{$title} Hibiscus' remembers about his past and looks up for new friends.
Hibiscus woke up agitated. Looking around frantically for his dear owner. Only to remember where he was. A sigh left his mouth. It had been a few months already, but he still had nightmares.
He used to live with a dear old lady, as her only cat and spoiled little son. He received everyday, as lunch and dinner, delicious wet food, of a variety of flavours. Not only that, he lived in a warm and cozy house, full of toys and bes for him to use as he pleased. And the most important part: he lived with his owner, to cuddle whenever he felt like.
He would meow for attention, for pats, for love, and he would always receive it. He was a well loved cat, he felt like no one would ever be as loved as he was.
He lived 12 moons like that. The best 12 moons anyone could ask for. Until, one day, his dear owner just never woke up. He knew she was old, she would complain of pains, and he would do his due deligency: lay on her and purr until she felt better.
It was a day like so many others, it was breakfast time and his owner hadn't woken up yet. So he went to wake her up, like it was his job. He meowed, he touched her, he meowed more. She was so, so cold.
It took a whole day for someone to come see how she was and find Hibiscus meowing loudly for help. One of her children, the one who visited Hibiscus' dear owner often, came to see her. She cried so much, and Hibiscus cried with her. But she did remember to feed Hibiscus as she cried. She patted him, saying things he couldn't understand very well, until people came and took his owner away.
Hibiscus cried so much, yelled as best as he could. But his owner's daughter only picked him up and did not allow him to go with his owner. They cried together for a bit.
One day. That's what Hibiscus was allowed to mourn for his owner. One whole day and The Daughter picked him up, gave him some more food and then took him for a car ride.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we just can't take care of you," The Daughter kept saying, crying and crying.
She drove Hibiscus to the farm, put a container with some wet food and another with water on the ground. Hibiscus gladly went for the wet food, leaving the car. As soon as he left, The Daughter closed the car's door and left him there.
Once he noticed, he ran towards the car, yelling as best as he could: "You forgot me! You forgot me!" She never came back.
Every night Hibiscus would dream of his owner. Dream of his days in a cozy home, dream of his wet food, lunch and dinner, always served at the right time. And some nights, the dreams were nightmares: the day his owner never woke up, the day he was abandoned by The Daughter.
But that was life. And he couldn't mourn forever. He stretched his back, and went about his day.
"Today is the day I make a friend," he decided, cheerfully. Living alone was starting to be more of a bother than it was worth.
He saw a cat passing by and he immediately perked up.
"Hey, hello! I'm Hibiscus, what is your name?" he asked, a big smile on his face.
He used to live with a dear old lady, as her only cat and spoiled little son. He received everyday, as lunch and dinner, delicious wet food, of a variety of flavours. Not only that, he lived in a warm and cozy house, full of toys and bes for him to use as he pleased. And the most important part: he lived with his owner, to cuddle whenever he felt like.
He would meow for attention, for pats, for love, and he would always receive it. He was a well loved cat, he felt like no one would ever be as loved as he was.
He lived 12 moons like that. The best 12 moons anyone could ask for. Until, one day, his dear owner just never woke up. He knew she was old, she would complain of pains, and he would do his due deligency: lay on her and purr until she felt better.
It was a day like so many others, it was breakfast time and his owner hadn't woken up yet. So he went to wake her up, like it was his job. He meowed, he touched her, he meowed more. She was so, so cold.
It took a whole day for someone to come see how she was and find Hibiscus meowing loudly for help. One of her children, the one who visited Hibiscus' dear owner often, came to see her. She cried so much, and Hibiscus cried with her. But she did remember to feed Hibiscus as she cried. She patted him, saying things he couldn't understand very well, until people came and took his owner away.
Hibiscus cried so much, yelled as best as he could. But his owner's daughter only picked him up and did not allow him to go with his owner. They cried together for a bit.
One day. That's what Hibiscus was allowed to mourn for his owner. One whole day and The Daughter picked him up, gave him some more food and then took him for a car ride.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we just can't take care of you," The Daughter kept saying, crying and crying.
She drove Hibiscus to the farm, put a container with some wet food and another with water on the ground. Hibiscus gladly went for the wet food, leaving the car. As soon as he left, The Daughter closed the car's door and left him there.
Once he noticed, he ran towards the car, yelling as best as he could: "You forgot me! You forgot me!" She never came back.
Every night Hibiscus would dream of his owner. Dream of his days in a cozy home, dream of his wet food, lunch and dinner, always served at the right time. And some nights, the dreams were nightmares: the day his owner never woke up, the day he was abandoned by The Daughter.
But that was life. And he couldn't mourn forever. He stretched his back, and went about his day.
"Today is the day I make a friend," he decided, cheerfully. Living alone was starting to be more of a bother than it was worth.
He saw a cat passing by and he immediately perked up.
"Hey, hello! I'm Hibiscus, what is your name?" he asked, a big smile on his face.