PAFP Sunningrocks Territory RiverClan Everything The Light Touches | Riverclan Patrol @ Sunningrocks!

Public after first post! This means you must wait until the designated posters tagged in the thread post before you may.
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.
Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full

Before the day we turn to nothing but sand

The work at camp was coming along smoothly. smooth as it could, with most of the newly formed clan having to learn how to make their own dens out of reeds and sticks. Even with all the time she had taken to master her own technique, everyone was different with how they weaved. Some tried to copy and perfect her own, while others found a different pattern to work with. She enjoyed seeing the ones that broke from the norm, spending some extra time with them in order to learn it herself and figure out ways to connect the two techniques so they could be used for the same dens.

It was during this that she realized they were beginning to run low on material. The pile of reeds that everyone could pick from slowly became smaller and smaller until the newly named Peachtrot noticed it and the fact that they were starting to thin their natural barrier around the island camp. They couldn't keep taking from the closest stocks anymore... After all, she didn't want to endanger the young and injured by completely pulling every reed beside the stream for their own benefit. No, no, that wouldn't do! They would have to venture out into the territory to find more!

With a quick announcement from 'Lookout Rock' (which Peachtrot still felt pride for, seeing as no one has protested the name), and a call from Jinglemoon, who was apparently the clan's 'medicine cat' now, (good for him! He was always so good with helping the injured, the vibrant molly included, as seen from the tight wrap that was around her paw), a group was quickly formed in order to scour the new land for materials and herbs. It was a rather large group, with eight more cats joining her and Jingle, but the red tabby didn't think much of it. Afterall, they would need the extra paws for carrying, and exploration was always more fun with some friends! With a quick goodbye and a reassurance that they would all be back soon, the group was off!


Time marches ever forward, even as paws beat against undergrowth, with reeds hanging from aching maws and herbs tucked neatly into fur or inside whatever leaves that laid against the forest floor. It had been a few since they had left camp in order to gather what they could find, but there had been a bit of a hiccup along the way. The trees around them were so tall and their canopy so wide that their branches easily blocked out most of the sun and sky. And without the sky... Peachtrot's ears flickered backwards once again, the only sign that she was getting nervous, before they straightened in an attempt to not worry the group she had, apparently, led astray and gotten lost.

It wasn't her fault!! Well... it was... but she still wasn't used to being so far inland, without the sea and stars to guide her directions. A pause in her steps, quick and fleeting, before they continued, her head swivelling side to side in an attempt to figure out exactly where they were. 'Why do all the trees have to look so alike? Come on, trees, be different. Its so much more fun when your unique!' As if to emphasize her thoughts that she was attempting to project into the plant life, Peachtrot batted at a low hanging branch as she passed it and continued onward. 'Are we more North? Im sure the forest doesnt cover the whole territory... We passed a meadow on the way in, after all! A very pretty meadow... I think that was...West? I should figure out which way we're going befo-'

Her thoughts froze in their tracks as she rounded a rather thick trunk, ocean gaze squinting against the sudden stream of light that was shining through the foliage with palettes of deep orange and purple. The colors flickered, moving with the tell tale shine of rippling liquid, and red ears pricked forward at the sound of rumbling water over stones and pebbles. A bright smile finally graced her features as the last few steps towards the opening was made while yelling back to the group. "It's the river! From here, I can guide us back to camp with..." Her words trailed off as Peachtrot stepped out, the setting sun accentuating the deep red of her pelt as she stopped to stare out past the flowing water. "...ease."

Across the river, rays of sunlight danced along flat stones, the air above them contorting ever so slightly in the cold. A sense of wonder came over the molly, her jaws hanging loose before that same smile from before reappeared, stretching wider against her cheeks. "Come look everyone!! I think we found someplace new!!" Laying her stock of reeds in a pile closer to the foliage, so that it wouldn't be swept away, the tabby trotted with giddy steps up to the river before jumping right in like a kitten looking for a bath. The water was still frigid, but she didn't pay it much mind as she swam across with ease. After all, the oceans she had traversed were much colder than this. Although it was unpleasant (who likes to be cold and wet), it wasn't something she would ever complain about.

Plus, when her paws finally pressed against stone, she could feel the heat that they held, even through the dripping cold that permeated her fur and paws. As she lifted herself fully out of the water, a vigorous shake ran through her, droplets shedding off her long coat and splashing across the heated rock. Looking back towards her patrol on the other side, Peachtrot noticed a dotting of stones breaking the flow of the river, perfect for any cat who was unwilling to take a dip in the cold waters. "Come on over everyone~! There's even a path for anyone who doesnt like the water!" Her thoughts went to the story of Knot's protests when the group had to cross on the way in. From how the others had described it, she was surprised she hadnt heard the screams from camp!

With the announcement made, the molly found herself rocking where she stood before... FLOP! Down the red tabby went, a slopping sound being heard as she practically collapsed onto the warmer ground with soaking wet fur. A deep rumbling permeated her throat as she rubbed her cheeks against it and rolled onto her back, paws stretching outward to the sky before they relaxed once more against her chest. "Theyre so waaaaarmmm~!" She purred, eyes closed in order to enjoy the heat slowly seeping into her back. "We should take a break before we head back! We should definitely share this spot with the others, right everyone?" Ocean gaze opened to look out at whoever crossed, staring at the, now, upside-down group from where she laid.
  • ooc
    To the Thunderclanners, please allow at least 2 Riverclanners to post about the discovery before jumping in <3 I would also prefer this to be amicable and to not end in a fight (although I can not control how your characters would react so do as they would!)
    Tagged Riverclanners~: @Jinglemoon @FOXTAIL @KNOT @Hydrangea @Wave @Torrentpaw @scarabpaw @ROSEPAW. @velvetpaw
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Peachy She/Her
    A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
    ❀ Warrior of the Shipyard
    ❀ 37 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru

Exploring newly found territory was a good thing. Having so many of them together made it even better. If they ran into a predator, they could fend it off with fangs and claws, protect the young. She had taken her place beside Jinglemoon, their newly appointed medicine cat, happily babbling about everything and nothing as they journeyed forward. Every now and then, her gaze flicked toward Rosepaw, checking in on her. And whenever their eyes met, she was quick to reward the younger cat with a playful wink.

They needed materials, herbs and the like and this was the perfect time to gather them. The day wasn't too bad, not too cold if one asked her. As time trickled on, she found herself enjoying the sights they passed. Still, her heart ached for the familiar lapping of the sea on the shore. She was getting used to this place. It was starting to feel like theirs, even if it could never replace the sea. Her eyes sought out Peachtrot, ears perking as the other called out about finding the river before breaking off mid-sentence. A smirk curled on her lips as she trotted closer, voice full of teasing warmth.

" What do yer pretty eyes see over yonder at th' horizon, cap'n? "

She followed Peachtrot's gaze, taking in the spectacular sight before them. Ah… yes. She understood now. " Well, would ye look at that... " she breathed, watching Peachtrot rush forward, excitement bubbling over. With a laugh, she sauntered after her. " A pretty place ye found. " She was just about to leap into the water when she paused, instead turning toward Rosepaw with a gentle smile. There was a way across without getting wet. And she knew Rosepaw was still working on her swimming.

" Ye want to brave th' steppin' stones with me, wee one? "

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Torrentpaw had instantly jumped to his paws at Peachtrot's call from the lookout rock, bubbling with eagerness to explore more of their new home. He was even more delighted that some of the other apprentices had tagged long, chatting between them happily around the reeds he had begun to collect as they ventured on. He hadn't realized that the group may have been led astray, as his eyes were too busy darting around the unfamiliar territory and his jaws were too busy meowing.

His attention was soon diverted at Peachtrot's sudden mew, his ears swiveling forward in curiosity before he excitedly bounded up beside the she-cat. Torrentpaw's paws splashed softly as he skidded to a halt against the shore, his eyes brightening at the sight.

"Woah!" The tom breathed around his collection of reeds, his body rising as to emphasize his excitement. Tail swaying above his back, Torrentpaw's eyes flashed towards Peachtrot as she tucked away her stock, before leaping into the water towards the flat stones. With a laugh mingled with surprise and elation, Torrentpaw quickly placed his own collection next to hers, before bouncing a few fox-lengths away from the river. Turning his body to face the water once more, Torrentpaw bounded forward, brushing past Wavesong before leaping into the river with a splash, his body sinking underwater momentarily before he breached the surface with bubbling laughter.

Shaking the water from his eyes, Torrentpaw swam towards the stones. As his paws reached the end of the river, he let out a mew of surprise as the stones were warm to the touch. Hauling himself out of the water, Torrentpaw lifted a forepaw to his face as Peachtrot shook out her pelt, trying to deflect the water from splashing into his eyes. Giggling, the tom dropped into a crouch before shaking out his own pelt. The warmth radiating from the stones along with the sun shining onto his fur had already begun to dry his coat, despite the icy cold from the river.

Leaping playfully over Peachtrot as she flopped onto the stones, Torrentpaw rolled over with a laugh, landing on his belly fur before gazing across the river at the rest of the patrol, enjoying the warmth that sunk into his pelt. His eyes suddenly flickered towards the stepping stones, curiosity filling his gaze. Padding briskly towards the beginnings of the path that dotted through the river, Torrentpaw leaped onto the first stone, then the second one, before lifting his head to face the rest of the group that may not have crossed yet. He knew Knot wasn't exactly fond of swimming, and he knew Velvetpaw hated getting wet ever since he accidentally splashed her after swimming. A momentary flash of guilt washed over Torrentpaw at the memory, his pelt prickling self-consciously. I'm still super sorry, Velvetpaw!

Bounding onto the next stone, Torrentpaw called out towards the group, his voice brimming with assurance. "And they aren't slippery!"

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice
Oh, stars. Everywhere Foxtail glances, he and Peachtrot's patrol are surrounded by vast... unfamiliar territory. Their camp was getting closer and closer to completion with every passing day, and Foxtail volunteered to tag along in Peachtrot's patrol. They need more materials to craft nests and dens.... and if Peachtrot didn't realize their supply running low, their progress could've halted. They have to keep an eye out for herbs too, for their newly appointed Medicine Cat, and he wonders if Jinglemoon will have better luck spotting them.

They continue to pad along, conversation high in the air, when Peachtrot's voice grabs his attention. She seems confident that the river will lead them back to camp, and he can't believe he feels relief at the sight of the river. They have been wandering about for so long, but in that wandering they found materials and herbs.... but it had been so long since they've seen the river. Peachtrot's eyes glimmer with awe as they continue to follow the river; as a new patch of land reveals itself to them. Stepping stones peak out in the river, and he trails along it... feeling more comfortable dry at the moment.

He sets his reeds down near the other piles, and he finds himself inspecting the rocks with the rest of the patrol.
"W-Wow, nice f-find!"
The warrior stammers as he glances over at Peachtrot, as he feels the warmth beneath his paws. Who knew, getting lost could have some good outcomes! He gives her a nod to her suggestion, his paws ache so badly! His body shows no resistance to the idea, as he flops down onto one of the warm rocks. He lays on his side, rubbing his pelt against the warm, dry rocks....
"Ahh, a quick r-rest sounds so good r-right now...,"
Foxtail closes his eyes with a purr,
"It's s-so w-warm..."

  • 92523990_s3ONfj5ZTJ5OaGF.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
    — warrior of riverclan, former shipyard cat
    𓆛 17 moons — he/him — ages realistically on the 25th
    𓆛 speech is
    — thoughts are #da945f — attacks are underlined
    𓆛 cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera w/ high white, and green eyes
    𓆛 peaceful & healing powerplay permitted — underline & tag when attacking
    𓆛 penned by vvin — vvinsoli on discord — open to plots & dms

(🜲) skeletal tree branches dance in the blue expanse of sky, golden sun casting light through them, dappling the earthen coat of the woman as she strides through her territory. with each passing day, signs of new-leaf approach - small but swelling buds on the trees, the gentle, slow melting of snow. even the light breeze that sweeps through the trees seems warmer than normal. thunderclan territory smells of wet earth and hope. hazelheart basks in it. guiding her patrol steadily on, the woman keeps a casual conversation. "it's a beautiful afternoon," she hums, gaze flicking towards her apprentice, then to the others that accompany her. "hunting should be good around those sunning rocks gravelpath and the others found. i bet the prey enjoys the warmth as much as we do." trees part ahead of the patrol, the gentle rushing of the river meeting hazelheart's ears as she bounds forth.

then, a noise - a shout, voices ringing across the water. tensing, the warrior halts, flicking her tail for her patrol to do the same. peering through the brush, she spots the sunningrocks, bright and shining in the late afternoon sun. perched upon them are several strangers, with more crossing the water below. they smell odd - not of sable's blasphemous shadowclan, but not of thunderclan either. parting her lips, hazelheart breathes deeply, eyebrows furrowed. scents of fish and wet stone greet her and she will wrinkle her nose. the cats aren't even hunting, and their voices that ring with sweet purrs are hardly doing any favors towards finding prey. the older molly takes a breath, golden gaze hardening as she pads from the undergrowth, halting a few tail-lengths away. "greetings, strangers," she begins, not hostile, but not entirely welcoming. she has no desire for a fight here - thunderclan has suffered enough over the past moon. her own wounds from the battle still heal, curling in pink scars across her frame. "this is thunderclan territory. do you have business here?"

  • // apprentice mention @Yamine (firepaw) " #b8a300"
  • 67608181_Pzlyogx6nX3tvRQ.png
    a stocky, medium-haired brown tabby with hazel eyes. this is a large cat with a rippling musculature. hazel's frame is wide and tall, shoulders broad, muzzle and eyes heavy in her skull. chestnut and chocolate fur swirl across her pelt, sliced through with tabby stripes of shadow. her eyes invoke images of a sweet summer's day, honey and brown mingling into a soft amber gold



"It's a beautiful afternoon,"

Ghost grunted in agreement as the shecat glanced toward him and the rest of the patrol, not wanting to be rude even if chit-chat wasn't his thing. Besides, she wasn't wrong. For the first time since he'd stumbled across the colony all those moons ago, 'nature' was not synonymous with gray skies, frostbitten ears, and a landscape of snow, ice, and biting winds.

Hell, the sun was even out today.

He had confidence that Hazelhearts decision to hunt the sunning rocks was a good one. If his own bones were aching to lay there and soak up the warmth then he was certain other creatures would have a similar sentiment.

If only he knew how right he'd be.

"Greetings, strangers."

Ghost stood at his clanmates flank, a towering mass of shadows and scars wrapped over tense muscle. Dark eyes raked over the strangers lounging on their rocks, noting at once the lack of Shadowclan scent and the youth among them. Not hunting, just.. Enjoying themselves.

That dark gaze was quick to sweep the area in search of any unseen stragglers, but when they admittedly found no sign of anyone else, they returned to the scene unfolding in front of him. As the patrol leader Hazelheart was quick to take the reins in this 'confrontation', and Ghost didn't challenge it. He had no real authority here, anyways-- she was the Stormguard, and it was refreshing to see that she was taking the role seriously.

Hopefully these strangers weren't here to cause trouble, though that wouldn't lessen the wariness at knowing they now had other neighbors to watch out for as well.

thunderclan warrior- male - a towering dark tabby with a white mask and dark amber eyes.

Last edited:
I am not your kind and gentle husband
Brightpetal had given their territory by the thunderpath over to ShadowClan during a recent dispute and Juniperstar had made clear she didn't wish for them to take it back, to antagonize the marshland clan, she had said simply they would push out to the river for more territory is need be. It was a thought that remained on his mind as he followed the patrol to said river, he had not yet been out this far but apparently it was a good spot for hunting and a nice play to sunbathe when the sun deemed them worthy of its presence. The gray tom came to a stop next to Ghoststrike, his hackles raised at a sudden cat scent that wasn't ThunderClan, but also wasn't exactly ShadowClan either like he initially thought. Who were these new cats getting cozy so close to their territory? Perching on the stones, facing them, were several unfamiliar cats with a distinct salt water and fish scent like they'd come from the very river itself. They weren't former colony cats, he and Hazelheart would have recognized them, nor were they ShadowClan being this far out of the way. Graybird glanced to the Stormguard as she spoke in casual greeting, jaw clenched in irritation as he awaited a reply. This was to be their territory in the future, they would need to clear this up now before things got messy if this lot was looking to settle.

& I am not the love you knew before.

— Warrior ThunderClan
— He/They
— SH Gray Tabby with holly green eyes.#82847e

Owlbark was not friendly, and most of the clan had learned this by now. He was avoided and only approached when he was needed as muscle. His peers on the Stormguard were seemingly okay with his demeanor and sought him out for his opinions, much to his surprise. He attended patrols regularly and tried to be a collaborator as much as his paws would let him.

This patrol was no different. The tom padded behind the main group of cats and kept to himself. Hazelheart was a respectable warrior, and he was pleased to let her take charge of the patrol. She was an interesting choice for Stormguard, but her empathetic nature and soft voice seemed to soothe Juniperstar's frets. For this alone, he held a careful approval for the she-cat. Ghoststrike and Graybird were also respectable warriors who didn't grind his ears with conversation like some cats in the clan did.

At Hazelheart's signal to stop, Owlbark felt his muscles tense in preparation. His mouth opened to taste unfamiliar cat scents. Rogues, he deduced. They smelled of fish and brine and wet fur. It was an odd scent to carry on pelts and when he glanced through the brush to see them swimming in the river, he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Owlbark pushed through the brush after Hazelheart. He was confident in her abilities to handle this. He opted to be her looming shadow, daring the strange cats to react with anything other than civility and submission.


JINGLEMOON, 22 Moons, Riverclan Medicine Cat // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.
Played by DINGO

The patrol ended up bigger then Jinglemoon had been expecting but honestly? The more the merrier! It meant that they'd be able to bring back even more herbs and materials after all! He was quite happy to follow along behind Peachtrot and eventually thanks to her lead they discovered someplace entirely new! The blue tabby's curled ear tips would prick up hearing his clanmates' reactions to seeing the stones from across the river-- Peachtrot had even set aside what she was carrying just to swim across and go lay on them! And she was soon followed by some of the others too, some swimming across and others hopping across the newly found stepping stones. The Medicine cat would set down the sweet sedge he had found nearby where the others had laid their bundles of materials, peering curiously after them as they expressed their love of the warm stones.

Jinglemoon would opt to bounce across the stepping stones carefully, the bells still snagged in his coat jingling the entire way across as he did so until he stopped upon the other side. He had to admit to himself though that once over the other side of the river he could feel himself growing wary, the fur along his spine beginning to spike. It was still on his mind what Pikestar and the others on the patrol not too long ago had mentioned, about having run into another clan that called themselves 'SkyClan' and how they had been hostile towards them. What if their patrol ran into the same cats today? He tried to smooth his fur down as he made his way to Peachtrot and the others at the warm rocks-- They hadn't been kidding, the stones were nice and warm! But just as their group was starting to settle for a bit their break was about to be cut short...

The Medicine cats' nose twitched as a new and unfamiliar scent caught his nose and he was quick to sit up as a voice he didn't recognize mewed a greeting to the group. Turning to the source he was quick to set his deep blues on a stocky brown tabby who was very much not alone when approaching their patrol. Jinglemoon rose to his paws and gently gave Peachtrot a nudge with one paw from where she'd laid on the sunny stones, his subtle way to both alert her of their visitors and let her know he was about to try and approach them himself first-- Was that a dumb move to make? Maybe! But it was a move he was going to make nonetheless. Jinglemoon would put himself between his fellow clanmates and the stranger group, not moving too close to these new cats but close enough that they'd have to go through him first to get to the rest of the patrol. Yeah, definitely dumb- He was no fighter! If any one of the stranger cats decided to attack he would get shredded for sure but he hoped deeply that it wouldn't come to that.

"Greetings!-" He'd finally chirp back, one thing the molly with the golden gaze had said stuck out to Jinglemoon as his mind raced for what to say next, she had said this was ThunderClan territory, not SkyClan. This was a different group of cats to the ones Pikestar and the others had encountered. Hopefully a less hostile group at that too, though it was hard for him to not also notice the pink scars across the molly's frame that seemed to still be healing from StarClan knows what. "I'm Jinglemoon, medicine cat of RiverClan!" Perking upright at the mention of his clans' name which made his bells rattle again softly, he'd start with an introduction hoping a friendly approach would ease the tension somewhat. "My clanmates and I mean you no trouble, we were just out collecting herbs and materials when we came across these warm sun stones and stopped by for a quick break" Honesty was also key too, right? He'd steal a quick glance to the other cats who were with the brown tabby before returning his eyes to hers again.

"Hey, why not come on over and join us in the sun! There's plenty of space for everycat and it's a lovely day for it" He'd smile-- He knew a little about the whole borders thing since the other patrols' run in with SkyClan but Jinglemoon still didn't quite grasp that the borders meant things like maybe lounging together in the sun with cats from other Clans for fun wasn't possible, he'd give a little nod to the brown tabby's healing scars "I could take a look over those too, if you'd like" Jingle couldn't help from offering healing help as well even to cats new to him though it was only after the words had already left his muzzle that he thought that maaaaybe some cats might see his offer to help as potentially patronizing.

Velvetpaw had been (surprisingly for her) quietly following along with the patrol, carrying a few reeds she'd managed to snatch off the... slightly dryer parts they'd passed through. She wasn't very fond of being sent out into the unknown parts of the territory, with who knows what under her paws and the potential to get wet or muddy or splashed by someone who's reckless about where they shake water off... Admittedly, she might have still been holding just a bit of a grudge against Torrentpaw for splashing her. At least he seemed apologetic about it.

She cautiously followed her patrolmates over to the stones, feeling the warmth from them spread through her whole body... but wasn't given time to truly lay down and relax before some other cats interrupted them. She was about to speak but was beaten to it by Jinglemoon, who was admittedly much politer than she would have been. These strange cats smelled of sap and sticks, in her opinion, and it wasn't a smell she particularly wanted near her... Hopefully they'd keep their distance. She didn't trust her fighting skills if it escalated that far, so for now she figured she'd keep her mouth shut... although she wasn't above matching the suspicious looks from the newcomers with a glare of her own.
  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Velvetpaw she/her & riverclan
    curly furred cream-and-chocolate chimera w/ white
    9 moons
    drypaw (hates getting wet or muddy)
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.

    penned by pastelskulls
    template by scarlet
  • Love
Reactions: ARSYNNE

it was a risky move, one that would surely earn her the scolding glances of her clan-mates... but one acted upon out of the overwhelming itch not to be stuck rotting in camp forever more. they'd left, in a tightly-wound group to go hunting and the spotted molly had only waited a pawful of moments before stalking after them. it was almost like its own version of hunting... scouting after their scents to try to pick apart what paths they're chosen, where they had turned sharply after a large tree or scaled a rocky outcropping. she recognized the shift in flora as the ground's solidity became more murky... dampened by the nearing riverside.

there is sound of distant discussion, of voices that do not call out to her as the familiar chatter of ThunderClanners bickering over where best to find prey. that is enough to set her nerves alight again; why was ShadowClan all the way out here? Sablestar had said there wouldn't be more of this nonsense, that was the whole point of-

shoving the foliage aside in favor of apprising herself of the situation with her own eyes, Juniperstar slinks to a comfortable spot at Graybird's side, tail tip flicking against his ankles in a quiet greeting. they... seem friendly... crow about sharing the stones as if they weren't trespassing. did that blue tom just say RiverClan? what was going on? it would be fine... to allow them the moment to enjoy the sun-soaked rocks so long as their teeth did not gnash at any prey this side of their scent markers... right?

there is not a crumb of ill-will to be sniffed out in their greeting and surprisingly, Ghoststrike has not lunged at the chance to make an example out of them. "Sorry- you said RiverClan? This is the first I'm hearing of you..."

she casts a glance towards Hazelheart and Owlbark, wishing to be privy to the confines of their thoughts just this once without a need for words. Sorry, I was following you. I wanted to get out of camp, was context that would die in her head before it could ever really be spoken aloud now. "I'm Juniperstar," an exchange of names is the least they can offer... "Is your leader here with you...?"

  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
    ignore me
———————————— I can remember the feeling of being small. ✦

Hydrangea tailed the patrol, some tree-lengths behind. He preferred to keep an eye on everyone from afar when travelling, catch any stragglers, or keep an eye out for any cats who might be malintent trying to sneak up on the patrol. But it seemed as if Peachtrot settled the patrol at a cluster of rocks by the side of the river, cats lounging atop. 'The day is warmer; perhaps the rocks entrapped some of that, and they're warming their aches...' He purred to himself, watching apprentices and warriors alike stretch out content. For once he couldn't help but smile, it was a reminder that even following the nightmare of the shelter collapse and the exhausting travel to the Riverclan territory, things were starting to be okay. He was still very on edge, especially for his siblings, but if their clanmates could relax, maybe they could too, if just for a moment.

With that idea, Hydrangea himself was tempted to take a seat upon the warmed rocks; his own body ached from being tensed up for so long. He padded towards his clanmates, face flat, but the purr rolling in his throat would have been enough to betray his excitement. That was, until his eyes settled on unfamiliar faces. The warmth in his chest froze up momentarily, his body language sharpening again. Continuing towards the patrol and strangers, he listened to the conversation with a mixture of curiosity and fear. A molly spoke with calm and certainty, though there was surprise with what she said.

"Juniperstar..." He breathed, no more than a whisper. She was a leader too, like Pikestar, could she have a link to Starclan too?... He was stirred from his thought as she continued, he glanced to his clanmates before speaking up, voice level and calm. "No, he hasn't joined us. As Jinglemoon said, we're just on the search for herbs for their stores." He hummed, eyes scanning these strange new cats. They didn't seem hostile, just confused. He wasn't about to cause an argument, but he couldn't deny he wasn't intrigued. "Do you all live near this place too? I wasn't aware there were other cats here." Hydrangea looked at the medicine cat. Did he know about these other cats? This other clan?

  • ooc - hydrangeas in a weird middle spot where canonically he's got his warrior name but velou hasn't written that yet and iiii don't know his suffix yet so just pretend like we know FGHJGHJ just call him hydrangea when referring to him for now :p
  • Hydrangea
    ✦—Riverclan Warrior | 14 Moons
    ✦—A white and blue-grey tabby with light blue eyes.

A quiet snarl left Owlbark as Juniperstar passed his flank. She was free to do what she pleased, but he would have preferred her to voice her desires. Then he could have arranged warriors to follo-... accompany her. Brightpetal would have just rolled over and let her wander by herself. In fact that's probably what happened here. Another hypothetical tick against him in Owlbark's mind. The tom stands taller as his leader joins the discussion - a larger glooming shadow to eye the RiverClanners. He had lived in these woods a long time. All of a sudden now there were Clans dividing and claiming. All fine by him, until they stepped over the line. He thought of Sablestar's motley crew toeing the line and pushing Juniperstar further toward insanity. Not again.

The brown tabby tom ignored their cheery demeanor and growled at the RiverClanners. "Juniperstar, I believe we can have this conversation when they're not on our territory. Wouldn't you agree?" It's a soft, but firm suggestion. Owlbark looked to Hazelheart, Ghoststrike, and Graybird. He hoped he could count on their support in case the foreign cats did not comply. He leaned closer to her ear without taking his eyes off the RiverClanners and whispered, "I'm not afraid to establish ourselves early if that's what you decide." His claws flexed into the ground in hopeful anticipation to use them.


It had gotten busy, quickly. Cats they didn't know were gathering, their wary eyes flickering between one another. One spoke of this being ThunderClan territory, and Wavesong's ears twitched, her gaze drifting to the strangers who had yet to introduce themselves. Cautious lot, aren't they? She could almost laugh, a warmhearted chuckle at their hesitation, but she knew better. The world could be cruel and cold. It was best to make a good first impression. Her eyes lingered on the cats surrounding the brown tabby, offering a polite nod in greeting.

Jinglemoon, as kindly as ever, invited them to sit and rest in the sun, though Wavesong had a feeling they wouldn't take the offer. With a protective glance toward Rosepaw, she bent to rasp her tongue over the young one's ear before stepping forward. Tail high, smile bright. " RiverClan, aye~! " She turned her gaze toward the pretty molly who had spoken, her voice light and friendly. " Ye've got yerself a fine name, too, Juniperstar! Fancy that, yer the leader o' ThunderClan, aye? "

With that, she settled herself beside Jinglemoon, her relaxed posture a deliberate show of peace. " I'm Wavesong, an' like my kin here, we're RiverClan, we come from the waters. We mean ye no harm. " Her eyes flicked toward the feisty one, spirited, that one... Who seemed intent on turning this into a fight. " We've youngsters with us. " she added, her tone firm but not unkind. " An' the last thing I wanna teach 'em is that ye fix things with claws instead of listenin' to one another an' findin' an agreement. "

With a fond smile, she turned back to Juniperstar.

" If ye say this territory belongs to ye, we didn't know it. We're all still learnin', aye? "

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full

Before the day we turn to nothing but sand

Stretched out along the warmth of the rocks underneath her back, Peachtrot watched with a smile as her clanmmates slowly started to join her one by one, from Torrentpaw leaping into the river just as she had, to most of the others opting to take the dryer path that was the stepping stones. A mirthful laugh escaped her maw as the energetic young tom leaped around her like a kit on an adventure, the molly rolling back and forth to watch him before he ran back to make sure everyone else could get across the stones without slipping. "Aye, Wavey, I think it's beautiful." Copying her friend's accent with a small smile, her words continued without it. "The perfect spot for a quick nap." A deep purr was vibrating through her chest, tail swaying in relaxation as a few of them lounged near her. Ocean blues close as her muscles practically melted against the warmth, readying herself to take a quick power nap...if it wasn't for a voice piping up from the opposite direction of the flowing waters, the tenur and flow unfamiliar to her, now perked, ears.

Darkness did not last long in her vision as Peachtrot opens her eyes again, rolling right side up in order to properly face towards the strangers. A look of curiosity flashed in her gaze, supported by a tilt of the head, yet the molly did not rise from her spot, even as Jinglemoon passed her by with the lightest of nudges pressed against her fur. She gave him a small nod of acknowledgement, allowing their new medicine cat to take the lead in this discussion as the red tabby herself thought on the words that the stranger had spoken. 'Another clan... I remember hearing Willow, Pike, and Adder running into one a few days ago... But wasnt that one called something else? Like Cloud or...RIGHT! Skyclan! But these guys called themselves Thunderclan... Does that mean we have two neighbors now?!"

There was excitement in that last thought. An opportunity in Peachtrot's mind. She had heard from the members who had met this Skyclan that they had ended up starting on rocky footing, that their leader had threatened and postured from across the waters. That just wouldn't do! If they were to be neighbors with these two groups, it was best to be friendly neighbors. It seemed, despite the tension obvious in the forest dwellers' stances, that her patrol members were on the same page. Jinglemoon chimed out an offer of rest along the rocks they lounged on, and the molly gave a bright smile to any of the Thunderclanners that looked her way, patting the rocks as a signal for them to join. He even offered to help check on some of their healing wounds!

Before any of the stranger could join though, if they even wanted to, a molly appeared from behind them, carrying herself with an air not unlike Pikestar after he had visited the highstones. It was when she introduced herself that Peachtrot jolted ever so slightly. This time, her paws pressed down on the rocks so she could push herself into a sitting position. 'Another leader! Ah, I hope I dont look to much like a wet rat...' The paw that was still wrapped reached up to brush along her ear and cheek, pressing down the mess of long, wet fur before she gave herself another shake. The slight embarrassment and anxiety fluttering in her chest seemed to tighten at the words of the large brown tom, gaze flickering down to the flash of claws on stone. 'No, no, no! Dont act like that, I dont want both our neighbors to hate us...'

Luckily, Hydrangea and Wavesong took the stage next, attempting to ease the Thunderclanners' worries with reason and kindness. Wavesong was even smart enough to mention the younger cats they had with them and Peachtrot took this moment to fully stand and step along the other side of Jinglemoon, wet fur pressing into blue as a show of support. He did so well confronting them first. "Wave-" She stopped herself from continuing to her nickname for the she-cat, the slight shake of her head a sign of her mistake before she continued with renewed confidence. "Sorry, still getting used to this, ya know? Wavesong is right, we're new to the forests, even new to the river. We're sorry if we intruded..." Maybe it wasn't the best idea to state that they had just moved in to the neighborhood, but honesty was always the best policy in mind. Afterall, maybe if they had done the same with Skyclan, they wouldn't be on such rocky footing with them...

"Most of us come from the sea, where we rode with our captains on giant ships! If it wasnt such a trek away, I'd gladly show you but..." Her muzzle started to pull downwards, looking over towards Wavesong as a somber look came to her eyes and she appeared to stare past the strangers she was talking to. "the sea can be a fickle mistress... The sea-legs abandoned us and the shipyard...grew cold over the moons... We lost a few in a collapse but...we also earned new ones during our time there!" That smile came back as she thought on all the wandering cats that had settled down along the ocean, who had taken the journey with them to a new home. Who were now apart of the family that was now Riverclan.

With light coming back to her gaze on the thought of everyone she now cared about, her attention was brought back to the Thunderclanners as she continued. "My bad, I can babble like a kit sometimes! We're sorry for tresspassing. Im sure we'll be more careful now that we know!" Peachtrot dipped her head downwards, a small bow given as an apology before her crown was lifted again. "Is it okay if we take a rest before we go? We've been walking our territory since sun high and it's be nice to get off our paws for a bit." She glanced to Jinglemoon and suddenly remembered the offer he had made. Hurriedly, she tacks on the next sentence at the end. "What Jinglemoon said still stands! We wouldn't want to take such a good lounge spot from you but itd be great if we could share it for the sunbathing..." Being such a big fan of fish, it didn't even occur to the molly that they might want the stones for hunting. "OH! I'm Peach...trot, by the way. But you can call me Peachy if you want!" How could she forget to introduce herself in the middle of all that?! Silly Peachy! It was a miracle how she got through the day to day with how impulsive she could be.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Peachtrot She/Her
    A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
    ❀ Warrior of Riverclan
    ❀ 37 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
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Reactions: lionharted

they're forthcoming in their answers, unabashed by the harshness of Owlbark bristling beside her. she forgets too, that this moment is a mark of disrespect against their scent markers, that they are anything more menacing than friendly strangers. it's at the hissing reminder from her guard that she remembers her position as a leader of an opposing clan in all its meaning; she blinks at him with a wash of understanding settling behind aqua eyes. "Of course... you're right," she relents.

truthfully, she shares the mindset of Wavesong... that this is a matter easily settled with a verbal nudge and a mutual understanding but she cannot afford to be so complacent at all times. already they doubted her ability to choose ThunderClan's best interests after as many chances as she has given ShadowClan.... "I've no intention of sending you home bleeding," she assures quickly, "But I'm afraid you can't stay if we intend to keep this polite. We aren't much for wet pelts but you seem more than comfortable; cross the river and we'll go our separate ways amicably."

would this establish her as someone worth respecting... or would it only anger a fresh relationship and turn it sour? could they afford to make enemies out of a tired, irritated and unknown clan? why was StarClan even inviting more cats into the forest, knowing it was a war for prey that had demanded the foundation of ThunderClan.. that had split ShadowClan from them like a tumor removed?

it just didn't make sense.

"I'd like to meet your leader when he has the chance... In the interest of being friendly."

  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
    ignore me
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Reactions: Marbleshine