

This is FFA / FCFS
This adopt is for the parents and the kits
SIRE and DAM can be anywhere from the 20-30 moons age range and age realistically every month.
KITS will begin playing at 3 moons and age realistically on the 14th.
Disabilities and birth defects are permitted but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations will be permitted!
No set form, include all the basics ( name, appearance, personality, plot ideas etc ). Please provide several name options and check the CLAIMED PREFIXES list!
Available kit slots are one-two depending on interest.
Characters must stay in the Shipyard/RiverClan. If a plot calls for them to go elsewhere, please discuss it with me!

Please check legality with staff and availability in the claimed list! Future suffixes are FFA. Bolded names are favorites of mine :p
DAM NAME IDEAS: Frost, Ice/Icicle, Snow, Blue, Sea, Blizzard, Wave, Rain, Shell, etc.
SIRE NAME IDEAS: Tide, Reed, Trout, Minnow, Fox, Hare, Otter, Thorn, Heron, Adder, etc

Parents would lean toward water based names due to where they reside. Beech, Swan, River, Fish-names, Ripple, Drizzle, etc.
Appearance based names such as Tiny, Small, Colors (blue, lilac, dark, black, so on and so forth), Fur texture (thistle, bristle, needle, jagged, soft etc).
Fierce names: Wolf, Hound, Adder, Fox, Lynx, etc
Flowers: Lotus, Anemone, Poppy, Hyacinth, Lily, Thrift, Daisy, Holly, Coral, Basil, Peony.
Names they like: Hope, Gentle, Blossom, Cold, Valor, Valerian, Wonder, Brine, Cloud, Laurel, Shadow(ed), Feather, Quiet, Storm, Lightning, Thunder, Moss, Rose, Bright, Hail, Hemlock, Aster, Dawn, Heart, Pearl, Berry, Moon, Sweet, Moth, Bright, Sun(shine), Light, Aurora, Azalea. . .
Names after each other are dependant on kits' physical looks! They wouldn't give the kits the same exact name, though.
NO mean names, the parents love their kids very much!


SIRE: SH chocolate ticked tabby with no white
DAM: LH blue sepia with low white
Kits can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, chocolate chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, seal sepia, blue sepia, chocolate sepia, lilac sepia, seal lynx sepia, blue lynx sepia, chocolate lynx sepia, lilac lynx sepia or albino
Kits that are tabby or lynx may have Mackerel, Classic, or Ticked tabby markings.
Kits will have no white or low white.
Kits that are sepias can have aqua, gold, green, or blue eye colours; Kits with white may have any realistic eye colour including blue; Kits without white may have any realistic eye colour excluding blue.
Kits that are albino can have pink or light blue eyes.
Kits may be long haired or short haired.

Their story together can be made up by the admins! But as general rule they are both shipyard-born. The old vessels are all they've ever called home and both are content here! Whether their current relationship is mostly left in the air for the admins chosen (so they can be separated), they were once in love and no matter how they feel about each other now, they are very doting and caring towards their kids. Kits will be taught how to hunt/fish and swim from a young age (~4 moons) and will learn to be independent and cherish familial bonds.
Additional Details & Relations
SIBLING INFORMATION: RUSH, later RUSHINGKIT, is very physically similar to his father. Hyper-active, carefree and if not a bit of an idiot, he is a charismatic young kitten who can apparently make friends with just about anyone. Rush is loud, confident and a bit cocky — but he sticks like glue to his littermate's side.

Open to relations from either side of the family!

Coding by Rai.

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credit to lavs for the code that i butchered for this <33


Alternative name options: Drizzle, Cloud, Moth or Iridescent
03 moons old | genderfluid (AMAB) | child of BLANK x BLANK | Littermates with Rush

  • Long haired Albino kit with pink eyes

    Crescentkit is one of blinding white fur, treated delicately and painfully maintained to keep as pristine as possible given the brine of the shipyard this can be a difficult task. His fur is straight in nature but the sea water gives it a slight wave, once again he does battle to keep it straight (it is a losing one but at least an attempt is made). He is still learning who he is, as such her gait changes as she doesn't know how to carry himself just yet. Sometimes he is running to catch up to Rush, other times he is quiet to not wake anyone up while she tries to sneak off for his own adventure. More often than not he isn't looking where he's going, leading into mayhem of it's own as he bumps into quite a lot of other cats.

    ★ smells like pollution, sea water and the milk of his mother→ sounds like ???
  • ★ (+) Adventurous, Calculating (/) Questioning, Bubbly (-) gullible, organized, naive

    Above all else Crescentkit is a timid child, happy to hide behind the louder Rush and doesn't mind control over conversations being passed to those around him. She is rather passive in nature, the only thing he seems to have a firm opinion over at such a young age is his appearance and surprisingly enough his ideals. He doesn't hold onto many opinions but when she forms them they are difficult to be changed.

    She is easy to be whisked into the whims of others, gullible enough to believe nearly any story and naive enough to think the world is solely kind. Adventure grips into her easily and there is a glimpse of a thrill seeker within him that wishes to chase after anything. Especially if his littermate(s) are on board with the concept. She is a little clingy of those in his life, nothing to an obsessive degree rather than kittish selfish tendencies, depending on IC circumstances that trait may be squashed in kithood or continue as he grows.
  • near death experience in late kithood/early apprentice moons will embolden Crescentkit to be more assertive in life.
    ★ He would not acknoledge how scary this experience would be and instead force herself to only think of the positives of that aspect.
    ★ Might be a sickly kit as they enter colder weather given the fact that being near water will drop the temperatures dramatically.
    ★ Dreams of being a story teller, would pester the older members of the shipyard to regale him in stories. Fascinated by scars, dreams of collecting her own one day.

  • ★ Dani Claymore / The lady of the lake - Haunting of Bly Manor (tv show)
    ★ What the water gave me - Florence and the machine (song)
    ★ Ekko (both child and current age) - Arcane (TV show)
    ★ The Fool (tarot card)

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  • Love
Reactions: nocthymia
snagging thhe sire if thats okay, fine with the genetics. leaning toward the prefix adder.