Approved Roster Claim Fancy's- CHECK IN

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This character has been added to our MEGA ROSTER.
The prefix(s) here have been added to the Prefix Claim List.


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Kofi Supporter
Fancy or Mintasia
Character Hub
Pixie / Flutterstep (She/Her, Colony/ThunderClan)- A small she-cat with a medium-length silvery blue tabby pelt and light blue eyes. She has a few white spots sprinkled among her tabby markings, white tipped ears, three white paws (hind left has no white) and a white underbelly that continues up her chest, neck, and face. [Reference Here]

Blue / Tremblepaw (He/Him, Colony/ShadowClan)- A young tom with a medium length gray tabby pelt and blue eyes. [Reference Here]

Tuna / Currentshiver (She/Her, Shipyard/RiverClan)- A long-haired she-cat with heather-blue eyes and a pelt that is completely white except for her cream colored tail, ears, and a few small spots on her face and right flank. [Reference Here]

Salmon / Trickledream (He/Him, Shipyard/Riverclan)-
A long-haired tom with a primarily sandy brown fluffy pelt and dark grayish-blue eyes. His snout, ear tips, front paws, and tail tip are a darker more dirt-colored brown, while the fur around his neck, chest, and along his back and top half of his tail is a more golden brown. [Reference Here]

Hey @Mintasia !
Congratulations, Everyone has been accepted! Don't forgot to add your prefix to THE CLAIM LIST!

Once you've made a subaccount, head on over to the RP sections and feel free to go wild! If you'd like, create a character profile so others can familiarize themselves with your character!