queen of the rats

knot, called as such by her mother to suggest she was not her child ; has no current suffix

PRONOUNS —————— she/herORIENTATION ———— pansexual
CLAN ————————— the shipyardRANK —————————— rogue
MATE ——————————— garnetAPPRENTICE —————— n/a

gotta be somethin' about you worth talkin' about, everyone has a story. 'm eager to hear yours.

a small, oily grey tabby with yellow eyes
→ sh blue tabby w/ low white
→ puncture scar on back. tattered ears, stubbed tail.
APPEARANCE Knot is a cat that stands at a diminutive height with all the scrawniness of an underfed street rat to boot. Her fur is a blue-grey colour, with sparse tabby swirls that dot and stripe that start in an impish-looking expression upon her head and culminate in a wave upon her haunches that threatens to wrap around her whole thigh. She has buglike, yellow-eyes and an underbite that results in her bottom teeth sticking out.

At four years of age, Knot's body has told a tale of hardship that has only seemed to settle now that she is at the Shipyard. Her ears are as tattered as old ribbons from life as a rogue, her tail is a stump due to an eagle attack, the puncture scar from a bigger creature's bite lays upon her spine, thinly hidden by layers of slick fur. Yet despite this, her fur is often adorned with things that she believes makes her prettier, including feathers, flowers and other such trinkets. Other such efforts are made to look better than she believes she does naturally, oftentimes her fur can be thinned in places due to overgrooming.

+ dependable / + intelligent / + caring
` secretive / ` maternal / ` insurgent
- insecure / - underhanded / - timid
PERSONALITY A cat that often teeters on the line of Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral, Knot's ambitions for a better Shipyard by any means necessary can often culminate in selfish decisions to keep herself in a position to make such a dream a reality. Her speech is crass and stilted, almost lazy, and oftentimes she will miss out on first person addresses, shorten her words to slang ones and end each sentence as a question. She is incredibly devoted to those around her and oftentimes values herself as a listener to their problems. A natural problem-solver, she combines this with her attentiveness to try and make creative and permanent solutions for those she cares for, though with that intelligence often comes a slight insensitivity to those who just want to vent instead of change.

Knot's rough-and-tumble exterior is used as protection from a mountain of insecurities stemming from her appearance and subsequent rejection from her mother. Her attempts to embrace traditional femininity are often warped to the extreme. Though she loves kittens and almost always wants to protect them, a distrust in other mothers has made her someone who tends to try and parent others without permission. Though she likes to appear nice, it is often done at the expense of others, by stealing accessories she covets. Though she tries to be extroverted and 'bubbly', she in actuality is incredibly introverted and often loathes public speaking.

HISTORY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac maximus nulla. Vestibulum auctor, dui sit amet laoreet semper, est sem dignissim nunc, sed consequat arcu mi non felis. Sed id facilisis erat. Quisque augue neque, tincidunt a turpis vel, aliquet scelerisque enim. Maecenas eu orci luctus, volutpat nibh sed, auctor erat. Sed rutrum id felis eget vulputate. Donec quis dictum massa, lacinia porttitor sollicitudin. Nullam porttitor commodo ligula quis venenatis. Fusce ullamcorper ex eu ipsum viverra fermentum. Nulla ullamcorper ante sed dolor fermentum, at tempor ante varius. Nam gravida consequat tempor.

  • intelligence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□
    confidence ∎∎∎∎□□□□□□
    empathy ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□
    humor‎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□□
    emotional ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□
    wisdom ∎∎∎∎□□□□□□
    charisma ∎∎∎∎∎∎□□□□
    creativity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□□
    luck ∎∎□□□□□□□□
    logical ∎∎∎∎□□□□□□

    strength ∎∎∎∎□□□□□□
    stamina ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□□
    offensive ∎∎∎∎∎□□□□□
    fishing □□□□□□□□□□
    physical health ∎∎∎∎∎∎□□□□
    dexterity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□
    endurance ∎∎∎∎∎∎□□□□
    defensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□
    swimming □□□□□□□□□□
    mental health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎□□
    KNOT will start fights AND will end fights. SHE is skittish and will flee to preserve her life, BUT will show mercy to others as long as she believes they deserve it.

    In battles, KNOT excels at SPEED-BASED SKILLS, but is poor at USING HER STRENGTH. Her small stature and underbite means she often focuses on swift slashes of her claws moreso than stronger teeth attacks and will try and tire an opponent out before going for the kill. Though she is not capable of swimming, she utilises plantlife near the waters for ambush-attacks. She has a passive interest in medicine that stems from her curiosity for new things, though this has not yet been explored further.

    KNOT's voiceclaim is ___. SHE often smells like FLOWERS.
    Character speech is #77DD77. Peaceful powerplay allowed. basically a little blurb to fill this out.
    this is from noia's site codes
  • KNOT was born to TWO NPCS and is a FIRST generation shipyard cat. SHE has not seen her SIBLINGS in some time. Add an elaboration about how they feel about their family, being a sibling, etc., here.


    PRONOUN (is being/was) mentored by CHARACTER. (PRONOUN is currently mentoring CHARACTER(s)). Expand a little on how they feel about their mentor, their mentees, their position or their role, etc.

    CHARACTER NAME is best friends with CHARACTER. PRONOUN is friends with CHARACTERS. In general, PRONOUN likes CHARACTERS. CHARACTER NAME admires CHARACTER for x reason if you want. However, PRONOUN does not get along with CHARACTER, and hates CHARACTER. PRONOUN would consider CHARACTER as an enemy.
    this is from noia's site codes