Private hyacinthus ──✩°。⋆⸜ monster

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don't tell me you're not the same person
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it would soon be hard to ignore the added weight... to know that they could spare so little prey for one another and yet what once had been concaved hunger of her sides had swelled to an almost pleasant roundness... what would normally be the sign of a she-cat well-fed means something more. it still makes her gut twist. staring down the measly scraps of a mouse she had been offered to finish, Juniperstar isn't sure if she's even hungry... reasonably she knows that she last ate too long ago to be comfortable but there is a resounding disconnect between body and mind.

it is quiet... numb...

the bite she takes is small, chewed with discomfort as the taste of blood washes over her tongue... each stamp of teeth feels like chewing on cotton tufts- there is no satisfaction in this meal but it is eaten out of necessity more than pleasure. with that grueling task aside, there is little else left but to return to work, to continue to until her paws grow frigid from the frost's nipping grasp. there was no time to lounge around while the clan needed to eat, while they still could make good use of whatever moss could still be salvaged...

a part of her hums with the suggestion to go visit Serpent- but it is quickly quieted by fear of her bladed tongue. they are not the same as they had once been... and to assume her welcome at the widow's side would be bold... or just stupid. there is a shift of the breeze and she turns to face the first cat she can make eye contact with, "Are you busy? Mind coming with me to look for some moss?"

  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
    ignore me

Monster has been watching from the shadows, his green eyes narrow and sharp, taking in every moment. Every bite she forces down, every shift of her body, the way she hesitates—he notices it all. He's a patient observer, always waiting for the right moment, always present when others think they're alone. There's something about her today, something that draws him in—something that has him biding his time, his quiet presence a shadow at the edge of her world. He allows her to finish what little she can of the meager meal, his gaze unwavering, unreadable. She's too proud to ask for help, too burdened by her own pride, but he's seen the signs—seen the way she's pulled thin, the way the light in her eyes flickers, as though her strength is starting to waver. It's only a matter of time before the pressure cracks her open. When she speaks, he doesn't hesitate. He steps forward slowly, making sure his approach is measured, calm. His voice slides out from the quiet like a thread of silk.

"Of course. I'm never too busy for you, Juniperstar." His tone is smooth, almost soothing, but there's a calculated edge hidden underneath. He allows his steps to echo slightly in the quiet air, a subtle reminder of his presence. His eyes study her closely, taking in the weight that she can't seem to accept, the way she holds herself tightly, as though it's a battle to not show weakness. But it's there—he can see it in the stiff set of her shoulders, the way she avoids looking too closely at anything. "You're not eating much, though. Don't you think you're pushing yourself a bit too hard?" His words come easily, as if spoken in passing, casual, yet they hang in the air, heavy with unspoken meaning. His gaze is intent, his wildfire eyes flicking over her once more, taking note of the subtle tremor in her limbs, the weariness in her gaze. He steps a little closer, lowering his voice, just for her. "The kits… they need you strong, don't they?"

There's no real reproach in his voice, no judgment—just a quiet observation, a whisper of concern that could mean something if she chooses to listen. He doesn't press; instead, he watches her reaction, knowing that even if she resists it, the thought will linger. The idea of her pushing too hard, too fast, and the toll it might take on those tiny lives she's carrying. It's a reminder that she's not just a leader right now; she's a mother. And that is something he can use. Monster steps beside her, not too close, but enough to offer silent company. He's careful to make it seem like a choice she's making, not a demand he's issuing. "I know how important it is to make sure the Clan's well cared for, and I admire your drive, truly." He lets the words hang there, the admiration in his tone genuine but tainted with a hint of something more. Something that speaks of mutual benefit. "But you don't have to carry it all alone, you know. The Clan is strong, yes, but they rely on you, Juniperstar. Your kits—your strength matters more than ever."

He glances down, just briefly, to her swollen sides, before meeting her eyes once more. There's no malice in his expression—just the cool, thoughtful demeanor of someone who understands sacrifice, who understands the balance between duty and survival. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here, ready to help. I've always been good at carrying weight." The hint of a smile curls at the edge of his lips, but it's subtle, almost imperceptible, as though he's offering something far more valuable than just the strength of his body. It's his presence. His quiet, constant presence that she might find herself relying on sooner or later. As he begins to walk with her, just a step behind, he keeps his voice low, comfortable, like a shadow at her side. "We can get the moss. I'll help you. And maybe you can take a little time to rest afterward. Just a thought." He allows the suggestion to linger in the air, not pressing her, but offering it like a quiet thread she might just follow if she chooses.

After all, every great leader needs someone to watch their back.

her ears sits forward with a sort of surprised delight, flattered by Monster's willingness to offer up his time, his energy for something as trivial as moss hunting at her request. an easiness that settles that way her spine begs to bristle at every turn. her nose lifts slightly, lightened by the ease of her request- it would be a simple and useful task. it would be of some benefit, it would give her the chance to reassure another face that she had not given up despite her exhaustion, despite the way ghosts plague her nights.

up until teeth carefully clack together in observant commentary- a truth publicized but unspoken up until this point. her lips drop from their relieved smile, rushing to dismiss such concerns as quickly as he can articulate them- "You shouldn't concern yourself with me- I'll be fine, it's just-" the tip of her tail tremors to be cut to the bone so quickly, to have her circumstances neatly fileted in front of her. defensiveness broils in the pits of her stomach, swallowing past the stunned lump in her throat. "I appreciate," she continues, through gritted teeth, "Your worry but Serpentberry is plenty capable of fussing over my health."

an ear flicks, mossy gaze fleeing the level stare of her chosen company in favor of looking towards the camp's exit, eager to escape such an open-aired space. she pads towards it, flicking her tail to beckon Monster's following- if he insisted on continuing this conversation they could at least keep their paws busy at the same time. his flattery is a welcome reassurance... or a tactful departure from such pointed coddling. the sacrifice necessary to be a great leader often involved some amount of selflessness, a willingness to place oneself on the bottom on the pile to benefit the masses.


that word again. her vision finds him with a small lift of her brows- "I'm not alone... You're here right now, aren't you? As is everyone else- we are all tired, wearing ourselves thin." a floundering diversion to acknowledge the hard work of the rest rather than just herself. anything to not keep making mention of what part of Sable was still embedded within. a dejected sigh follows another mention- kits feels more like a curse than a blessing with every addressal. at least he does not shy from consistency, from a role of usefulness... a dutiful shade, attached just behind chocolate speckled figure.

"I'll humor your penchant for worry then- we'll do this and then I'll rest for the day. Can I trust you to take a group out to go hunting this evening then? I was going to do it myself but clearly I'm being hounded not to." it is mostly teasing but there is a layer of thinly veiled exasperation in every syllable.

  • juniperstar
    leader of thunderclan
    nine lives remain
    ignore me