TW: Sensitive Content TW: Death Open SkyClan follow the scent of iron sinking ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ des intro / dog attack

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
Character death is present in this thread.

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Find me where the wild things are. . .
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Character Hub
{$title} a dog has chased two kits into skyclan territory, but one of them is not so lucky...
Kit Death, Gore

Consumed by the darkness they bore
She will never wake up anymore


Paws pattered against the ground, small lungs pulling breath in sharp, desperate gasps. The creature snarled behind them, its paws heavy—closer, closer—its presence drowning out everything but the instinct to run. Des's legs burned, her body weak with hunger, but she could not stop.

Rowan was right behind her. She could hear him—his paws scrambling over roots, breath as ragged as hers. The trees—they just had to get to the trees. Somewhere to climb. Somewhere safe. A tall pine stood ahead, with rough bark and tall branches. She lunged toward it, her claws scraping frantically as she hauled herself upward. Her limbs trembled as she climbed, high above the ground, until she found a sturdy branch. Des slumped over it, chest heaving, wide eyes darting downward.

"Hurry!" She squeaked to her brother. Rowan leapt after her, his claws latching onto the bark, hind legs kicking desperately as he scrambled up. Wood splintered beneath his paws, bits of bark littering the pine-needled floor.

But then the thumping of heavy paws came to its end. The beast jumped, its jaws snapping around his frame before she could even scream.

Rowan's wretched screech sent birds scattering, his claws etching deep into the bark as he was yanked away. Des yowled, small and shrill, paws fumbling for the trunk, trying to climb down to help him. She couldn't think—just knew that she had to help somehow.

It all happened so fast. The dog clenched its massive jaws, piercing, large head snapping back and forth as it flailed him around. His shrieks turned frantic—pain choked—mingled with the hounds slobbering growls.

"Rowan!" She tried to move—tried to climb down—but the ground was so far. Her claws slipped, her body tumbling a few whiskers before she caught herself, dangling helplessly. Des couldn't get down. She couldn't look away. A choked, furious noise clawed its way out of her throat. Des's gaze darted frantically, searching for a way down, for some way to help. "Let him go!"

But with another shake of its giant head, the yowling stopped. Silenced in an instant. "Noooo!" Her voice cracked, grief twisting her face as hot tears blurred her vision.

The dog poked at Rowan's limp body, gave him another good shake in between panting breaths. She watched in horror as her brother's body was tossed around. Any hope that he might be alive snuffed out by watching how he dangled limply in those large jaws. He was dead. She would not fool herself into believing he wasn't. Des had been through this before.

Her stomach twisted, a sob forcing its way up her throat. She pressed against the tree, unable to look away, even as it began to eat him. "Stop it!" She choked out a snarl, sputtering through her tears, fierce even as she grieved. "You filthy mutt—stop it! STOP!"

Hungry brown eyes shifted from its meal to look at her.

Speech, thoughts/emphasis

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She smells it before she hears it; hears it before she sees it. Dog. Stormcrow had been out hunting for freshkill, but now it seems she must set her sights on bigger targets– a dog cannot be allowed on Skyclan territory. She takes off at a run, tearing through the undergrowth, urgency increasing as another smell hits her nostrils– cat blood. Cats. And then she hears them, desperate yowls, pleas for the dog to stop. She slides to a halt just at the edge of the clearing, taking in the situation for a moment before she acts. One dog, one kit in the tree– a dead kit on the forest floor, half devoured. Shit.

Luckily for her, the dog is so preoccupied with the kits, that it fails to notice her– Stormcrow leaps into the air, powerful hind legs propelling her forward– she lands squarely on the dogs back, digging her claws into its shoulders, teeth closing around the back of its neck. It tastes terrible, sour and metallic, almost like bile. She draws blood, though, both from its neck and its shoulders, but before she can do more, it begins to buck wildly, and she's thrown off, sliding across the forest floor, feeling something sharp dig into her shoulder– she ignores it, quick to get back to her feet. As the dog is nursing its pain for a moment, she looks up at the little kit, whose blue eyes are wide and horrified.

"Stay where you are!" Stormcrow shouts, "and don't speak! Let it forget you're here."

Her eyes flick back to the dog, and she takes up a better battle stance, trying to prepare for its next move. Could she really fight it off herself, though…? Surely someone would hear them? Could a border patrol be nearby, or another cat out hunting?

  • ooc: -
  • 94293790_9DsR2FgxdhGmD5a.png

    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.


If the scent of dog hadn't drawn Cometglow's attention, the two distinct voices would. An unfamiliar one, that of a kit, and one of his clanmates'... Whatever was going on, it couldn't be good. His own hunting trip completely forgotten, he turned and raced towards the source of the sounds, arriving just in time to see Stormcrow get flung off the dog's back. He took a few seconds to glance up at where the kit was, hoping she wasn't injured - or at least not urgently needing to be tended to - before racing to his clanmate's side.

"We've got this - at the very least we can scare it off." Whether he was talking to himself or reassuring Stormcrow, even he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he had to help fend the dog off and get the kit out of the tree, hopefully back to safety. He crouched down slightly, letting his claws slide out and readying himself to spring when she did, hoping a coordinated attack would help disorient the dog a little more, if not send it running to look for some easier prey.
  • "speech" - thoughts

  • Cometglow he/him & windclan

    black tortie with white spotting

    39 moons


    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.

    penned by pastelskulls

    template by scarlet
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Flowercloud gave @Maiseyleg a friendly nudge, casting a smile that didn't quite meet her green eyes. "I'll be okay, you don't have to fret, it's all just a rough phase- aye?" She responded to Maiseylegs worry. "everything has a reason- and I'm sure there's a valuable lesson, I just have yet to-" discover.

A violent screech tore through the air.

Her breath caught as her ears pinned back, body tensing mid-sentence. Green eyes widened, pupils narrowing to slits as she exchanged a single, horror-stricken glance with Maiseyleg—before instinct took hold.

She was running.

Paws thundered against the reviving grass as she tore toward the sound, the urgency in her chest drowning out every other thought. SkyClan's borders. Someone had fallen. Someone needed help.

She could feel Maiseylegs presence behind her, and it reinforced the fact she would have back up. That she would have someone to trust at her side.

Coming upon the scene caused a full hault. Green eyes widened in fear, ears pinned back. Cometglow, the deputy now, and Stormcrow- Snowveils daughter, Teaselpaws mentor now- her heart thrummed, but after the hesitance, the large molly threw herself upon the dogs face. "Run! Get the kid safe, I'll handle the dog-" flowercloud shouted, unchallenged, casting a glance that dared them to challenge her.

The dog snapped teeth mere inches from her pelt, from her face scarred where the hawk sliced her cheeks. And finally when she thinks it's attention was focused on her enough, she latched claws over one eye, ripping down mushy flesh and a loud yelp erupted - before she bolted. Satisfaction filled her as she felt it's hot breath on her ankles..

//Do not follow flower, focus on des now <3 flower will be back,

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Shit shit shit! Stormcrow can feel her heart in her ears, in the back of her throat– Cometglow appears like his namesake; out of the blue, like a blinding light. Two could do it, right? She's just about to reply to him when a fourth cat appears; Flowercloud. Teaselpaw's mother. Before Stormcrow can say anything, let alone act, the molly has jumped on the dog, clawing at it, and tells them to run? To leave her? Had the demotion made her this reckless, this desperate to prove herself?

Stormcrow hesitates for a second, considering her options. If she left a kit, her mother would not forgive her– if Flowercloud died, Teaselpaw wouldn't either. But Flowercloud could handle herself; she'd handled herself against the hawk. She'd been a deputy, and a good one, despite her transgressions against Hawkstar. It wasn't lack of skill or courage that got her demoted; it was… weakness. Sympathy. She shakes her head; thoughts for another time. She steps forwards, pressing her nose to the throat of the torn up kit– just… just to be sure. But there's no pulse. They're dead. Shit. She steels herself, closing her eyes for a moment before looking up at the kit in the tree.

"You've been very brave, little one," Stormcrow says, trying to keep her voice soft and even. "My name is Stormcrow. I live with many other cats– like my friend Cometglow here, and Flowercloud, who just led the dog away. If you come down, we can help you, give you a safe place to recover… something to eat. We even have someone who can take a look at any wounds you might've gotten…" is she saying the right things, she wonders? She was never like her mother, never able to soothe kits like her… was she being too practical? "I'm sorry about your friend."

  • ooc: -
  • 94293790_9DsR2FgxdhGmD5a.png
    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.

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