Open Camp I am relieved that I left my room tidy - [ MARCH PATROLS ]

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


meet your brand new image
// canonically set March 2nd! <3

Frostmoth is unsure of himself. That much has already been made evident in his few moons of living. Actually, Frostmoth does know a couple of things about himself: he doesn't trust easily, he hates change, and he loves the small amount of family he's got. Which he supposes now in some poetic way extends to all the unwitting members of RiverClan, even if many of them are probably unwilling. And now that Pikestar has named Frostmoth as his deputy, he feels like he can no longer just go through the motions of clan life. Now there are eyes on him. Obligations. Things that not even his recent predecessors had to do. There is no blueprint for him to follow, and Frostmoth hates that he feels that he must forge his own path.

Still, Frostmoth is stubborn above all else. He isn't willing to roll over and give up. He has thrown himself head-first into his duties since he was named by Pikestar, and one such thing that had been decided on was that there needed to be more patrols. Some such disorganized groups had found themselves perusing RiverClan territory. Not a bad thing; after all, it had been how they had managed to find their new home and provide prey for the less abled RiverClanners. Still, with the discovery of neighbors- and one being far less amicable than the other- Frostmoth and the council had decided that they needed to set up a system of sorts for patrolling RiverClan territory on a regular basis.

Frostmoth does not rise to where Pikestar does to call attention to his clanmates, but rather waits one crisp morning by the camp entrance. It had also been decided upon that this was likely the most ideal time to assign patrols to his clanmates. It's likely to draw some complaints from apprentices or seniormost warriors, but Frostmoth has decided it's best to go with what was agreed upon in terms of organizing patrols. "In order to keep our clan safe and healthy, Pikestar, myself, and the rest of the council have decided that we need to be patrolling the territory more regularly." His speech is jaunty and awkward to begin with, but slowly gets better as he gains more confidence.

"To start, we need to start taking patrols to our borders... One to the border we share with SkyClan, one to the border we share with ThunderClan," Frostmoth addresses what he thinks are most important first. "And two more. One for hunting and one to help Jinglemoon gather herbs," Frostmoth nods as he lists off the patrols that are to be sent out. They have already worked out the first heads of each patrol and who will be within their ranks. "I will lead the patrol to ThunderClan's border," he begins "I'm taking Torrentpaw, Pigeonpearl, and Smokewreath with me." Easier than he might have first thought, Frostmoth straightens himself up and doles out the remainder of the patrol assignments:

"To SkyClan's border, Pineheart will be the patrol lead. He'll be accompanied by Sunnysplash, Amberpaw, and Willowburn."

"Adderfang will head up a hunting patrol, and will be taking Foxtail, Grumblepaw, and Coyoteclaw with him."

"And finally, Jinglemoon needs some help gathering herbs to keep us all healthy. So he will be heading an herb scouting patrol. I've decided Cinnamonbloom, Hazecloud, and Peachtrot will be assisting him."

ThunderClan border: Frostmoth (lead), @Torrentpaw , @PIGEON , @Smokewreath
SkyClan border: @pine (lead), @Sunnysplash , @AMBERPAW , @willowburn
Hunting patrol: @Adderfang (lead), @FOXTAIL , @Grumble , @Coyoteclaw
Herb patrol: @Jinglemoon (lead), @Cinnamon , @haze , @Peachtrot

  • "SPEECH"
  • FROST — he/him, riverclan deputy, 17 moons
    — penned by carat, feel free to ping or dm for plots!
    — longhair black and white bicolor with blue eyes
    — peaceful powerplay ok! all interactions ok!
  • penned by carat!
  • Love
Reactions: ARSYNNE

Pine sighs somewhat wearily. He'd known this was going to happen– he'd been part of the decision. Still, he wasn't particularly fond of any of it. It was a lot of obligation to put on weary shoulders; but better him bear it than someone else. The leader and the deputy were just kits in his eyes. They'd need someone more… experienced, to look to. If he and Adderfang had to be that, so be it. He shakes his head, standing up from where he'd been sitting close to Frostmoth.

"Willowburn, Sunnysplash, Amberpaw," he says, "follow me. We'll go at once."

  • ooc: -
  • 94036900_k9U5hUl7IY7jbLA.png
    PINE, - 48 moons / riverclan + warrior
    large brown tabby town
    adopted guardian of Torrentpaw and Squidpaw / future mentor to Torrentpaw
    healing and peaceful powerplay allowed

———————————— 'Cause everything moves, everything pulses. ✦

She only passively listened to what Frostmoth had to say, busying herself cleaning her paws. The taste of ocean spray was long gone from her fur; part of her missed it, the familiarity at least. Though she was curious what their deputy had to propose to the clan, she appreciated Pikestar and what he did, though he wasn't always the most... Put together, leader, to put it kindly. Well, neither was Frostmoth on most occasions, but they were the same age so she couldn't be too harsh on the tom.

Though her ears perked at the mention of patrols, she'd heard what'd happened at the border with their neighbours - Thunderclan - and to admit she was intrigued at the idea of patrolling one of the boarders with their neighbours. Though as names were called, she hummed, accepting that her turn would come another day. That was, until she was called to a hunting patrol. A small smile split her face; she'd already found some success hunting in these waters, even better with one of the lifeguards, his dear brother and one of the apprentices to be at her side too. She was pleased to be able to gather more food for the clan, and for once, she found herself looking forward to spending some time with other clanmates. Adderfang was an interesting cat, after all; compared to a lot of the cats with higher power in the clan, he was more stoic and commanding, something she had to respect.

With that smile still tugging the corners of her mouth, she padded towards her brother. "Ready for yer first hunting patrol Fox?" She purred. "I'll tell ya' the fish in the rivers ain't nothing like those from the sea. But if I managed it, I'm sure ya' will too.". She'd seen her clanmates struggle with the fish once before, but she had far more faith in her own kin to be successful in a catch and if not? Well it'd be a good for him to learn from. Just a shame Dogflicker couldn't come along with. Maybe next time, Coyo wouldn't want her to fall behind the two of them after all.

  • Coyoteclaw
    ✦—Riverclan Warrior | 17 Moons
    ✦—A chocolate/cinnamon chimera with low white, and amber eyes.


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Seated next to Pineheart, Torrentpaw listened to Frostmoth with bright eyes as he explained the need for patrols along the territory borders. He thought it was a great idea, as there could be dangers throughout their territory they were unaware of, or maybe even other cats who may need help. He still didn't quite understand the hostility from the other clans about their own borders, but ultimately he understood that they were there first, and that was their rule. Regardless, the territory surrounded by the river was his home now, and he planned to protect it.

As Frostmoth mewed his name, Torrentpaw's brows lifted in excitement. He enjoyed the older cat's company, ever since they had taught a few of their clanmates how to swim back in the shipyard. With a determined nod towards the deputy in acknowledgement, Torrentpaw then bounced between between Pigeonpearl and Smokewreath, meowing a few words of excitment for what they may find or do, his gaze bright as he smiled at his patrol-mates. Torrentpaw had no issue remembering his clanmate's names, making it easy for him to spot them in a crowd.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice

It hadn't gone unnoticed by him the effort Frostmoth was putting in. The boy was thrown in the deep, and he was willing to rise to the challenge. That alone garners him with a small amount of respect, but it's not enough to distract from his inexperience. Adderfang was still not thrilled with the idea of such a young cat leading them. But for now, he would give Frostmoth the benefit of the doubt.

His own new role in it all hardly felt different from what Adderfang had already been doing. He cared little for titles, and what authority came with it didn't change much. Cats listened if it pleased them, and if they didn't, he would waste the breath to make them.

The slender tom sits tall, narrow eyes observing the bicolor as patrols were announced. Making them more regular was something Adder could get behind. Owning territory meant defending it. If they were serious about claiming the land—and they'd better be—it would have to be marked and patrolled more than when it was convenient to them. They needed consistency.

When the names of the patrol he's to lead are called, he remains sitting. He knew little about the cats he had been assigned to lead. Getting to know them better was not even a forethought. Even so, family or stranger—skilled hunters or not—he would look after them, as should have been expected of all the patrol leaders.

When Frostmoth finishes speaking, Adderfang rises. Sharp eyes flick over his shoulder as he moves to leave. "My patrol, meet me by the entrance." His gruff voice cuts through the chatter. "Be quick if you don't want to get left behind." There was work to be done, and he was not going to waste daylight trying to herd them. They would either follow now or scramble to catch up later.

  • "speech" - thoughts

  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
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Sharkpaws ears perked up at the call, curiosity quickly giving way to eagerness as he realized that patrols were going out-- far more formally than ever before, from the sound of it. Which was fine with him really-- more action meant more experience, and that's exactly what the young tom needed now that he was training to be a warrior. As he quickly padded over to join his clanmates in gathering around, he couldn't help but speculate on where he might be sent. He'd proven the other day that he was a good hunter when he'd snagged that fish (even though it was mostly just luck), and he held his own against the critter that was trying to steal his fish, so he'd probabaly be good at protecting the borders, too.

Only, the longer the impromptu meeting went on, the more confused he grew.

"Hey! What about the rest of us?" growled the unhappy apprentice. "You've at least got something for me, right?"

Sharkpaw stood, scowling up at Frostmoth as they failed to call his name alongside Amberpaw and Torrentpaw. It had to be a mistake, right? Did they expect him to just sit around in camp all day picking up the slack on chores while everyone else got to go hone their hunting skills or protect their borders against the neighboring clans (which he still hadn't gotten to see, yet, by the way)? He couldn't help the jealousy that threatened to bubble up in him, but he tried to keep it under wraps. There was lots to do-- Frostmoth could definitely find him something, right?

OOC-- You don't have to appease this little jerk XD

shipyard cat - male - 6 months blue ticked tomcat with high white and aqua eyes

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The Life Guard didn't make it far. His paws hesitated as Sharkpaw began to whine. The sharptoothed kit hadn't stopped pushing boundaries since he arrived. He was always a prickly thing, claiming that wreck, snarling at any that dared get close. That behavior wouldn't get him far if he wanted to live with other cats. But, in a way, Adderfang could see a younger version of himself in his reflection—hot-headed, brash, and eager to prove himself.

What would Pa have said?

"If you've got time to complain boy, then you've got time to work."

Adderfang beckoned the young tom over with a harsh flick of his tail. "Hurry on." The tall tom honks, "You're with me today, Sharkpaw." He doesn't wait, sauntering ahead. He continued his stride out of camp, peering over his shoulder at the RiverClan deputy. That wouldn't be the last time anyone tried his patience. Frostmoth would need to get used to that, but Adder was willing to handle things for him this time.

- Exit Adder -

  • "speech" - thoughts

  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
  • Love
Reactions: SHARKPAW