it would soon be hard to ignore the added weight... to know that they could spare so little prey for one another and yet what once had been concaved hunger of her sides had swelled to an almost pleasant roundness... what would normally be the sign of a she-cat well-fed means something more. it still makes her gut twist. staring down the measly scraps of a mouse she had been offered to finish, Juniperstar isn't sure if she's even hungry... reasonably she knows that she last ate too long ago to be comfortable but there is a resounding disconnect between body and mind.
it is quiet... numb...
the bite she takes is small, chewed with discomfort as the taste of blood washes over her tongue... each stamp of teeth feels like chewing on cotton tufts- there is no satisfaction in this meal but it is eaten out of necessity more than pleasure. with that grueling task aside, there is little else left but to return to work, to continue to until her paws grow frigid from the frost's nipping grasp. there was no time to lounge around while the clan needed to eat, while they still could make good use of whatever moss could still be salvaged...
a part of her hums with the suggestion to go visit Serpent- but it is quickly quieted by fear of her bladed tongue. they are not the same as they had once been... and to assume her welcome at the widow's side would be bold... or just stupid. there is a shift of the breeze and she turns to face the first cat she can make eye contact with, "Are you busy? Mind coming with me to look for some moss?"
it is quiet... numb...
the bite she takes is small, chewed with discomfort as the taste of blood washes over her tongue... each stamp of teeth feels like chewing on cotton tufts- there is no satisfaction in this meal but it is eaten out of necessity more than pleasure. with that grueling task aside, there is little else left but to return to work, to continue to until her paws grow frigid from the frost's nipping grasp. there was no time to lounge around while the clan needed to eat, while they still could make good use of whatever moss could still be salvaged...
a part of her hums with the suggestion to go visit Serpent- but it is quickly quieted by fear of her bladed tongue. they are not the same as they had once been... and to assume her welcome at the widow's side would be bold... or just stupid. there is a shift of the breeze and she turns to face the first cat she can make eye contact with, "Are you busy? Mind coming with me to look for some moss?"