𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 π’šπ’π’– π’‡π’Šπ’π’… π’šπ’π’–π’“ π’‘π’‚π’“π’‚π’…π’Šπ’”π’† ☞ π’ˆπ’“π’π’•π’•π’π’˜π’‚π’•π’„π’‰π’†π’“


goodbye stranger
Grottowatcher isβ€”on first glanceβ€”a creature of both simplicity and gravity. His manner of carrying himself is mellow, laid-back, and welcoming to most circumstances. His head holds no space for chasing power or fame, nor does he know envy or bitterness. So long as his paws tread toward enlightenment, what other quarrels could bother him? Petty pursuits have little sway over his deeper conscience; they pale wholly in comparison to the majesty of higher wisdom.

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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Grottowatcher
β†ͺ his curiosity hunts in the world's hidden corners, unearthing what others may pass by
✧ Cisgender male, he / him, homosexual
✧ 44 Moons
β†ͺ ages up every 8th
✧ ShadowClan warrior
✧ Thoughts, "Speech"
β†ͺ Voiceclaim
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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Headshot ref
✧ Possessive black fur holds onto a form mostly shaped by sharp and angular lines. Save for a brief white patch upon the tom's chest, his pelt vanishes effortlessly when the sun dips below the horizon. A deep canvas from which his incisive yellow gaze is positioned front-and-center, honed and ever-curious, ever-observant. Toned, tightly-bunched muscles pepper his body under his pelt, but for the most part, Grottowatcher has notably modest athleticism. The thin structure to his frame renders him lithe enough to fit into the crevices that which he was named after. Not much else in his physical state deserves further analysis: he's a spry close-to-middle-aged warrior whose strongest merits stem not from the body, but the mind.
β†ͺ Fangs protrude from his upper lip

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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

( + ) insightful, sincere, altruistic ( / ) curious, observant, instinct-driven ( - ) self-justifying, eccentric, distractable

✧ Well-lived and a slow-and-steady thinker, Grottowatcher commits to almost every venture with the patient assurance that the payoff will be worthwhile, in one way or another. He is a utilitarian, not above or below any other cat who yet lives, and regards himself with neither inferiority, nor superiority, rather existing solely as he is. And whatever course of action yields the greatest good will not be marred by rash judgment or the contingencies of the present. Accordingly, it is appropriate to observe him as a truth-seekerβ€”and indeed, for as long as the tom can recall, the sole force dragging him along in this world has been an innate thirst for knowledge.

Grottowatcher may come across as absurd at times. He may offer a thought rich with nuance and greater implication, and in the span of the same breath, argue against it with a kit-like plainness. But like a branch in the wind, all that swings away will eventually find its way back, and so any outlandishness Grottowatcher spits forth is only an aside to an underlying stance. Given an earnest listener, he can be an endless reservoir of introspection. Given a disinterested one, he'll bear through in silence.

His methodology for achieving the greatest good for all is relatively straightforward. Over the moons, he's noticed a common theme throughout every meaningful conflict he has witnessed: change. Without exception, every new ideal or values system introduced into any culture around him has sought to eliminate another. He has also learned that stagnancy is a worse-off alternative, if one of its outcomes is a discouragement of varied beliefs. Hence his decision to answer Sablestar's summons. The advent of clans allows for varied means of peace, prosperity, and identity. Such was evidently not the case in Fray's colony. Grottowatcher does not regret his choice, and it is likely that he never will.
β†ͺ If out in the territory, he has a tendency to stick his head, sometimes his entire figure, into tight spaces

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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

Epicurus x Jeanne | several npc siblings
Slow to trust, quick to befriend, does not hold grudges​
✧ Mentor to/mentored by
β†ͺ Previously mentor to/mentored by
✧ Mate to
β†ͺ open to plots of every variety
✧ Friend with...
✧ Likes...
✧ Dislikes...
✧ Hates...
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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ Will not start fights, will show mercy, will run away
✧ Excels at skill, other skill
✧ Poor at skill, other skill
✧ Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay not (reach out to me beforehand)
✧ Smells like the pocosin's vegetation, with a hint of earthy musk
β†ͺ penned by willie!

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β€”β€”β€”-,. Β° ✧- HISTORY -✧ Β° .-,β€”β€”β€”

✧ TBA, once more time has passed, and more meaningful lessons have been learned.

✧ β€”β€” ✧ β€”β€” ✧ β€”β€” ✧