Private i like gettin' money // herb patrol

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i imagine you're still out there
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[ @maplefrost @Copperstorm @Dewshine - if u guys could roll 1d8 in my channel when u get the chance :3 ]

Serpentberry trawls alongside Dewshine, her shoulder bumping to the molly's whilst she giggles a quiet, "... and I thought that Ravensmoke didn't like kits!" to the other. The topic of discussion: who may bear the next litter. Serpentberry takes pride in knowing that her kits are the first fortunate to be deigned as such in whatever... hierarchical system they must obey now - and both Palefern and Juniperstar now hold the torch for the first litters born whilst the Clan thrived. And so... who would be next? She chitters about the possibility of Ravensmoke, given the sight of the cat the other day, giving badger rides to kits.

She looks briefly behind her at the toms - one is her son, oddly enough. He is much, much to old to properly consider her a mother, she thinks. He must obey the pattern simply because his sister accepted the offer. Nonetheless, despite the urge to neg him about his romantic prospects, she doesn't. She feels Rowanpaw might get her tail if her brother is at all discomforted by the medicine cat.

And Copperstorm... She tenses her teeth and looks away from him. Directly to Dewshine, directly with the line of, "What about you, darling dewdrop? Any hopes for kittens once the snow melts?" she curls her tail closer to the other and holds her head down, a small grin in her expression.
⋆˚✧˖° Come On, Come On, We Can Go Away
"I wish I'd been in camp to see that!" Dewshine can't help but laugh at the medicine cat's story. It was hard to imagine the prickly tom as anything but gruff and no nonsense, to think of him giving badger rides to kits was... Well Dewshine had a hard time believing Serpentberry without seeing it herself. But she supposed that was just yet another surprise- and lesson- since leaving her twolegs in favor of following Copperstorm into the forest.

The other half of the patrol had been awfully quiet since they all left camp together, the molly followed Serpentberry's gaze behind her with a smile, blissfully unaware of the tension between the medicine cat and her mate. "Who do you think will be next? Copper? Maple? Any guesses?"

Without really waiting for an answer the silver molly turns forward, leaning towards Serpent as she speaks. Dewshine stops in her tracks at the question briefly before continuing. Her? Having kits..? The thought had certainly crossed her mind once or twice since Serpent's own kits were big enough to leave the nest and cause trouble around camp. But wouldn't that be...moving a bit too fast? She and Copperstorm hadn't even entertained the thought with each other before.

"Me?" She cast a glance over her shoulder to her mate before looking back to the other beside her once more. "I'm still learning how to be a wild cat, I don't think I could handle that AND learning how to be a mother at the same time, honestly." And it was certainly true, to a point. She wasn't the best hunter, and her fighting prowess certainly left a lot to be desired... But maybe...

"...Maybe during greenleaf, we'll see."

  • Dewshine
    ✦—ThunderClan Warrior
    ✦—Silver She Cat W/ Orange Eyes And Dark Stripe Along Her Tail

Copperstorm listened quietly as the two mollies spoke, his tail low, his expression thoughtful. The conversation had turned to kits, who might be next to raise a litter, and despite himself, he let out a faint smile, rolling his eyes. It was an amusing thought, but Ravensmoke as the next to have kits? He just couldn't see it. That tom had no love life to speak of, not that Copperstorm had noticed, anyway. Moody, grumpy, always quick with a sharp remark… and more distant than ever since the big fight. Still, it was a lighthearted topic for a patrol that might otherwise be weighed down by tension.

Even so, worry flickered in his gaze as he cast a glance back toward camp. Almost the entire camp had been cleared out. Would everything be all right in their absence? He forced the concern aside, clearing his throat as he turned his attention to Maple, his grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

Ladies and their gossip, huh?

The thought barely had time to settle before his ear flicked, catching movement, Serpentberry's eyes were on him. He narrowed his own slightly in response, just for a heartbeat, before her voice rose again. She was questioning Dewshine now, asking if she had ever considered having kits of her own. Something fluttered in Copperstorm's chest. He glanced toward Dewshine, warmth filling his gaze when she met his eyes. She was still learning, still growing, but she was far too hard on herself. She didn't see what he did.

" You'll be a fine mother, alongside a fine warrior. " he murmured at last, his voice steady with certainty. A pause, then a slight shrug, a teasing glint in his eye. " But yes, maybe Greenleaf. Who knows? "

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦

Maplefrost is walking behind the two mollys next to Copperstorm, his head hanging low, mind entirely elsewhere. On his sister, mainly, and in that way, he supposes his mind was right here– because his main concern regarding Rowanpaw was that she had been essentially avoiding him since the battle, and that being without his sister was like being without one half of him. He's always been a brother, even before she was born, he was her brother. Now Rowanpaw can barely look at him. And part of the reason for that, he can't help but think, is Serpentberry.

They– that is, Rowanpaw and Maplefrost, had been… adopted by Serpentberry and Thornstar on the night he died. He, however, would've politely declined had he had a choice. But Rowanpaw looked so happy, and he… he couldn't take that away from her. All she'd ever wanted was a family, and he had never been enough of one.

He's addressed suddenly by Dewshine, and has absolutely no idea what she's asking him about. He blinks at her, looking over at Copperstorm instead. The older tom replies, something about her being a good mother… So it's about kits? His kits?

Maplefrost looks at Serpentberry for a moment, feeling anger flare up in his chest. Wasn't meddling with one family enough? Did she have to put her paws in everyone's business? Was she going to steal their kits too, raise her own little army?

Feeling frustrated, he cuts in. "What herbs are you hoping to find, Serpentberry? You haven't told us what to look for."

  • ooc: -
  • 91935968_egekecwToXYpXWp.png

    MAPLEFROST, - 19 moons / thunderclan warrior
    large tortoiseshell tom cat, lawful good
    healing and soft powerplay allowed

A responding chitter with Dewshine's gleeful laugh, Serpentberry nods and murmurs something like, "I'll grab you when I see it again," before the conversation over Ravensmoke passes. Her new friend is quick to follow her gaze and be her voice in the matter, negging either tom to join in the frivolous gossip. Copperstorm holds her gaze and narrows his eyes for the morsel they held, and in the breath between him and Maplefrost's flaring (distrust? Upset?) she's glad that her friend has decided to bother either of them about it. Unsettling the unhappy toms seem to put them each in a league of better moods, at least. Still, they don't entertain the conversation she wishes they did.

Instead, Dewshine becomes flustered over her own question. The molly's eyes fall back to Copperstorm and Serpentberry feels her own grin creep bit by bit wider. Her shoulders tremble with the connection (as if it hadn't been obvious before.) Copperstorm adds to it with a softness the medicine cat almost misses of the tom, though she knows it is entirely not hers to witness. Serpentberry distracts the lovers as best she can, pressing her hip into Dewshine's with a slight laugh, "Greenleaf - oh, what a beautiful season to start a family. You'll be a delightful queen, Dewdrop, and prey will be so plentiful..."

Her son cuts in. It seems the topic at hand is one he is far too disinterested in. Serpentberry looks to him with a slight incredulousness in her gaze, a pitiful, "Jeez, Maplefrost. It's as if your sense of fun and whimsy froze with your name..." still, ever playful, ever... 'kind', the medicine cat leads into some sort of rant over leafbare petals and leaves. Longwinded and too in love with her voice, the molly prattles on and on, only to end with... "So, if you find anything at all... just let me know. Anything is better than nothing."
He barely manages to suppress a scoff, instead gritting his teeth. Fun? Whimsy? If she knew him at all, if she was really his mother– she'd know he'd never had either, even before his new name. He'd always been quiet and far too serious for his own good. If you asked Rowanpaw, she'd say he barely even had a sense of humor and never had. Because Rowanpaw was his sister, and she knows him, and he knows her. Serpentberry doesn't know either of them, despite her claim to motherhood. She doesn't know Rowanpaw, doesn't know what she's been through… doesn't know the first thing about her.

But Maplefrost does, so he doesn't pick a fight with Serpentberry, not here, not now. Rowanpaw would be upset if he did, and she was already upset enough with him. He listens patiently as Serpentberry speaks, for far longer than he expected her too, finally ending with a mildly patronising incentive. He settles on nodding in response.

  • ooc: -
  • 91935968_egekecwToXYpXWp.png

    MAPLEFROST, - 19 moons / thunderclan warrior
    large tortoiseshell tom cat, lawful good
    healing and soft powerplay allowed


Copperstorm's gaze flickered toward the tom beside him, narrowing slightly in thought. Maplefrost seemed… tense. Frustrated, even. Like something weighed heavily on his mind, gnawing at the edges of his patience. What was it? What had set him on edge? His tail lashed once, twice, before he let out a slow breath. Then, as Serpentberry spoke of finding anything, Copperstorm's ear flicked, his eyes briefly shutting as if to ward off his own irritation.

" Anything. " He echoed dryly, one brow arching as he turned toward Maplefrost and gave a pointed nod to the side. " Wanna check if we can manage to find some… of anything? " he offered at last, the words edged with dry amusement. Herbs weren't his specialty. Poppy seeds, cobwebs, those he knew. But beyond that? Serpentberry had sent them in blind. What were they even looking for? What could possibly still be growing in this season?

But if she wanted them to go in blind… so be it.

you walk along the edge of danger ——・゚✦