Shipyard hear the bells of the sea // Jingle

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


Riding the currents, chasing the horizon.
Played by
Wave of RiverClan
Wave pranced forward with a giddy energy, her tail held as high as her head and a playful twinkle lighting her blue eyes. The story had been, as always, a roaring success in her mind. The kits had hung on her every word, their wide eyes filled with awe, and even a few of the adults seemed to enjoy it, including a stranger whose presence she had just noticed. His soft bells had added an unexpected but welcome charm to her tale.

" Hello there, stranger! I don't believe we've had the pleasure yet, have we? " she purred warmly, settling herself beside the newcomer with an easy confidence. She cast a quick glance toward Crescent and Rushing, curled together in peaceful slumber, knowing Adder would be keeping a watchful eye on them. Content with that, she turned her full attention back to the stranger, curiosity dancing across her face.

" Name's Wave. " she introduced herself with a bright grin, her fluffy tail curling neatly around her paws. " But who might ye be? What's the name we can give to ye? And tell me, are ye just passin' through, or do ye plan to linger, to stay? We've always got space fer nice-lookin' fellas such as yerself. " She winked cheekily, her tone playful and inviting as she waited for his response.

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road


JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

The black and white molly's story of the seas had made his trip to the abandoned docks today all the more worth it! It had been sweet seeing how the younger cats had hung onto every word of the story all throughout as well, the other cat seemingly really had a way with words that kept all cats around her engaged and focus on what it was she had to say, how admiring! Jingle found himself wishing he could manage the same level of focus this molly had on the group of cats that had gathered but for his niece and nephews, those three never sat still for long!

His bells would give a light rattling as he startled slightly-- Being brought back to focus himself at hearing a warm purr aimed his way as the molly who had told her story settled down beside him! "Greetings!" He'd mew back excitedly, his front paws kneading the ground a few times enthusiastically "We hadn't! Until now of course, I'm very grateful I was able to come by in time today to catch your story" Jingle watched to where her gaze was quickly cast to and followed with his own blue eyes briefly, spotting two of the younger cats who had been there during the storytime who now seemed fast asleep, with a story like that before bed time he was sure their dreams would be plentiful and full of the vast open sea! -- But hopefully with calmer waters then what the story had told.

The molly would introduce herself as Wave and his curl tipped ears would perk up at hearing such a well-fitting name, his whiskers twitching upwards as he returned the smile "I go by Jingle!" He was sure he didn't need to explain on how he'd gotten that for a name all things considered. As for her other question though he'd look up to the sky and ponder for a few moments, as though he didn't truly know the answer himself either. "When I first started coming by here I thought it would be just temporary-" He started, shifting his paws as he thought more about his full answer, "-But lately? I've found myself coming back here almost every day and staying for longer and longer as well" He'd give back an amused chuckle at Wave's wink and his scruffy tail would curl up in amusement as well, "Would it really be alright to stay?" He realized that he would be another mouth to feed and his bells didn't exactly make him a fantastic hunter-- Thanks to his housefolk he had never needed to hunt before either, he had much to learn if he wanted to stay and help these cats but in his heart of hearts he also knew that this was where he truly wanted to be. Why though he wasn't quite sure of yet.

"What brought you and the others here if it's alright to ask? What makes you stay?"

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Wave of RiverClan
A twinkle danced in her blue eyes as the stranger praised her storytelling, making her fluff her fur with a pleased purr. So, he'd been peeking in every now and then? Watching, but never quite introducing himself. She had caught glimpses of him, certainly, an interesting figure, one she wouldn't mind seeing more of. " I'm glad t'hear ye enjoyed me storytellin', young'un. " she chuckled, her voice rich with warmth. " It always brings me great pride t'share these tales with th'rest o' th' cats. "

She tilted her head slightly as he finally gave his name. Jingle. Fitting. Reaching out, she gently batted at one of the small bells woven into his fur. They'd be no good for hunting, but they suited him just fine. " Ye gave a nice twist t'me story. " she mused with a grin. " My partner helped along with that, too. "

But then, something about the way Jingle spoke caught her attention, how he'd thought his stay would be temporary, how he now found himself lingering. Her expression softened. " I've never turned away someone, and I ain't startin' now, sugar. " she said confidently, bumping her shoulder lightly against his. " If ye want t'stay, yer welcome to. There's space, there's warm bodies t'crawl against. The cats here? They're kindly folk. Some rough around th' edges, but all a good heart. "

He then asked what had brought her here. For a moment, pain flickered across her face, just a brief shadow in her bright blue eyes. An ear flicked, and then she turned to him with a small, solemn smile. " These docks… they were th' last place I saw me two-legs. Me ol' sea cap'n. " Her voice dipped, quieter now. " I… waited fer him here. But he never came back. "

There was a pause, a space between words where the sea could almost be heard rolling in the distance. And then she found a smile twitched at her maw. " An' then I met Adder. " she continued, her purr returning, rich and fond. " We hit it off pretty well, me handsome gruff boy. " There was no mistaking the pride in her tone. " Got me two wee kits, an' th'rest, well… that's history, ye could say. "

She frowned slightly, thoughtful. What had truly made her stay?

" Me thinks… nostalgia. " she admitted after a moment. Her gaze drifted toward the waves, the ever-moving tide. " I'm so used to th' sound o' the sea. Cannae imagine not hearin' it. Not havin' it lull me t'sleep. "

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road


JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

Jingle would purr when Wave pointed out that he helped to give her story a nice twist, all of the tale's oomph really came from Wave herself though or at least Jingle thought so! Her partner had done the real leg work of helping to bring her story to life, he had just kinda showed up! But he was glad he could've added to it in some way even if it was just helping along a story. "I'm glad I could help!" He smiled as the bell she batted rattled softly before eventually falling back into place. "They'd probably be no good to keep on me if I were to ever live out here, huh? Too much racket." He'd mew as he batted the same bell Wave had just before making it rattle a second time. Every cat would know where he was at all times but so would all the prey...

Wave assured him that she'd never turned any cat away and wasn't about to start to, Jingle would chuckle lightly at the shoulder bump she gave him. He wasn't entirely sure why he was being welcomed here especially with the bells snagged in his fur, but he did appreciate the lack of hostility. Not every cat was as welcoming and kind as Wave was being right now and he wondered if all of the cats here would truly welcome him the same way. Some might just see him as another mouth to feed after all and he couldn't really blame them, he'd been a kittypet for as long as he could remember and he didn't know how to catch things like fish or birds. What could he really offer anyways? Another warm body? A pretty face and some bells to play with maybe? He needed to be able to contribute more if he were to stick around!

Jingle would listen carefully as Wave answered the question of what had brought her here and as she explained her answer, the blue tabby tom's face would droop slightly. "I'm... I'm really sorry Wave" He looked guilty for unknowingly asking something that brought her back pain even if briefly, but her answer made complete sense to him too. He hoped that her two-legs hadn't just left her behind but the alternative answer as to why he never came back wasn't much better either. "He couldn't of had a more loyal and brave companion though!" He tried to say as cheerfully as he could muster-- Jingle knew it didn't change anything but Wave remaining at the spot her two-leg had left her even long after he was gone? Now that was true loyalty. As far as he was concerned, she was the new captain now.

The molly continued, mentioning that afterwards she then met her mate Adder and the two had kits of their own as well. Despite the loss of her two-leg family she had clearly made her own family here at the docks, how wonderful! Jingle had never had kits himself but he knew how much it had changed his brother, Astro when he had his litter of three. "How did the two of you meet if you don't mind me asking? Did you venture out and come across him? Or was he drawn here?" Jingle would ask with a little twinkle in his eyes as he did so, it was hopefully a question with an answer that wouldn't bring her any pain like the last one had and her stories were always interesting to listen to!

As for what made her stay Jingle too would look out to the tide as she answered. It really was a very comforting sort of sound and there was nothing else quite like it either. Maybe it had been part of what brought him out here each day too and he hadn't realized until now just how relaxing that feeling that the waves brought with them truly was. "That does sound like a very peaceful way to fall asleep each night" He admitted. But could he really live with the guilt of leaving his house-folk behind? Would he be more use here with these cats or just a hindrance? He had a lot to think about!


Wave's grin widened as she watched Jingle, her tail flicking playfully. " Aye, perhaps... " she mused, giving one of the bells a gentle bat before letting out a boisterous laugh. " But they suit ye! Look real good on ye, too. " She planted herself down, eyes lingering on the jingling bells. In the wild, they'd be a hassle, too much noise, too easy to track. " In time, ye may have to say goodbye to 'em… but fer as long as ye can, I'd keep 'em. They give ye some character. " There was no rush to let go of something that brought joy.

At Jingle's saddened expression, she let out a mock sigh. " Aww, sweetcheeks, no sad faces. " Lifting a paw, she bapped his cheek lightly. " That's life… an' I've made me peace with that. " A firm nod, then a chuckle. " That's kind o' ye. I really hope he saw that in me, a loyal companion, to the very end. "

His next question had her snorting before she burst into loud laughter. " I was fishin'. " she began, eyes twinkling with mischief. " An' he happened upon me, dawdlin' about. Told 'im t' come over an' help instead of ooglin' me. " Her whiskers twitched in amusement. " Didn't know back then he couldn't swim worth a damn. Better now. "

For a moment, she gazed out at the sea, the crashing waves filling the silence between them. " Ye get used to the sounds... Ye might like it too, if ye ever choose to stay here. " Her gaze settled on him again, steady and knowing. " If ye really want this life… be honest with yer heart. Yer welcome, always. But make sure ye got yer whole heart in it. "

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.