// canonically set March 2nd! <3
Frostmoth is unsure of himself. That much has already been made evident in his few moons of living. Actually, Frostmoth does know a couple of things about himself: he doesn't trust easily, he hates change, and he loves the small amount of family he's got. Which he supposes now in some poetic way extends to all the unwitting members of RiverClan, even if many of them are probably unwilling. And now that Pikestar has named Frostmoth as his deputy, he feels like he can no longer just go through the motions of clan life. Now there are eyes on him. Obligations. Things that not even his recent predecessors had to do. There is no blueprint for him to follow, and Frostmoth hates that he feels that he must forge his own path.
Still, Frostmoth is stubborn above all else. He isn't willing to roll over and give up. He has thrown himself head-first into his duties since he was named by Pikestar, and one such thing that had been decided on was that there needed to be more patrols. Some such disorganized groups had found themselves perusing RiverClan territory. Not a bad thing; after all, it had been how they had managed to find their new home and provide prey for the less abled RiverClanners. Still, with the discovery of neighbors- and one being far less amicable than the other- Frostmoth and the council had decided that they needed to set up a system of sorts for patrolling RiverClan territory on a regular basis.
Frostmoth does not rise to where Pikestar does to call attention to his clanmates, but rather waits one crisp morning by the camp entrance. It had also been decided upon that this was likely the most ideal time to assign patrols to his clanmates. It's likely to draw some complaints from apprentices or seniormost warriors, but Frostmoth has decided it's best to go with what was agreed upon in terms of organizing patrols. "In order to keep our clan safe and healthy, Pikestar, myself, and the rest of the council have decided that we need to be patrolling the territory more regularly." His speech is jaunty and awkward to begin with, but slowly gets better as he gains more confidence.
"To start, we need to start taking patrols to our borders... One to the border we share with SkyClan, one to the border we share with ThunderClan," Frostmoth addresses what he thinks are most important first. "And two more. One for hunting and one to help Jinglemoon gather herbs," Frostmoth nods as he lists off the patrols that are to be sent out. They have already worked out the first heads of each patrol and who will be within their ranks. "I will lead the patrol to ThunderClan's border," he begins "I'm taking Torrentpaw, Pigeonpearl, and Smokewreath with me." Easier than he might have first thought, Frostmoth straightens himself up and doles out the remainder of the patrol assignments:
"To SkyClan's border, Pineheart will be the patrol lead. He'll be accompanied by Sunnysplash, Amberpaw, and Willowburn."
"Adderfang will head up a hunting patrol, and will be taking Foxtail, Grumblepaw, and Coyoteclaw with him."
"And finally, Jinglemoon needs some help gathering herbs to keep us all healthy. So he will be heading an herb scouting patrol. I've decided Cinnamonbloom, Hazecloud, and Peachtrot will be assisting him."
ThunderClan border: Frostmoth (lead), @Torrentpaw , @PIGEON , @Smokewreath
SkyClan border: @pine (lead), @Sunnysplash , @AMBERPAW , @willowburn
Hunting patrol: @Adderfang (lead), @FOXTAIL , @Grumble , @Coyoteclaw
Herb patrol: @Jinglemoon (lead), @Cinnamon , @haze , @Peachtrot
Frostmoth is unsure of himself. That much has already been made evident in his few moons of living. Actually, Frostmoth does know a couple of things about himself: he doesn't trust easily, he hates change, and he loves the small amount of family he's got. Which he supposes now in some poetic way extends to all the unwitting members of RiverClan, even if many of them are probably unwilling. And now that Pikestar has named Frostmoth as his deputy, he feels like he can no longer just go through the motions of clan life. Now there are eyes on him. Obligations. Things that not even his recent predecessors had to do. There is no blueprint for him to follow, and Frostmoth hates that he feels that he must forge his own path.
Still, Frostmoth is stubborn above all else. He isn't willing to roll over and give up. He has thrown himself head-first into his duties since he was named by Pikestar, and one such thing that had been decided on was that there needed to be more patrols. Some such disorganized groups had found themselves perusing RiverClan territory. Not a bad thing; after all, it had been how they had managed to find their new home and provide prey for the less abled RiverClanners. Still, with the discovery of neighbors- and one being far less amicable than the other- Frostmoth and the council had decided that they needed to set up a system of sorts for patrolling RiverClan territory on a regular basis.
Frostmoth does not rise to where Pikestar does to call attention to his clanmates, but rather waits one crisp morning by the camp entrance. It had also been decided upon that this was likely the most ideal time to assign patrols to his clanmates. It's likely to draw some complaints from apprentices or seniormost warriors, but Frostmoth has decided it's best to go with what was agreed upon in terms of organizing patrols. "In order to keep our clan safe and healthy, Pikestar, myself, and the rest of the council have decided that we need to be patrolling the territory more regularly." His speech is jaunty and awkward to begin with, but slowly gets better as he gains more confidence.
"To start, we need to start taking patrols to our borders... One to the border we share with SkyClan, one to the border we share with ThunderClan," Frostmoth addresses what he thinks are most important first. "And two more. One for hunting and one to help Jinglemoon gather herbs," Frostmoth nods as he lists off the patrols that are to be sent out. They have already worked out the first heads of each patrol and who will be within their ranks. "I will lead the patrol to ThunderClan's border," he begins "I'm taking Torrentpaw, Pigeonpearl, and Smokewreath with me." Easier than he might have first thought, Frostmoth straightens himself up and doles out the remainder of the patrol assignments:
"To SkyClan's border, Pineheart will be the patrol lead. He'll be accompanied by Sunnysplash, Amberpaw, and Willowburn."
"Adderfang will head up a hunting patrol, and will be taking Foxtail, Grumblepaw, and Coyoteclaw with him."
"And finally, Jinglemoon needs some help gathering herbs to keep us all healthy. So he will be heading an herb scouting patrol. I've decided Cinnamonbloom, Hazecloud, and Peachtrot will be assisting him."
ThunderClan border: Frostmoth (lead), @Torrentpaw , @PIGEON , @Smokewreath
SkyClan border: @pine (lead), @Sunnysplash , @AMBERPAW , @willowburn
Hunting patrol: @Adderfang (lead), @FOXTAIL , @Grumble , @Coyoteclaw
Herb patrol: @Jinglemoon (lead), @Cinnamon , @haze , @Peachtrot
★ FROST — he/him, riverclan deputy, 17 moons
— penned by carat, feel free to ping or dm for plots!
— longhair black and white bicolor with blue eyes
— peaceful powerplay ok! all interactions ok!
- penned by carat!