
☁︎ cis girl, she / her & sexuality
☁︎ 12 moons, ages every month
☁︎ skyclan med. app & mentored by tigerfoot
☁︎ easy difficulty // won't start fights・won't end fights・will flee
☁︎ peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
☁︎ created on nov 3rd, 2024 at 08 moons
・neutral good
☁︎ gracious, responsible, shrewd + emotional, obedient + irritable, overimaginative, possessive
swallowpaw traded in bloodshed for cobwebs and marigold. her pawpads lack the scabs of an apprentice just shy of their assessment; instead, they smell of herbs and she will earn her name under the half-moon. the beginning of her training was unorthodox because of skyclan's journey to the mainland. swallowpaw struggles to ease into her position as a medic apprentice, unfortunately suffering from childhood anxieties, self-confidence issues, and teenage woes while her loved ones grow up without her.
・longhaired fawn lynx point – image ref & another
swallow possess the average build for a skyclanner. brown fur that cloaks her in the territory, spindly limbs made for climbing. her fur tufts out in almost curly wisps, most notably around her chest and cheeks. her tail is long, and she never quite grew into her ears. beginning to smell like bitter, sour herbs.
☁︎ none
・FAWNFROST xx ROOTWHISPER // short desc of backstory
・littermate to sorrelpaw & campionpaw
・sexuality & single
☁︎ not looking or interested
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