Procedures and Guidelines
𖧧 Gently nip the spine or poke with a claw to test if the backbone is broken. If they don't feel it then it is broken.
𖧧 Lick fur to clean wounds, bring down shock, and warm a cold cat when licked (upward rather than downward to smoothen it)
𖧧 Moss soaked in water for the sick and injured to drink, also can be used to cool feverish cats and aid with kitting.
𖧧 Sweeten herbs with nectar, honey, mouse blood, or other herbs such as heather.
𖧧 Use rosemary, mint, or other potent scented herbs to mask the scent of death before burial.
𖧧 Decrease swelling by soaking with cold water, also to soothe scraped pads.
𖧧 Water therapy for weak cats with aching muscles and bones. Beneficial for the elderly or cats who've sustained traumatic injuries such as broken bones or nerve damage.
𖧧 Wail or yowl to clear lungs or chest, not beneficial for those with sore throats.
𖧧 Never give an unconscious cat anything orally as they could choke or aspirate.
𖧧 When removing a burr or torn claw, do not pull directly upwards but instead at an angle. This limits pain and makes it slightly easier to remove.
𖧧 Holly and Yew Berries can be used to end a suffering cat's pain.
𖧧 Never give a pregnant cat more than three herbs during their kitting or poppy seeds (as they may become too sedated or sleepy to push). Some herbs and herb combinations will cause them to bleed more or prolong the kitting. Choose which herbs you give to a kitting queen wisely, or give none if it is not truly necessary.
𖧧 Vomiting should be induced immediately when it has been found that a cat has eaten something poisonous.
Procedures For Mild Ailments
Pregnancy and Kitting
Pregnancy can be a time of happiness for new lives will soon join and grow to strengthen the clan; The downside is that pregnancy is strenuous on the body and can have many complications and side effects. That is why many queens, once pregnant, will retire to the nursery in the later stages of pregnancy, and until the kits are born and old enough to fend for themselves. Queens will likely experience nausea, hip pain, back pain, and lethargy. . . Being a mother is strenuous work! However, there are things a medicine-cat can do to make this process easier.
Before the birth, queens should be on strict bed rest. High protein is recommended, so extra-prey would be good for any expecting mother.
Burnet can be used to give an expecting queen strength. Other herbs like
willow bark, and in much moderation,
poppyseed (but not during birth or while nursing), can be used to ease pains. Pain specifically in the hips can be treated with fennel;
Fennel stalks are broken and the juice to be squeezed into the queen's mouth.
Okay, so the big day is here! Hypothetically say. . . Larksong has given birth. Her water has already broken and she's in immense pain. When she starts to give birth, the first thing you should check is to see if the kit's mouth and nose are clear. Sometimes the sac membranes or fluid can end up blocking airflow. If signs of blockages are visible, clear away any obstructions and stimulate breathing by licking. Also, check for red or green discharge; Excessive amounts of either can mean complications with the birth.
↪ For bleeding specifically, raspberry leaves can be given to both ease pain and stop bleeding.
Other forms of pain management include...
↪A stick to bite on to distract from the pain.
↪ Chervil to ease belly pain
↪ Ragwort leaves to keep her strength up and also help with pain.
✗ Poppyseeds should NOT be given under any circumstances. The queen could become drowsy and stop pushing and could further be detrimental to the kits.
✗ Tansy should NOT be given to a pregnant queen. It can be extremely dangerous and could result in the termination of the pregnancy.
✗ In addition to the above, it is best to be cautious about what herbs are given to queens because there is a high risk of birth defects or other problems, depending on what is administered and how much is given; Herbs that have antibiotic properties for treating infections should be used sparingly. Other herbs that might potentially be dangerous are comfrey, aloe, feverfew, goldenseal, and juniper. The same is to be said for nursing queens.
Other techniques and signs to look for...
↪ Ensure that the mother is tending to the kittens, licking and suckling them.
↪ Use moss soaked with water to clean the mother and keep her hydrated and cool.
✗ Paleness and drowsiness while kitting. This could indicate blood loss or other complications.
✗ Kits stuck in the birth canal that need help being dislodged.
✗ Deformed or stillborn kittens. If kittens are not breathing attempt to stimulate them by licking against the flow of the fur.
✗ Prolonged labor for an extended amount of time without any kittens.
✗ Lack of afterbirth, otherwise known as placenta. If it is retained it can cause a life-threatening infection. Typically the discharge after birth is red/brown. If the placenta is retained and infection sets in then the color will be green. If the infection is caught quickly, then the placenta can be removed and the mother will be fine. Raspberry leaves may stimulate contractions and aid in the passing of afterbirth.
After a successful birth
↪ Fennel can be given to increase milk production.
↪ Leave the mother to rest but frequently check up on both mother and kits to ensure they are healthy!
↪ After plenty of rest and fresh-kill the mother should recover. However, keep an eye out for unusual behavior, signs of distress, and unusually colored or foul-smelling discharge.
↪ When the kits are old enough and don't need milk anymore, give her parsley to stop the production of milk.
After a not-so-successful birth
Worst-case scenario, both the mother and kits were lost. Better but not great is the mother is alive but lost several or all of her kits. In this case, herbs should be given to calm and ease her grief. Goatweed to help with grief or thyme to help with shock. Poppyseeds or juniper to be given to calm and help her sleep. Also, give parsley to stop a queen from producing milk if all her kits have died.
Mild Illness: Cough, Fever, Chills
Uh, oh! Cedarclaw has the sniffles! What do we do? What
can we do? That depends, it could just be allergies or a cold. In that case, maybe Cedarclaw will just get over it. On the flipside, Cedarclaw might not get over it and that case of the sniffles could turn into something worse.
chills can be a sign of an underlying illness or fever. Or it could be that it's just cold outside. Licking against the flow of the fur can warm a cat and get the blood flowing. A combination of lavender, feverfew, and catmint can help treat it.
Signs of
fever are usually high temperature, trembling, or chills. Fever can be a sign of illness or infection. In the case of infection, ingesting
sweet-sedge sap or chewing
stinging nettle stems can help fight it. If stricken with an illness, try a combination of
feverfew, and
Borage can also help bring down fevers.
coughs, immediately examine and treat with herbs. Coughing can be a sign, or the start, of a worse illness such as
greencough. Try treating with
tansy or
coltsfoot, or mix
bright-eye and
lovage to also cure coughs. Honey can be used to soothe sore throats caused by excessive coughing.
When is it not "just a cough" anymore?
Greencough is one of the more serious forms of illness that can stem from any of the above; It's basically a chest infection similar to pneumonia, most common in leaf-bare. One or more of these symptoms combined could be greencough. Also, look for...
✗ Wheezing
✗ Coughing
✗ Pus excreted from the eyes
✗ Sneezing
✗ Fever
✗ Green phlegm coming from the nose
In the case that one or more of these symptoms are present, separate the infected cat from the clan and administer proper treatment.
Aches and Pains
While more common for older cats, every age knows their share of aches and pains. Commonly associated with joint or muscle pain, there are a few ways to treat such an ailment. The usual method of treatment is pain management; Usually, herbs are administered to make those pains more management until it eventually subsides or goes away. For elders, that may not be a possibility but we'll get into that later.
Joint pain can be caused by a number of things, from mild sprains to joint deterioration caused by age. Damp and cold environments often make the pain worse. Comfrey or marigold can be used to decrease inflammation in stiff joints and make it easier to move. Daisy leaves or ragwort leaves can be used to ease the pain associated with aching joints. Water therapy or soaking in warm water (like the hot springs) can also loosen joints and help with pain.
Headaches can be treated specifically with feverfew or other forms of painkillers such as poppyseed or dandelion.
Bellyaches can be caused by a number of things such as overeating, undereating, or eating something rotten or poisonous. For bellyaches caused by undereating the answer is pretty simple. Otherwise try using
juniper, chervil, watermint, parsley, or mallow leaves.
Toothache caused by cracked teeth, cavities, or infection can be treated by chewing on
alder bark. For infection try meditating with
sweet-sedge or
stinging nettle. Warm-water compresses can also help with pain but will not make it go away.
There are various herbs that help with pain, but some herbs work better than others when used to treat certain illnesses. Here are some general painkillers that can cover a variety of ailments.
↪ Poppyseeds can effectively ease pain when eaten.
↪ Dandelion leaves are an effective painkiller when chewed.
↪ Willow bark can ease pain when chewed.
A few specific pain mediators...
↪ Burdock root can be chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds to numb pain.
↪ Blackberry leaves when chewed into a pulp can soothe the pain of bee stings
↪ Mix dandelion root, daisy, chamomile, and burnet to suppress hunger pains.
↪ Sticks can be bit down on to distract from pain.
↪ Raspberry leaves and ragwort leaves can be given to ease pain during kitting.
↪ Fennel helps with pain in the hips.
↪ Dockleaf can ease the pain of scratches or other wounds.
Mild Injuries: Sprains, Scrapes, Dislocation, Cracked Pads
While out in the wild, cats can encounter a number of injuries! The good news is that all of these can be treated with herbs or other techniques! We'll start with the simple and move on to the more complex...
Ouchie! Clumsykit did a tumble and got some scratches and Bearpaw was rough-housing and scraped up her paw-pads. How do we treat them?
Dockleaf can be chewed and applied to any
scratches or scrapes for pain. Burdock can ease the pain of rat bites or minor wounds and is also useful for numbing pain. In addition, burdock can also be used to treat sores or infected wounds.
Cracked or injured paw pads can be treated with a poultice of coltsfoot and could be prevented against infection by adding marigold or burdock root. Cracked pads can be softened with an ointment made out of yarrow.
Sprains are basically tears in the fibers that connect bones and joints. It can usually be treated with a few days of bed rest and minimal use of the injured body part. Elder leaves can also be used to soothe sprains when turned into a poultice. A wrap of elder leaves and cobwebs can be applied to soothe and quicken the healing process. Sometimes a sprain is inevitable, but stretching can reduce the likelihood of it happening.
Dislocation is when trauma forces a joint out of the socket. It is extremely painful and will immobilize the joint. The only way to treat such an injury is by pushing the joint back into place. After the joint is back into the right position, the pain will likely persist and the joint will be sore. A splint or cast made out of sticks and cobwebs or various other items can help it heal. Use herbs to mediate pain and suggest bed rest. Dislocation can be more serious when blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, and ligaments are damaged to the point of needing serious repair or adjusting the joint doesn't work.
Keep in mind...
↪ It should be noted that infected wounds must be drained of pus and cleaned before applying burdock or the roots will not have the full effect.
↪ Most scratches and scrapes will heal on their own! However, it is best to thoroughly clean and prevent infection with a common and abundant herb such as oak-leaf.
↪ Draining infected wounds will likely stink. Clean the area and thoroughly wash paws afterward.
↪ Soaking paws in warm water can help draw out infection, reduce swelling, and ease pain.
↪ For worse injuries where the pad needs time to heal, wrap in dock leaves and cobwebs or another form of bandaging. Change bandages often and administer proper herbs if infection sets in. Be careful not to bandage too tight or it will cut off blood flow, or be too loose where the bandage can fall off or get dirt and moisture inside.
Frostbite, Hypothermia and Heatstroke
Frostbite is the freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. Usually affects exposed body parts like the paws, ears, and tail. Signs of frostbite are as follows...
✗ Discolorated skin, usually pale, gray, or bluish.
✗ Coldness and brittleness of the affected areas.
✗ Pain stemming from the affected body part.
✗ Blisters or skin ulcers.
✗ Areas of blackened or dead skin.
Before treating
frostbite, look for signs of hypothermia.
Hypothermia occurs when body temperature is dangerously low. It can be deadly if body temperature is not brought up. If able, bring the afflicted to a dry and warm place. If wet, then lick the fur and try to get them dry. Warm fluids, compresses, and body heat can be used to raise body temperature.
What you shouldn't do...
✗ DO NOT rub or massage frostbitten areas!
✗ DO NOT attempt to warm frostbitten areas if you cannot keep them warm. Additional cold exposure or refreezing can cause more damage to tissues.
✗ DO NOT use hot water or direct heat. Not only is there a risk of shock with drastic changes in temperature, but it can further damage the skin. Never use anything that would burn or be too hot for healthy skin.
✗ Only use oral pain management as rubbing ointments or topical medications on the injury can cause further damage!
After rewarming the area there will be sustained damage and it will need time to heal. Protect the injury and keep separated from other extremities (for toes) with a loose wrap of dock leaves or another material (do not directly apply cobwebs or sticky materials). The wound may need several months before the tissue is fully healed.
After dethawing also consider...
↪ Frequently check the wound for signs of infection and administer infection-fighting herbs such as sweet-sedge sap or stinging nettle.
↪ Blood clots may occur and should be treated with caution. Herbs like garlic, cayenne pepper, and feverfew could be used to thin the blood and prevent further clotting.
↪ Aftercare is a must. Bandages need to be changed often and pain management supplied. Water therapy can be used (soaking the affected part) to keep the skin clean and free of dead tissue.
In more serious cases, dead tissue may need to be removed from the wound. Decaying or dead tissue can cause life-threatening infections and spread further into the body. If not caught early enough, the affected body part may need to be amputated.
sources: here,
On the opposite end of the spectrum is
Heatstroke. Heatstroke occurs when the body temperature has become dangerously high. Heat exhaustion is a precursor to heatstroke usually detectable by heavy sweating and a rapid pulse. Signs of heatstroke may include...
✗ Rapid breathing, panting, or respiratory distress.
✗ Vomiting
✗ Diarrhea
✗ Lethargy
✗ Elevated heartbeat
✗ Sweaty paws
✗ Drooling with thick saliva and foaming due to dehydration
✗ Dizziness and disorientation
✗ Tremors or seizures
If any of the above symptoms are present immediately begin to cool down the afflicted. Move to a cool, well-ventilated area. If alert, offer water and encourage them to drink. Take a scrap of cloth or moss and soak thoroughly. Gently apply cool water over their coat and body until their temperature comes down. Suggest bed rest and hydration.
What not to do...
✗ DO NOT give any herbs while showing symptoms of heatstroke. They are likely to just vomit it back up.
✗ DO NOT submerge in water. If suffering from heatstroke they might experience dizziness, disorientation, tremors, or seizures which could be dangerous if the water is deep enough to drown in. If in the stages of heat-exhaustion shallow submersion is okay.
✗ In the case of a seizure: Gently ease them to the ground and turn the afflicted on their side. Place something soft beneath the head or gently support the head to keep them from injuring themselves. DO NOT hold them down. DO NOT put anything in their mouth. DO NOT give CPR. DO NOT offer food or water until fully alert.