indentSkyclan's new home is beautiful. The canopy of pine needles doesn't fall, even at the coldest time of year, so the undergrowth is sheltered from the worst of the snow - even after the blizzard, the snow on the forest floor is shallow enough to walk through with ease. The lack of rats was a plus, too. Maiseyleg could wander the territory without constantly checking over her shoulder for potential assailants. In their place, the cats had found an array of different animals. Maiseyleg had found herself rather fond of the incredibly round little things that she spotted once in a blue moon - hadn't she heard someone call them pika?
indentDespite the fine scenery, not eveyone is in high spirits. Maiseyleg has been keeping a close eye on Flowercloud in particular. Although she's a grown warrior - a deputy, even - she still feels the obligation to look after her former apprentice. Even now that she's larger than me, now, I can't help but see her as a little kitten, sometimes. Lately, Flowercloud has seemed out of sorts. Its a subtle thing, easy to miss if you aren't looking for it. But Maiseyleg can't help but notice how she avoids her family, keeping her head down when her kits are nearby. It wasn't like her- usually she's an incredibly doting mother, wholly dedicated to her children. What could have happened?
indent "Flowercloud." she mews, coming up to the deputy after all the patrols had been sent out for the day. She touches her shoulder against the other's, a friendly greeting. "Good morning, It's good to see you. With all that's been going on, we haven't been able to catch up." She turns to face Flowercloud, offering the other a gentle smile. "You aren't busy right now, are you? We should go on a little walk around the territory, just the two of us." A 'little walk' for Maiseyleg is more like a brisk jog, at the very least. She finds nothing quite as freeing than feeling her heart beat louder as she moves swiftly across the forest, wind in her fur. With Flowercloud along, she'll have to slow herself a bit, but it's worth the good company. "If you're worried about taking time off, we can always say we're 'surveying the territory'" She adds, with a wink and a cheeky grin. "Hawkstar doesn't have to know a thing."
ababaugfbiufhufbdfduibabababa Maiseyleg | 63 moons | Warrior of Skyclan ababababbnihfibnfdifdhfhababa
- @flowercloud -
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