Private Territory i found the cure to growing older [GECKO]

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This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.



When Wolfpack had invited Gecko to go explore the territory with him, he hadn't been sure the shecat would accept. After her venting session in camp the other day she'd certainly given the impression that she preferred to stay clean and well kept, and a trek around a muddy territory probably wasn't high up on her list of priorities. She'd managed to surprise him by accepting his abrupt offer though, and now the pair found themselves walking out along the edge of one of the nearby ponds.

"I wonder if Hawthornes cats have all starved to death yet." he wondered aloud as he paused to sniff at a strange clump of plants growing on the ponds bank. His nose wrinkled slightly at the bitter scent, and turned away to continue on. "That place has to of run out of food by now. "

A few cats leaving wouldn't be enough to fix the damage done there. It would take a few seasons at least before the prey returned properly, and that wouldn't happen if cats were still killing off the morsels that were left.



loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars


though gecko would much rather be anywhere else to escape this never-ending grime, she is forced to bedgrudgingly accept the harsh reality that this bog would be her home for as long as air continues to circulate through her lungs. still, that doesn't mean she'll stop airing out her compliants.
"one can only hope, maybe if they're all gone we could convince sable to move back."
she replies, the bridge of her snout wrinkling as she shakes a clump of mud from her paws while wolfpack sticks his nose in a bunch of uninteresting weeds.

gecko didn't have much of an opinion on wolfpack but he seemed to take everything that has happened with relative ease unlike her. an ear would twitch as they continued to walk, gaze sweeping over the chimera deciding to fill the silence with conversation.
"what do you make of this whole clan buisness? with the whole changing of names and the dead granting our dearest champion with nine lives. . . honestly it's all a bit baffling if you ask me."
she mews, being mindful of where she places her paws trying to keep to more solid patches of earth.



"Maybe." Wolf replied thoughtfully, not sounding against it. "It was a good piece of territory. I almost wish I could have seen it in its prime."

Not just the territory, but the colony itself.

When Wolf had first discovered the group, it was already an impressive sight to behold; dozens upon dozens of cats all in one spot. He'd seen colonies and clowders before throughout his travels of various twolegplaces and countrysides and none of them had held a shadow to Frays group. But Wolf had come across them at a bad time, one in which their leader was ill and all sense of organization and discipline was lost. Starvation and chaos had left a thick layer of tension on everything, and with disappointment he'd realized he'd arrived just in time to watch everything fall apart.

Until Sable began whispering in the ears of cats.

That divide lessened the numbers, made it less impressive than it once was, but Shadowclan was still alive to see another day. Were Hawthornes cats? Had they stubbornly refused to leave even after the death of another leader? Had they disbanded, realizing it was hopeless? Or maybe they were still out there, trying to go back to normal– whatever that was for them?

Whatever their fate, he couldn't imagine they were in as good a shape as Shadowclan was if they were still hunting those same overused stretched of land.

"what do you make of this whole clan buisness? with the whole changing of names and the dead granting our dearest champion with nine lives. . . honestly it's all a bit baffling if you ask me."

"I don't hate it." he admitted, though his tone suggested reservations. "Kind of seems like he's trying to solidify that we're not a part of the old colony anymore. That we're our own thing. Could be interesting, if it's done right."

And it appealed to Wolf, when said like that. Because while his eye had been drawn by the impressive size of the original colony, that wasn't the kind of place he'd settle long term. Not with the way things were run over there. He would have grown bored and impatient as he watched weakness breed more weakness.

"As for the whole 'champion' thing.." he shook his head, not buying into it. " As far as I'm concerned he's just spun a clever tale that's got the clan fooled so he isn't challenged for leadership." And Wolf didn't begrudge him, if his tone was anything to go by. More cats had bought into it than he thought, and while he could make waves by stating the obvious, he chose not to. The clan needed stability, and if believing some fairytales would give them that, Wolf could let it be.

Unless someone asked him directly, like Gecko had. In which case, he had no problem sharing his personal opinion.

"Call me cynical, but I'll start believing in spirits and extra lives when I see them for myself."


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars