SMOKE warrior of riverclan
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Named for his dark pelt.
Age: 28 moons (Ages every 1st)
Gender: Trans Male | He/Him
Orientation: Bisexual Asexual
Relationship Status: Divorced
SH BLACK W/VITILIGO (Carries Albinism)
Scars & Injuries:
Lost right eye to former mate in altercation.
Various fights over the moons with rogues and loners encroaching on the docks.
A quiet and stoic tom, Smoke comes across as abrasive at times due to his lack of a filter and understanding of basic social etiquette. He can be a bit of a blunt, leaning more realistic logic than emotionally driven and he struggles at times to express himself in meaningful ways. This often leads to him being frustrated and irritable, he has a temper that takes time to push to the boiling point but in some situations it can be explosive and violent if he's backed into a corner. Smoke is a cat who is hard to make a bond with but once made he is relentlessly loyal companion who would fight the world for you if asked, however breaking his trust is a one time occurrence and he rarely gives second chances.
He's a tenacious tom with a dry sense of humor and a habit of getting himself into trouble due to his stubbornness, he rarely talks about his problems or vulnerabilities and despises being seen as anything but the hardened and loyal cat that he is. Second guessing where his heart lies or his dependability is the quickest way to getting on his bad side as he prides himself is being reliable when tasked with a duty. -
Generation 1 — Family Tree
Son of NAME & NAME
Littermate to Willow &Night
Mate to NO ONE
Uncle of DUCK & GOOSE
Legal Guardian of MOON (Not adopted)
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