

hi! i just recently discovered this site. I haven't played on a forum in years but recently, I've been feeling a little nostalgic and found my way to this after scrolling around on reddit lmao. I used to be active on feralfront, and was suprised there's a couple names on here I recognize so.. hello again! I'm pure.

sidenote; i'm not sure how active i will be on here. i'm super rusty (last time i roleplayed was probably in like..2020?) but for now i'm just looking around.
hello welcome! (the reddit thread! kangoo gets another gold star for his advertisement lol) we're glad to have u!

u already joined the discord so poke us if u need anything in questions to help get started! and feel free to go at ur own pace, we encourage a chill environment so no rushing to post 200 times a day like we all did when we were like 15 lmao
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Reactions: pure
Hello there! (: Your username is super familliar to me! i think we knew each other on FF or at least run into each other with our characters!. I used to go under the username Seina back then.

In any case welcome to purrgatory Pure! i hope you will like it here <33
scratching at my brain because your username is soooo familiar.... i used to be dream(iplier) on feralfront for the LONGEST time and then simply for a little last before the site finally kicked the bucket if any of those ring a bell!! but either way, hi and welcome to purrgatory :D! this is my second site i've joined after feralfront, and i haven't gotten super active yet but it's an awesome place to be able to ease back into roleplay especially if you were only in the extended world of ff like i was! if you need any connections or want to plot lmk :D!
OMG your username is definitely familiar to me but I'm blanking on which characters you played! My big character back on FF was Jerseyboy if that rings a bell ^^ Welcome to the site!