in what little stubborn shrubbery there is to keep them sheltered, Juniper knows she can find the familiar shades of a pelt swollen with potential. it is not so simple as coming to check on a random queen, one that threatens their survival with useless paws (Serpent is anything but useless, a source of comfort and familiarity sorely sought after). this is a friend... a lover of a best friend. someone that carries a bright future within the swell of her belly. Juniper could call herself jealous... or terrified... perhaps both.
did Sable even want kits? it wasn't something they really discussed...
"How are my favorite nieces and nephews," she purrs, brushing aside sturdy branches despite the way they try to rip at her coat. she presses forward to offer Serpent a nuzzle against her cheek in greeting, "And you as well, of course... Hawthorne would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't make sure you were eating well enough." as if reminded of her purpose, she turns to pick up a vole she'd abandoned just outside of their leafy shelter, depositing it at the other feline's feet with a tired smile. "Sorry I couldn't find something bigger."
the spotted she-cat sits, curling a plumy tail over chilly paws as her seaglass gaze lingers on the measly offering with a guilty pang. what jealousy spawned in her gut was selfish... thinking only of the hunger pangs and how she knew she'd be doted upon if she were in the same position- even if it cost others security... even if it meant her paws were weighted by uselessness too. that wasn't what they hoped for... this litter was not an act of greed... just thoughtless love.
did Sable even want kits? it wasn't something they really discussed...
"How are my favorite nieces and nephews," she purrs, brushing aside sturdy branches despite the way they try to rip at her coat. she presses forward to offer Serpent a nuzzle against her cheek in greeting, "And you as well, of course... Hawthorne would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't make sure you were eating well enough." as if reminded of her purpose, she turns to pick up a vole she'd abandoned just outside of their leafy shelter, depositing it at the other feline's feet with a tired smile. "Sorry I couldn't find something bigger."
the spotted she-cat sits, curling a plumy tail over chilly paws as her seaglass gaze lingers on the measly offering with a guilty pang. what jealousy spawned in her gut was selfish... thinking only of the hunger pangs and how she knew she'd be doted upon if she were in the same position- even if it cost others security... even if it meant her paws were weighted by uselessness too. that wasn't what they hoped for... this litter was not an act of greed... just thoughtless love.