DES, skyclan & kit

has yet to define her values. In conversations, she is withdrawn and guarded, but her curiosity often sways her. She struggles to express complex emotions, often defaulting to silence or fits of anger when overwhelmed. She is guided by her instincts, making her impulsive and reckless at times. Despite her feral nature, she forms deep attachments to those who earn her trust. However, she rarely knows how to show it beyond quiet gestures—wildflowers in nests, odd gifts without explanation, or just her quiet admiration.
Due to her experiences, Des is distrustful and morally ambiguous, though she is willing to follow some rules. She does not understand StarClan and sees it as a false comfort. Losing her mother, doing anything to survive in the wilds, and being forced to watch her brother die at the jaws of dogs have shaped her. While time and care may soften her edges, Des remains deeply affected by what she's endured and continues to act as she was forced to in the wild.
↪ Named Des, short for Desdemona. Her mother heard it once and thought it was pretty. (Meaning: Unlucky or ill-fated. Born under an unlucky star.)
Age: 4 moons
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank: Kit
Description: LH lilac point with blue eyes and a half-tail.
Physique: Not as chunky as she looks. She's thin under all that fur.
Posture: Skittish and on edge.
Distinguishing Features: Huge eyes that stare into your soul. Extremely fluffy.
Resourceful — Guarded — Curious — Loyal
» Emotionally closed off. Struggles to express herself. She either shuts down or explodes when she doesn't know how to vent strong emotions.
» When she likes or admires someone, she acts through gestures. Such as giving them flowers, trying to be helpful, staring at them (very hard), and following them around.
» Food possessive and eats quickly.
» Gets vicious when surprised or afraid. Loud noises and sudden movements frighten her.
» Can climb on a basic level due to having to escape predators.
» Collector of fungi, hoarder of flowers, hand with the stick that pokes the weird things.
» Kleptomaniac tendencies. Brings cats she likes weird stuff and won't tell you where she got it.
» Thin, sickly, little victorian child with a very unsettling 100-yard stare.
Early Life
→ Born to a loner mother who deeply loved her kits but succumbed to sickness, along with one of Des's siblings.
→ Clung to her mother's body for days, waiting for her to wake up before realizing she never would.
→ She and her brother eventually wandered off to find something to eat. They survived for a whole moon before being chased into SkyClan territory by dogs.
→ She and her brother picked up some resourcefulness while scavenging for food, hiding from predators, and trying to adapt to life without a guardian.
→ Chased by a dog into SkyClan territory. Des climbs up a tree to escape, but her brother is not so lucky... She is forced to watch.
→ Des sustains injuries and loses half of her tail.
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