Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full
Before the day we turn to nothing but sand
The work at camp was coming along smoothly. Well...as smooth as it could, with most of the newly formed clan having to learn how to make their own dens out of reeds and sticks. Even with all the time she had taken to master her own technique, everyone was different with how they weaved. Some tried to copy and perfect her own, while others found a different pattern to work with. She enjoyed seeing the ones that broke from the norm, spending some extra time with them in order to learn it herself and figure out ways to connect the two techniques so they could be used for the same dens.
It was during this that she realized they were beginning to run low on material. The pile of reeds that everyone could pick from slowly became smaller and smaller until the newly named Peachtrot noticed it and the fact that they were starting to thin their natural barrier around the island camp. They couldn't keep taking from the closest stocks anymore... After all, she didn't want to endanger the young and injured by completely pulling every reed beside the stream for their own benefit. No, no, that wouldn't do! They would have to venture out into the territory to find more!
With a quick announcement from 'Lookout Rock' (which Peachtrot still felt pride for, seeing as no one has protested the name), and a call from Jinglemoon, who was apparently the clan's 'medicine cat' now, (good for him! He was always so good with helping the injured, the vibrant molly included, as seen from the tight wrap that was around her paw), a group was quickly formed in order to scour the new land for materials and herbs. It was a rather large group, with eight more cats joining her and Jingle, but the red tabby didn't think much of it. Afterall, they would need the extra paws for carrying, and exploration was always more fun with some friends! With a quick goodbye and a reassurance that they would all be back soon, the group was off!
Time marches ever forward, even as paws beat against undergrowth, with reeds hanging from aching maws and herbs tucked neatly into fur or inside whatever leaves that laid against the forest floor. It had been a few since they had left camp in order to gather what they could find, but there had been a bit of a hiccup along the way. The trees around them were so tall and their canopy so wide that their branches easily blocked out most of the sun and sky. And without the sky... Peachtrot's ears flickered backwards once again, the only sign that she was getting nervous, before they straightened in an attempt to not worry the group she had, apparently, led astray and gotten lost.
It wasn't her fault!! Well... it was... but she still wasn't used to being so far inland, without the sea and stars to guide her directions. A pause in her steps, quick and fleeting, before they continued, her head swivelling side to side in an attempt to figure out exactly where they were. 'Why do all the trees have to look so alike? Come on, trees, be different. Its so much more fun when your unique!' As if to emphasize her thoughts that she was attempting to project into the plant life, Peachtrot batted at a low hanging branch as she passed it and continued onward. 'Are we more North? Im sure the forest doesnt cover the whole territory... We passed a meadow on the way in, after all! A very pretty meadow... I think that was...West? I should figure out which way we're going befo-'
Her thoughts froze in their tracks as she rounded a rather thick trunk, ocean gaze squinting against the sudden stream of light that was shining through the foliage with palettes of deep orange and purple. The colors flickered, moving with the tell tale shine of rippling liquid, and red ears pricked forward at the sound of rumbling water over stones and pebbles. A bright smile finally graced her features as the last few steps towards the opening was made while yelling back to the group. "It's the river! From here, I can guide us back to camp with..." Her words trailed off as Peachtrot stepped out, the setting sun accentuating the deep red of her pelt as she stopped to stare out past the flowing water. "...ease."
Across the river, rays of sunlight danced along flat stones, the air above them contorting ever so slightly in the cold. A sense of wonder came over the molly, her jaws hanging loose before that same smile from before reappeared, stretching wider against her cheeks. "Come look everyone!! I think we found someplace new!!" Laying her stock of reeds in a pile closer to the foliage, so that it wouldn't be swept away, the tabby trotted with giddy steps up to the river before jumping right in like a kitten looking for a bath. The water was still frigid, but she didn't pay it much mind as she swam across with ease. After all, the oceans she had traversed were much colder than this. Although it was unpleasant (who likes to be cold and wet), it wasn't something she would ever complain about.
Plus, when her paws finally pressed against stone, she could feel the heat that they held, even through the dripping cold that permeated her fur and paws. As she lifted herself fully out of the water, a vigorous shake ran through her, droplets shedding off her long coat and splashing across the heated rock. Looking back towards her patrol on the other side, Peachtrot noticed a dotting of stones breaking the flow of the river, perfect for any cat who was unwilling to take a dip in the cold waters. "Come on over everyone~! There's even a path for anyone who doesnt like the water!" Her thoughts went to the story of Knot's protests when the group had to cross on the way in. From how the others had described it, she was surprised she hadnt heard the screams from camp!
With the announcement made, the molly found herself rocking where she stood before... FLOP! Down the red tabby went, a slopping sound being heard as she practically collapsed onto the warmer ground with soaking wet fur. A deep rumbling permeated her throat as she rubbed her cheeks against it and rolled onto her back, paws stretching outward to the sky before they relaxed once more against her chest. "Theyre so waaaaarmmm~!" She purred, eyes closed in order to enjoy the heat slowly seeping into her back. "We should take a break before we head back! We should definitely share this spot with the others, right everyone?" Ocean gaze opened to look out at whoever crossed, staring at the, now, upside-down group from where she laid.
To the Thunderclanners, please allow at least 2 Riverclanners to post about the discovery before jumping in <3 I would also prefer this to be amicable and to not end in a fight (although I can not control how your characters would react so do as they would!)
Tagged Riverclanners~: @Jinglemoon @FOXTAIL @KNOT @Hydrangea @Wave @Torrentpaw @scarabpaw @ROSEPAW. @velvetpaw -
string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goeshere
Peachy She/Her
❀ A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
❀ Warrior of the Shipyard
❀ 37 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
❀ speech thought attack
❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
penned by Taru