🐎The Stables🐎| Fancy's Character Hub [12/3]


Community Assistant
Kofi Supporter
Fancy or Mintasia
Character Hub

─────────FANCY'S CHARACTER HUB───────────

  • Welcome to The Stables! You can find all the cats taking up residence here, along with their names and brief descriptions, in their designated paddocks (clan tabs). To find more detailed information about these cats, click their name's to be sent to their idividual stalls (profile posts) or just scroll down!

    ( This thread is still a WIP, The individual profile posts will come soon I promise)

  • Pixie (Flutterstep - She/Her) - A small silvery blue tabby with medium-length fur and light blue eyes. She has a few white spots sprinkled among her tabby markings, three white paws, and a white underbelly that continues up her chest, neck, and face. Adoptive daughter of Khaki.

  • Blue (Tremblepaw - He/Him) A young tom with a medium length gray tabby pelt and blue eyes. Son of Mallow.

    Mallow (Mallowsnap - They/Them) - A lithe looking fawn tabby with a long fluffy tail, big ears, and light green eyes. Parent to Blue.

  • Tuna (Currentshiver - She/Her) - A long-haired she-cat with heather-blue eyes and a pelt that is completely white except for her cream colored tail, ears, and a few small spots on her face and right flank. Mate to Salmon.

    Salmon (Trickledream - He/Him) - A long-haired tom with a primarily sandy brown fluffy pelt and dark grayish-blue eyes. His snout, ear tips, front paws, and tail tip are a darker more dirt-colored brown, while the fur around his neck, chest, and along his back and top half of his tail is a more golden brown. Mate to Tuna.

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Flutterstep is a level-headed and good-natured cat with a habit of mother-henning and fussing over the well-being of her fellow colony cats, even ones many moons her senior. Flutterstep tends to try and avoid fights, preferring to solve disagreements with words instead claws. Perhaps because of her kittypet origins, she's quite a bit smaller than most other fully grown cats. Despite her small size, her movements are graceful and light like leaves fluttering to the ground in a gentle fall breeze.

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———-,. ° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ ° .-,———

↪ meaning- Given by Juniperstar when Thunderclan formed, for her willingness to talk before fighting, her "gentle paws."​
↪ meaning- Given by her twolegs. Short for her show cat name, Manic Pixie Dream Girl​
Female | She / Her
↪ orientation pansexual​
14 moons
↪ birthday- Late spring​
Colony / Thunderclan
Thoughts, "Speech"
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———-,. ° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ ° .-,———

Fullbody ref
Pixie is a small blue tabby with light blue eyes. She has a few white spots sprinkled among her tabby markings, white tipped ears, three white paws (hind left has no white) and a white underbelly that continues up her chest, neck, and face. Her small size sometimes has her mistaken as an apprentice-aged cat.
↪ Smaller than average. Her tail is particularly fluffy and her tabby markings form the shape of butterfly wings.

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———-,. ° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ ° .-,———

Pixie is a polite, friendly, and generally calm cat who cares greatly for her fellow colony members. She doesn't like fighting, and prefers to settle conflicts with words and reason instead of teeth and claws. She doesnt excel in things like hunting or fighting, so Pixie tends to focus her energy on helping the cats around her in whatever way she can. Whether that be by helping the elderly cats, babysitting kits, or finding basic herbs. She's willing to do it if it's needed. Despite her kind and polite demeanor, Pixie isn't above being unapologetically and coldly ruthless when she or her loved ones are threatened.

↪ Quirks, mannerisms

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———-,. ° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ ° .-,———

NPC x NPC | 3 NPC siblings

Quick to trust, quick to befriend, does hold grudges​

Mentor to/mentored by

↪ Previously mentor to/mentored by

Mate to

closed to plots

Friend with

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———-,. ° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ ° .-,———

Will end fights, will show mercy, will run away
Excels at caregiving
Poor at fighting
Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay not allowed unless discussed and agreed on beforehand.
Has a soft floral scent

↪ penned by Mintasia

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———-,. ° ✧- HISTORY -✧ ° .-,———

Pixie was born a kittypet, destined for the show ring and a life full of luxury and pampering. However, when she was a few moons old, her curiosity about the world outside of her twoleg's den got the better of her. Pixie escaped out of an open window to explore and quickly became hopelessly lost. After a few days of aimlessly wandering, the starving kit was discovered by Khaki. The tom took Pixie in, raising her as his own daughter. She's been with the colony ever since.

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