PAFP Territory ShadowClan Goodnight Sweet Possums

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This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


Played by

MONSTER(GAZE), 1½ Moons // Loner // Future Shadowclanner // He/Him // #ff5700
A solid black tom with red rusting and piercing copper coloured eyes.
Family is UNKNOWN
No thoughts, head empty. For now.

The world had drawn quiet for quite some time now. The tiny scrap of fur had slept for the most part but everything was becoming colder as the day stretched on and the night drew closer, making it difficult to fall back to rest. He wasn't sure how long it had been exactly just that it felt like forever but to a kit most things felt that way, when would his parents return? When had they even left him? He had been asleep then, feelings safe and warm by their presence but they'd been gone so long now that that warmth had long since left as well. It was only a matter of time until they'd come back... They had to come back, any second now!

But they never did come back. The young kit would slowly blink his wide eyes open and lifted his heavy head-- Maybe he could look for them instead! Maybe they were just stuck somewhere and needed his help getting back! He would strenuously attempt to push himself up onto his tiny paws, but only in doing so did he realize how much his tummy ached with emptiness and the hollowness it brought upon him as a whole brought him back to curling up again once more. Things were slightly warmer that way too but not by much. From what he could see and could tell from where he lay, he was in some sort of makeshift nest but it didn't seem to be located in a tree hollow or under a bush of some kind either, had he been nestled someplace up a tree? There was the frame of something hard and metal around the nest too, kind of like the monsters that he had seen flashes of whenever they moved nests but he had never seen one up close enough to be sure, not to mention this one wasn't moving if it really was a monster.

It was difficult to continue trying to work out exactly what it was or where he was with the biting cold and the gnawing hunger and so the kit would begin to do the only thing he could still think to do. He cried.

He would begin to whimper and wail, mewling for anyone to come help him from the hunger and cold-- The noise was certain to attract a dangerous kind of attention if left to go on for too long.

OOC: This thread takes place at the Monster Tree!

  • Sad
Reactions: phoenixwashere
—————————————————— 'Till I can't run no more ✦

Something always had to happen. And of course, Timber always found himself right in the throes of it — someone had put a frog in his nest again. This time, it was sworn up and down that the frog had wandered in there on its own. Timber, of course, did not exactly believe that, but a nice brisk walk would help cure him of the heebie-jeebies from the slimy little freak either way.

Well, it was supposed to be a nice walk. And it was for the longest time, the sweet noise of birds lulling him every which way through the territory he had come to find his home. This sweet noise was suddenly interrupted by something, something shrill, ear-piercing to him, and absolutely heartbreaking. There was a kit somewhere, deep within these swamps, and it sure as hell needed help. The tom hardly waited to consider his actions, as soon as his ears perked up in response to the noise, the tom began a mad dash through the bog. Thankfully, he had grown familiar with this, and Timber was able to weave around the muddy divots in the ground with relative ease.

Finally, the chocolate tabby had come across a strange clearing, and he looked around desperately for the noise... and swallowed hard when he found the culprit, some sort of awful rusting monster stuck up high in a tree. He didn't even want to think about how it had gotten up there, all twisted and mangled... it didn't Look alive anymore, but the sight still made his stomach turn. He had to think about how to get up there, though — He wasn't the best climber by a long shot, and the thought of trying to get up in the monster was nervewracking to say the least. "Please- Please stop crying-!" Timber called out anxiously as he padded up to the base of the tree, trying to squint to see the contents of the monster. "I'll... I'll get you down, I swear, I just... I just need to figure out how I can, just give me a moment, dear-"

  • Timber
    ✦—Shadowclan Caregiver | 24 Moons
    ✦—A large chocolate tabby with pale gold eyes