Private HARPY HARE ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ fennelpaw

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She sits in camp near her brother, one of the rare downtimes she gets. Shes put in much work, lately, between trying to uphold her end of the deal with Wolfpack, trying to seek the knowledge she craves and trying to provide for her siblings... It's left little space to actually sit down and talk to them, a regret that is mostly just a sting as of now. Shes sure the wound would bleed soon enough, but for now, the thought that they're safe and happy and no longer hungry soothes it.

Her ear twitches, and eyes turn to Fennelpaw with an undisclosed emotion shimmering within her gaze. Theres an ache in her chest, in her bones that slowly drags at her. Shes still a little sore- not from the battle, but from the training she had sought out... Her lips twist in to a small grimace. She shifts her weight to her other shoulder, rolling them back and rolling out her neck to the side. Eventually, she decides its time to speak, to fully relish her time with her brother, the quiet silence no longer providing enough comfort for her. "... How are you settling in, Fen?" her voice is reserved with a softness only her siblings will ever know, rigid posture deflating ever so slightly. Her voice sharpens right back up as she squints at him, her next words spoken with an insistent coolness, "Has anyone given you any trouble?"

(‎♝) breath comes evenly from the pine-bark tom as he rests with his eyes half closed in the brief moment of downtime he takes for himself. his dark striped tail curled neatly around his form, the boy hunches in on himself, half-deaf to the world as he daydreams his hunger and tiredness away. shadowclan has not been the treat he'd imagined it to be with sable spouting tales of bountiful prey a moon ago. now he is still hungry, still working himself to the bone, just for less, and far grumpier cats than before. still, fennel will never admit his doubts out loud, especially to hi sleader. sable had saved them all from what would've been certain death at the inactivity of hawthorne's paws. it's the least fen can do to still support him.

vanilla sits beside him, her posture poised, head alert as always. he feels a slob next to her but cannot be bothered to fix himself up. she turns to speak to him, familiar poison green meeting a more pine hued gaze. "vanny," he murmurs, and untucks his tail, stretching before sitting slightly more up. "i'm… okay. tired. it's a lot of work here." he grimaces, but catches it, pulling his maw into a halfhearted grin. "better than before though," fennel reassures his sister. breathing in her scent for a moment, he finds comfort in her presence. "nah, no one's bothered me. almost wish someone would - it'd give me a chance to see some action at least." amusement bubbles in his tone.

stretching his head to touch his nose to vanilla's shoulder, fennel sighs. "you've been busy?"

  • // rahhh sorry this is so late xx " #8f4a1e "
  • 93800440_pBymcR43iKTig5c.png
    a shorthaired chocolate smoke ghost tabby with hazel eyes. dark chocolate fur covers his body, sliced through with darker stripes, barely visible in direct sunlight. his eyes seem a deep pine hue, but within them, a cinnamon-red color peaks through, fading into hazel. he has an x shaped scar on his shoulder, and a scar through his lip from a spat with a rogue.