skilled at fighting and stealth; can hunt / stalk birds with ease, an unusual skill in shadowclan
✿ poor at swimming, refuses to get her paws wet & has an unnatural fear of the water
✿ pings are always welcomed if vanilla is mentioned / needed
✿ peaceful powerplay & healing is allowed, but may not always be welcomed or met kindly