Private Camp explain it again to me [cicada]

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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.



OOC– Takes place the night of the meeting @cicadabuzz

It was dark out, but still early enough for Wolfpack to justify it when he appeared in the mouth of the medicine cats den that evening. There were fewer cats around to spy him there, to make note of how out of place his large figure was standing in the doorway of Cicadabuzz's den, but he didn't really care if he was seen. There was no law that said he couldn't seek their healer out, and even if it were, Wolfpack was rarely the sort to respect a law that couldn't be physically enforced upon him.

Besides. He didn't trust Sablestar to give him an answer worth listening too. The tom would likely just glare at him and reiterate that he was leader and meant to be obeyed, and quite frankly Wolfpack knew he'd be tempted to test out that 'nine lives' theory if he had to listen to another spiel like that again. At least Cicadabuzz would give him real answers– or so he suspected. He didn't seem like the kind of cat who would let emotions dictate their movements, and Wolf could appreciate that.

The den was empty of patients, leaving mismatched eyes to find the other easily enough as they worked away over their herbs. For a moment, Wolfpack simply watched them, deft paws working with more understanding of the dried leaves and sprigs than he would ever understand. He wondered if the faint smell of sweetness beneath the sterile and bitter was remnant of sweet sedge.

"You didn't object to Sablestar assigning you Magpiekit today." he observed, even toned and sharp-eyed. "You don't think that's a mistake. Why?"

He had no doubt that the cat would have flat out said 'no' if they didn't want the apprentice, but that didn't change the mottled tomcats mind about any of his concerns. If Cicada had a reason for choosing some half-clan brat over a loyal shadowclanner, then he wanted to hear it.

shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars