[ pls wait for @Copperstorm !! kitten tags @thistlekit @Rattlekit @Leafkit ]
Serpentberry was enjoying the warmth of a stray sunbeam, eagerly drinking it up before the clouds chased it away, when she heard some rumbling a bit away from her. Green eyes floated to the warriors den, where she saw several little, almost-no-longer wobbly bodies prowling at its edge. One of them seemed to have a feather, and the new mother rolls her eyes, figuring then and there that she knows where they had stolen it from.
Pushing herself to her paws, Serpentberry trots closer to the warriors, her gaze catching Copperstorm as the tom inspects his own nest. It doesn't look... awful, but the kits have most definitely pulled it apart for that feather. She knows she would be upset if her own nest was shredded for something as measly as bird-fur, yet with her own kittens, she cannot manifest that empathy. So, she simply blinks at Copperstorm once, twice, and then looks to her kits.
"Haven't I told you three to stay out from underneath warrior-paws?" she questions her litter, her brows furrowing. She intends to bat them away, send them back into the clearing without a word to the tom. He can re-sort his nest in his own time - kits do things like this. Surely... surely he won't be that upset.