Frostbite and his siblings are born to mountain royalty, the children of the queen and the kings brother. The king was cruel and power hungry, and his queen held no affection for him. His brother was kind and righteous, far more caring for those under him than the king. He and the queen kept their relationship secret for a time, until the king learned his queen's litter was not his.
Outraged at them both, he ordered them killed. The queen was forced to flee, and the kings brother started an uprising. The queen was forced to give birth in a cave with the help of a stranger, and, unable to care for her kits as a wanted woman, made the decision to give them away after they were weaned.
These siblings have very vague recollections of each other. They don't quite remember each other, but seeing each other, they have to wonder. Do they trust their earliest memories, or is it simply coincidence?
They are 28 moons old and age on the 9th of each month!
1. Jagged ( @gonkpilled )
2. Snowbank ( @nanocoffee )
* This sibling has reunited with Frostbite and was there for the birth of his first litter. They joined the colony with him. They have a unique eye marking that makes them easily recognizable.
Genetics: Any legal colors! Most likely to be fluffy because of their environment.
Names: Mountain/cold names
Born to a love that was not meant to be, the father of these kits left Frostbite when they found out he was pregnant. Bitter and hurt, Frostbite was left to fend for himself. Fortunately, Frostbite ran into one of his siblings, recognized by a unique eye marking. Reunited, this sibling helped Frostbite with his kits.
Wanting his children to have a better life, Frostbite decided to head down the mountain. A fire broke out on the way, separating everyone. Frostbite managed to find his sibling and one of his kits, and after searching for days, was unable to find the others. Devastated, they had no choice but to continue on, believing them gone.
These kits are 9 moons old, aging on the 1st of each month!
1. Littleblue ( @senatorwii )
*This kit stayed with Frostbite and lives in the colony with him.
3. Muddy (@Rai )
Genetics: Any legal colors!
Names: Appearance/Mountain/Cold based names
Application is a free for all,, just make sure to include the name, appearance and personality!
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