The Colony hate your friends and they hate me too // intro.

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This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!



rat & 18 moons & demi-girl & she/they & the colony

Paws skid across leaf-littered ground with a echoing swish - blue furred figure drawing to a rather unceremonious halt as Rat trips - head over tail = to a stop. Theres a flash of toxic gaze and a wince as paw aches something fierce, before The molly drags herself back up to her paws, forlorn gaze landing on the mouse that would've been hers, had she only been a bit quicker - a bit luckier.

Instead, it runs itself straight into the paws of another, and the battle-scarred molly only bristles - twitching violently when her gaze meets his own. " Moth... " she greets tiredly - barely more then a breath, before figure skitters even further away. for two cats tied together by blood, they are not close - and his existence alone is a rib-thumping reminder of things Rat would much rather forget.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

' C A U S E - I ' M - R E A L L Y - F R E A K I N G- O U T
// interacting with @Moth - please wait for them to post first <3

Moth studied his sister's face for just a moment, before averting his gaze.

"Sorry." he mewed. "There's probably another one around... somewhere." A lie, and they both knew it. Prey had been scarce for awhile now, and only got moreso as leafbare settled into the forest. Several days had already gone by with skipped meals and empty bellies - something that Moth has had more than enough of for his lifetime, and was keen to avoid. Although, he was sure Rat was hungry too.

He had seen other cats offer up their meals to family members. Moth wondered if he ought to do the same. He and Rat had never really had that sort of relationship, though. They were bound together by blood and circumstance, allies in a world that had been kind to them. Their bond was borne of necessity, but didn't carry the warmth that Moth had seen spread between other littermates. The though left a cold, heavy feeling in his chest.

"I guess i could help you catch something else, if you want?



This was a classic example of what Ghost was talking about. In the Coalition the pair would have already been ripping each other apart over that mouse, especially during a time of hardship like the one the colony was suffering now.

"You're just gonna let him have it?" he asked, the words blunt but not meant to instigate.

He'd been trying to understand what the purpose of this group was, but so far he hadn't found it. Of course, it wasn't important given that Ghost didn't intend to stay once his injuries had healed up enough for him to travel long term, but he told himself it couldn't hurt to get some answers while he was around. Despite his preference for solitude, he wasn't so proud as to think he was prepared for the journey ahead of him. He knew very little of the world outside of his previous colony, and what he did know had never been kind to him.

Which was why he struggled with exchanges like this. He didn't see the point in the shecat giving up her prey just because another cat had snatched it mere seconds after her fail. Wasn't she hungry? Did she not understand how one successful hunt could mean the difference between survival and starvation?

Or was this cat someone special to her? Someone worth losing a meal over?

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars