Private I WAS BORN HUNGRY ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ wolf

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Despite the training that Vampire had given her, she remains unsatisfied. She does not know why, at least not at first. It takes a while to think of the reason, but eventually she finds it. She needs something more… And she knows where more is, and how she can achieve it.

She seeks him out, and he's not entirely hard to find. Hunting, she supposes, but lingering there long enough to the point where she wouldn't be interrupting anything too important. Perhaps what she was going to do was a bad idea, considering how volatile he had been, but shes not scared. She steps forth in to the lair of the wolf, her whiskers twitching as she stands there, unnerved. If there was one thing she was good at, it was the lack of anxiety in social situations. Conviction is her weapon now, and she straightens up as she addresses him. "You," she begins. "I saw you, during the battle. I saw how you fought." how he effortlessly bleed cats dry. How he didn't seem unnerved by the inch or of living beings splashed upon his pelt.

It's cruel, and it's selfish, but she wants to be like that. She needs to learn to be okay with it… What if the colony launched an attack on them, again?

She takes a deep breath. "I want… You to teach me how to kill. Like you did." how not to be afraid in battle. How not to be afraid of snuffing a life out. Where she should aim, where she shouldn't. Again, knowledge never came without a price, she knows this- Vampire had not demanded anything in the moment, but caution still remains about them, waiting for them to ask for something, anything. She slightly narrows her eyes. "… I'll offer a trade, I can catch birds." her specialty, the one good thing she can catch besides the scrawny mice that roamed around; she was never quite fast enough for rabbits, and never had the patience for catching fish... Soft-pawed, though, they never seem to hear her coming when they mindlessly peck at the ground in search of worms. She can traverse tree branches, with much more difficulty than the ground… But shes desperate to learn, so she will offer up a simple, "I'll bring you the next three that I catch."

She can only hope it's an enticing offer, shes passing up prey for her siblings to ensure she can defend them. She does not have much more to her name nor in her skill set, but this… Her throat begins to tighten as she waits for a response.




Since the night of the battle, not a single cat had brought up what he'd done to his face. He supposed in part that was because he wasn't alone in the measures he'd taken, and to point fingers at him would open the floor to pointing fingers at others A rabbit hole nobody wanted to go down. He wasn't naive enough to think that nobody had seen, that the lives lost wouldn't eventually be counted against him.

But he hadn't thought it would be some kid to confront him.

"I saw you, during the battle. I saw how you fought." It sounded almost like an accusation, but his gaze remained leveled, his expression unbothered. Vaguely he wondered if this girl meant to cause him trouble, if she were really stupid enough to have watched him at work and then come up to him– alone in the marsh- to confront him as if he weren't capable of those things.

"I want… You to teach me how to kill. Like you did."

The monster in him stirred in curiosity at the request, amused and impressed in equal parts. It was good to see some initiative coming from these cats, especially the young ones that weren't yet set enough in their ways for retraining to be difficult, but there was a big difference between wanting something and actually going after it.

But with her request also comes an offer, an understanding that nothing is free in this world. It's a promising start, enough to gain his attention. Experience through mentoring-- that's what marble had said, right? And besides, what better way to assure the clan went in the direction he wanted, then to play a direct hand in shaping the next generation?

Teaching may not necessarily have an appeal to him, but there were enough benefits for him to consider her offer more seriously than he otherwise might have.

Three birds for three lessons." he replied at last. "Fail to pay up, and I'll find other ways to collect." her age did not excuse her from anything. The first law she would learn from him was perhaps the most savage one of all; that a cat could take whatever they wanted, so long as they had the strength to enforce their claim. Food. Bedding. Peace of mind. All of it could be taken if a cat with the right means was so inclined to.

This rule extended beyond cats as well. Nature itself was a force that would take lives and ruin homes in the blink of an eye, without a single thought of mercy toward those caught in it's wake. There was no reasoning with a tornado. No bargaining with a drought. No amount a promises that could make a river flow backwards. Cats should be like that to. Like Wolf– like she would be, if she managed to learn anything at all from him.

"What's your name, kid?" he asked, not bothering to hide the fact that she was an unknown to him. Most were, unless he'd managed to personally cross paths with him. It was a habit of his that wasn't shared with most, a sort of 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality. Those that were worth knowing about would often enough make themselves known, or at the least, make themselves available to those who went looking.

It seemed this young shecat had finally decided she was a cat worth knowing.

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
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