this is like 98% here for me to reference
go away /j
Stagjaw, Dark Forest Resident, Former Medicine Cat of Thunderclan
• He/him, died at 38 moons.
• A scruffy, deerlike tom of average height with a white-freckled brown pelt and a black half-face marking. One eye is a blue so dark it nears black, while the other is a light grey-blue. REFERENCE
• As a Dark Forest resident, his shaggy fur conceals a few gruesome wounds; most prominently, his neck sits at a slightly odd angle and often appears to move a little too loosely on its hinge.
• A deeply complicated, highly intelligent cat who struggles, even in death, to conform to social norms. He tends to refrain from eye contact in everyday interaction and often makes strange observations that may be inappropriate for the situation; he can be arrogant and even cruel. He is gifted with an innate empathy (waiting to see if this can be the actual power of empathy) that allows him to place himself in the paws of other cats in vivid, often disturbing, detail. The line between the veil of humanity he occasionally wears and who he actually is often blurs, usually to the point that even he cannot distinguish the two. His ability to put himself in oft-upsetting perspectives feeds into his darker nature, which manifests in violent visions and urges. Over the course of his life, his moral compass grew gradually bleaker with the aid of a former Clanmate's manipulation. While his moral waters are muddied, it would be fair to say he is a bad person struggling to be good rather than the inverse. By the time he reaches the Dark Forest, he is considerably more unstable and much closer to the hunter than the prey, despite his name.
• Aided a former Clanmate and serial killer in covering his tracks.
• Manipulated Clanmates in the interest of himself and aforementioned serial killer.
• Multiple attempted murders, including several of Clanmates under his care.
• At least one successful murder.
• Mutilation of a corpse.
• Cause of death: fell off a cliff, actual cause of death was a broken neck.
go away /j
Stagjaw, Dark Forest Resident, Former Medicine Cat of Thunderclan
• He/him, died at 38 moons.
• A scruffy, deerlike tom of average height with a white-freckled brown pelt and a black half-face marking. One eye is a blue so dark it nears black, while the other is a light grey-blue. REFERENCE
• As a Dark Forest resident, his shaggy fur conceals a few gruesome wounds; most prominently, his neck sits at a slightly odd angle and often appears to move a little too loosely on its hinge.
• A deeply complicated, highly intelligent cat who struggles, even in death, to conform to social norms. He tends to refrain from eye contact in everyday interaction and often makes strange observations that may be inappropriate for the situation; he can be arrogant and even cruel. He is gifted with an innate empathy (waiting to see if this can be the actual power of empathy) that allows him to place himself in the paws of other cats in vivid, often disturbing, detail. The line between the veil of humanity he occasionally wears and who he actually is often blurs, usually to the point that even he cannot distinguish the two. His ability to put himself in oft-upsetting perspectives feeds into his darker nature, which manifests in violent visions and urges. Over the course of his life, his moral compass grew gradually bleaker with the aid of a former Clanmate's manipulation. While his moral waters are muddied, it would be fair to say he is a bad person struggling to be good rather than the inverse. By the time he reaches the Dark Forest, he is considerably more unstable and much closer to the hunter than the prey, despite his name.
• Aided a former Clanmate and serial killer in covering his tracks.
• Manipulated Clanmates in the interest of himself and aforementioned serial killer.
• Multiple attempted murders, including several of Clanmates under his care.
• At least one successful murder.
• Mutilation of a corpse.
• Cause of death: fell off a cliff, actual cause of death was a broken neck.
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