He had already pestered the brown tom about his before, but hadn't gotten anywhere. But Torrent was not one to give up so easily. He had grown to learn that Pine's bark was sometimes stronger than his bite--well, at least towards him and Squid--so despite the annoyed look on his face, he wouldn't do anything to Torrent besides give him a sharp refusal or maybe a soft cuff over the ears.
He began flexing his claws in and out of the sand, eagerly waiting for Pine's answer.
"Pine, can you please teach me some fighting moves?"
Torrent pressed, drawing his voice out slightly at the 'please.'He had already pestered the brown tom about his before, but hadn't gotten anywhere. But Torrent was not one to give up so easily. He had grown to learn that Pine's bark was sometimes stronger than his bite--well, at least towards him and Squid--so despite the annoyed look on his face, he wouldn't do anything to Torrent besides give him a sharp refusal or maybe a soft cuff over the ears.
"At least just the move you did on the dog?"
Torrent went on, trying to search Pine's gaze with his bright eyes. He replayed how Pine had saved them in his head often, admiring how he he had easily fought off something so much bigger than himself. Since then Torrent had been imagining himself performing such skilled moves, and being able to use them to protect himself and Squid, and maybe even Pine. Of course he doubted the large tom would ever really need to be saved by him, but the thought was still pretty cool.He began flexing his claws in and out of the sand, eagerly waiting for Pine's answer.
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