The wind howled against the nursery walls, rattling the bramble walls like claws trying to tear their way in. The rain drummed against the den's roof, and every so often, a gust of wind sent a spray of cold droplets through the cracks. Fleapaw curled tighter around her ratty teddy bear, pressing her nose into its worn, matted fur. It didn't smell like anything anymore—not her two legs, not the streets, not even the mill. Just mildew and age.
It was just a stupid storm. She wasn't scared. She didn't get scared…
But her ears pressed tighter against her skull and her tail curled around herself. The storm raged on—reminding her of cold metal—the sour stench of two leg garbage and rust—the wind howling like hounds—rain pelting ruthlessly above.
Flea was used to riding it out on her own.
A clap of thunder split the air so loud it made her flinch, heart pounding against her ribs. Her claws dug into Ma as she tried to tuck her face further into its side, she shivered, clinging to what little warmth the teddy provided.
She peeks up over her nest, amber eyes wandering the nursery—searching. Where she expects to find brown fur, lies partially empty. She spots Stoat's white pelt, but the brown tom is gone.
Where is he? Why isn't he here? Not that she even cared. He could… go soak his head in the mud pit. But… She stands upright and flops out of her nest, only turning back to grab Ma.
Flamerunner is gone too. He had been glued to her ever since she got sick. She chased him off to his own nest, but now, bristling against the cold, a small tinge of regret follows her.
It takes some effort to pull the teddy bear with her. She clutches an arm in her jaws, hobbling around, flinching as another roar of thunder shakes the brambles. She frantically checks the other nests, scanning every inch of the dark nursery before her eyes land on a tall silhouette just outside the entranceway.
She jumps a little, not expecting anyone to be there. She recognizes them immediately.
He was sitting there, staring out into the storm like a weirdo. Flea drags the teddy with her, huffing as she tosses it down with a soggy plop. She sits down, sandwiched between him and her teddy, leaving a sizable gap in between. Fleapaw hesitates a little, looking up at him before speaking up. "The heck are you doin' up'? You.. cant sleep?" Fleapaw slouches, paws over her tail to keep her pads off the cold ground.
- ooc: —— Ma = The ratty old teddy bear that she carries around. It was given to her by her former two-legs. She calls it Ma, after her mother.
I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!
- she/her
- apprentice
- 6 moons
- speech thought
- some physical powerplay permitted
penned by user
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