Open Territory I CAN BE THE ANSWER + twolegplace patrol

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.
ThunderClan Warrior
Played by
{$title} Owlbark takes a patrol to the twolegplace and has an unfortunate run-in with an old foe

Despite all of Owlbark's gripes with living in ThunderClan, leading patrols was something he could do with ease. Most of the time, the only words he had to speak were directions or orders for cats to follow. That was simple enough. If there was hunting involved, he would readily volunteer to lead patrols. This patrol, though, was a task he almost asked Juniperstar to take from him. The leader, though, was too busy to even hear him out.

All Owlbark had to do was get through this patrol then he could do what he pleased - by himself. The cats that trailed him talked and babbled since they had no worry of needing to snag any prey on this patrol. The place they been heading to was one of Owlbark's hated places in their territory. The twolegplace. High, thin branchless trunks all stacked together to keep either things out or in. He hated it. He didn't want to think about his past here. It made him queasy.

Before he could open his mouth and warn his followers, a pair of blue eyes and orange ears popped up over one of these borders. Owlbark openly groaned and turned to walk away from the monstrosity that was Phoebe. A pampered kittypet that he had run into several times. If they were lucky they wouldn't have to interact with her.

  • ooc: @ROOSTERSTRUT @cassidy @scalejaw bc they asked to be included, but anyone is free to join in!
    51 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    open to peaceful interactions
    penned by muddly
  • toyhouse
Warm sun filtered through a large, pruned oak. At its base was a fluffy mass of orange and creams stretching in the rays of sun that found her pelt. Cerulean blue eyes blinked open at the sound of many pawsteps and chatter. She had several neighbors, but these voices sounded new. Gruffer, even.

The she-cat slowly rose to her feet, stretched out her back, and groomed knots out of her fur before peeking over her fence. The jingly thing on Phoebe's collar tinkled as she recognized the leader of this oncoming group of cats. It was Owl! He was a stray that bopped around the fences every so often, but never came in. Interesting to see him running around with other cats instead of running solo like he normally does. They had some run-ins here and there, but he was always so grumpy. She thought is was because he was hungry, but he never seemed to want any of her kibble when she offered.

"Owl!" She purred after she had bounced atop her fence. Her feet were used to this thin divide, and she balanced along it with ease. "Who's your friends?" He wasn't even looking at her now, and Phoebe could only laugh. He was a funny guy. So grumpy and aloof.

"Hey! Coco! Guess who stopped by!" Phoebe padded along the fence to her neighbor's yard, peering in and looking for her friend. She couldn't wait to see Owl's face for when he saw Coco come by to say hi as well.

ooc: here is where i would tag coco if she had an account so instead i'll tag @carat
Coco is just happy to be outside after having been cooped up for so long due to the freezing winter weather. Today, the sun is welcoming and warm, and the perfect place to enjoy it is beneath the oak tree. Though it seems her sister has beaten her to it today, so instead Coco resigns herself to lie on the sun-warmed cobblestones of the back porch. It's pleasant enough. The radiant solar heat is certainly pleasant enough to relax against despite the hard surface she's lying on. In fact, she is so relaxed that she hardly notices when Phoebe gets up from beneath the oak, nor does she hear the gruff voices from just over the fence.

Until Phoebe calls for her, of course.

Coco barely pays her sister any mind at first, just raising her head to look in Phoebe's direction when her name is called. But once the words register, she's rising to her feet as well. 'This ought to be good,' she thinks with a sneer, trotting to the fence all while the heart-shaped charm and bell on her collar jingle harmoniously. She hops up to join Phoebe, and to any onlookers it would be clear that the pair were related. Though not twins by any means, the slender forms of both and the blends of reds and creams in their coats were enough to make someone think they were seeing double.

"Well, well," Coco croons, and her voice and tone too are a reflection of Phoebe's "If it isn't Owl. Say, looks like you finally made some sort of friend," she remarks with a scoff, briefly turning her blue eyes to exchange a mocking look with the other balinese. "Oh, or are these some of those forest cats? So they aren't really your friends, but rather just hang around because they have to. You certainly don't smell any better." Coco is not envious of the forest cats. After all, what fun is there in living outside in the dirt and having to fight for all your food? Savages if you asked her.

Roosterstrut does not mind border patrols, especially to the edge of the Twolegplace — that was where he was born, after all. His earliest memories involved looking out a window or playing with jingly toys atop padded furniture and carpet. Rooster had left that life behind a long time ago and hadn't looked back but he could not bring himself to say that he hated kittypets, or even twolegs for that matter. His had been kind and nurturing to him and his mother. However, he has heard horror stories about how neglectful and cruel they could be to other cats.

He had hoped that today's border stroll would go without a hitch, but the universe had other plans for the ThunderClanners. It wasn't a dog or angry twolegs, thankfully, but a kittypet. The red tabby tom cranes his neck back, glancing up at the flame point molly perched atop the fence. She addresses Owl by name, striking surprise within the warrior. "Uh, hello." Roosterstrut hesitantly responds with a flick of his feathery tail.

The tom blinks, now turning toward the gruff older male out of curiosity, "You know these cats, Owl—" Right. Everyone has extended names now, including him. It's easy to forget. "—bark?" Roosterstrut tacks on at the last moment, wincing ever so slightly as he catches his mistake. He'd have to get used to all of the new changes.

Another cat joins the first she-cat—one who looks like her double—and Roosterstrut nearly does a double take. He had known a few of the other neighborhood cats as a youth but these two did not look familiar. They tease Owlbark and give him a hard time, to which the warrior tries to come up with a response. "Well," Roosterstrut's green gaze quickly flicks back to Owlbark and then back to the duo. "Owl isn't that bad. He's really..." What does he say? "Cool." Intimidating was a better word to describe him, probably, but Roosterstrut opted for a more positive term. They weren't close by any means but he wanted to try and back him up a little here.




Ghoststrike wasn't all that keen on being so close to twolegplace. When the patrol had first been gathered the dark-furred tabby hadn't thought twice about it– just another scouting mission to see what was what, and as someone born and raised in a city it made sense that he would go along in case he could be of use.

He hadn't expected the feeling of uneasiness that came creeping up on him as the first few structures came into view, though.

He masked the feelings well, expression carefully blank as he made his way along, but there were signs if you knew where to look for them– in the stiffness of his shoulders and the sharp swivelling of the ears atop his head. Straining to pick up the sound of heavy pawsteps or the quiet swish of a tail through the snow.

Dogs he did not find, but cats there were. Fortunately they seemed keen on making themselves known, calling out to one of his patrolmates, but that didn't exactly make it clear to Ghost what the protocol was. Dark eyes shifted to his clanmates, observing their reactions, waiting for clarification; for orders. Did they run these cats off? Bring them back to Juniper? Leave Owlbark here and continue the patrol?

Regardless, he didn't join in the conversation, hanging toward the back and keeping watch on their surroundings instead.

future thunderclanner - male - a large, grey tabby with dark amber eyes and several scars

Trufflepaw has hardly gone near the twolegplace, in fact, they've never seen it before today. It's a new experience, thats for sure, as they've never really been out of the colony before... Or at least far from camp. They used to wander around in search of food for themselves and their older brother but they never had much luck in the first place, and it was at least calming to frayed nerves to be out there and listen to the forest noises. The bird song and distant bug sounds helped soothe their soul...

They're so lost in thought that they hardly recognize when Owlbark pivots to walk away, nearly tripping right in to him in a poor attempt to stop on a dime, scrambling backwards with a slight look of alarm and embarrassment. A cat with something around their neck hops up on to a branch, a melodic chime coming from her each time she moves. Trufflepaw blinks- shes not like anything they've seen in Thunderclan, and she smells weird, and shes sleek and pretty and ten times more well-groomed and pampered than some of their own. Ears swivel backwards as she turns her head and calls to someone named Coco, who seems to mock poor Owlbark in front of the whole patrol. Trufflepaw inwardly cringes.

"Ummm...." what are they supposed to say, really, aside from the fact that this confrontation was awkward? Roosterstrut tries to defend Owlbark but Trufflepaws own words get caught in their throat. They don't speak up, instead trying their best to slowly step back without being noticed.