Shipyard π…πˆπ‘π„ πŒπ„π„π“π’ 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 | 𝘱𝘒𝘸 𝘳𝘦𝘒π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨𝘴

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


soft smile, sharp tongue
senior warrior
you can't call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of great violence. if you are not capable of violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless. important distinction.
The average-sized feline shifted, sweeping a well-groomed tail across the ground, sharp eyes peering into the haze of hearty darkness, though for what he was searching for, not even he knew. A foreign land, abandoned and left to sink beneath the gentle caress of waves if all went well, or perhaps these forgotten lands would sink beneath the angry swell in a beautiful, haunting display of absolute destruction.

Fate was peculiar as such, and Heidrun was tittering on a dangerous line between bitter darkness and the warmth of the light touching soft, cream-hued fur that billowed like wheat crops on a windy day. But he was not alone in this peculiar dance between life and death, hearts beating as one with his soulmate.

Heidrun couldn't help but wonder where the large tom wandered off too. Of course, not without a reminder that it was no longer needed.

To have absolute trust in another. A rare occurrence, indeed. One Heidrun may like to flaunt to the other Shipyard cats that remain with nowhere to go, but to lie in wait for something more worthwhile. Friendships and parenthoodβ€”Heidrun was fortunate like that, living with his children and grandchildren.

Though not fortunate enough to ward off death's hungry grasp.

He tutted, leaning forward to peer at the feline's paw held out, caressed gently as he observed the cracks and callouses with indefinite interest. "New beginnings lie ahead of you." He murmured, voice like sweet honey and soft silk, peering up at the other with narrowed optics.

"It is up to you to determine if those beginnings affect you positively or negatively."
  • ooc
    β€”β€” come get your future read!
  • 75912884d58e089fbb61b576c66e3150cd9082d7.gifv
    in this space right here that we have made for each other,
    you can say anything and i will not abandon you

    unwrap the
    things you have

    watch me hold them up to the
    and not even
  • heidrun he/him
    β™‘ a small, lean-figured cream cameo with perceptive golden eyes
    β™‘ future senior warrior of riverclan
    β™‘ eighty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    β™‘ speech thought attack
    β™‘ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea​
𓆝 . Β° ✦
Bubble's mind is far too curious to pass up on such a whimsical opportunity as this. Growing up, her mother had told her of all the strange superstitions and beliefs that existed around them, not as a function of judgment but rather to show her how to not be so critical of others. And as such, when Heidrun makes a show to predicting fates and the futures of her fellow colonymates, Bubble can't help but to sit by and watch. Her eyes are round with wonder as she watches him feel and visually evaluate the paw of the cat between them. How he does this, she does not know. But she figures there's plenty that makes sense in the world that she doesn't understand either, so it's best to just take it in stride.

"Ohh, new beginnings!" Bubble echoes excitedly as if the reading is for her, looking from Heidrun and the feline who just had their paw read "That's a really good one! What do you think it's about?" She looks expectantly at them and leans forward as if she hasnt already come well into their personal space without much consideration. But Bubble's enthusiasm overcomes her social awareness, and she snaps her gaze to Heidrun without much of a pause for an answer. "Oh! Can I go next?" she asks, holding out her paw excitedly "Do you have a lot of luck with these? I mean, can you really see the future or tell what could happen?"
✧ ° . ✢ . ° ✧
  • ooc: β€”
  • 74401758_QO5JYfMe9HCWEs7.png

    longhaired silver classic tabby with moderate white spotting and blue eyes. bubble is the people's princess. i'll make a real description eventually go read her tags.

Narrowing pink blue hues focus on the scene he sees before him. A cat peering at another cat's paw with such interest. To tell anyone the truth he has never seem such a thing and he knows he wants to see just what in the world is going on. His tail tucks against him though because of his hesitance but clearly he has been watching for a good long moment. Long enough to see someone else coming up. Bright and full of energy speaking excitedly but because of the distance he can not hear what they are saying. "Oh, just go on over, Brine. Ain't that hard." But his paws feel glued to the spot. Taking a deep breath he finally forces himself up. Greeting one cat is easy enough but more than that... hm. Shaking his head he finally makes his way from where he was sitting, lingering a little before he pulls his ears forward.

Snow laden form easily appears close to the two and he allows an easy smile to drape across his scarred muzzle. "What, um, what are ya doin'? If I migh' ask." He smiles gently, easy as he sits down and look between them. Before looking down at his paw and then back up. On a thought he lifts his up too, wanting to join in on whatever this is.