♰ It had taken some dodging and surely-questionable dismissals that he'd need to deal with at a later point to scoot his daughter away from the curious crowd of barn-residents. All of this was.. well-worth the safety the barn provided, and even if they had to deal with a fair share of nosy whiskers, she suddenly felt the weight of being indebted to the cats here. What he would do with this feeling was a subject to be addressed at a later point, he supposed.
The barn had become quiet save for the howl of the wind outside by the time she settled herself and Temperance into a comfortable corner, a fresh-caught mouse placed at the kitten's paws. For a long stretch of evening they let the quiet stretch comfortably, Solace concerning themself with grooming the dirt and grime out of their kit's downy fur. Something sat in his chest, something like deja vu, and it was as if they transported briefly to those moons previous for, with him fluffing Temperance to the standard of a proper princess.
The quiet must be broken eventually, though. They leaned back to look at their daughter once more, properly, "Temperance, blessing of my existence that you are, how are you here? Where is your mother?" He kept the tone of his voice soft, even as dread filled him and fear of the worst came to mind. Python would not have let her depart on her own...
- ooc: @temperance
♰ solace- barn resident - 32 moons - she/they/he - parent of temperance and two other kittens. a handsome stranger with a ghost-filled past, a longhaired fawn point of average build that looks soft around the edges despite the hardship of leafbare. their dark blue eyes have an unnerving, too-watchful quality to them.
- solace seems relatively polite, if cagey around questions of his life before his arrival. in any case, he's patient with the kittens and doesn't rile up any trouble around the barn, so the other residents don't mind her hanging around for the season.
- speech in "A87C7C" , attack in underline, penned by eezy -