Water Snake has lived in company his entire life: his mother, his siblingsā¦ yet he can't quite seem to adjust to the strange mix of communal and solitary that comes with living in a colony. He doesn't know where his responsibilities begin and end, if he has any; they hunt for themselves, after all, and territory hardly needs to be defended when the sheer number of cats around is enough to keep enterprising newcomers at bay. Is this all it means to live in a colony? Number? If so it seems damned impractical--they are so many he can feel the forest straining under their weight, too many paws trampling through foliage and not enough prey to feed all those hungry bellies.
He is thinking about this because he has beenā¦ not stealing, but certainly seizing a large amount of bedding material for his personal use. Should he leave some for other cats? He drags another mouthful of moss towards his and Serpent's sleeping spot, mulling this problem. No, certainly other cats already have their nests. Besides, Serpent is expecting kits--any cat would be glad to sacrifice some comfort for her own. Yes, he's sure it's fine. Other cats can travel a little further away if they want comfortable nests. Water Snake himself has been sleeping on the ground; it's not too cold yet, and the grass is comfortable enough. They can ask Hawthorne if they have complaints.
He nudges some downy feathers aside to make space for moss beneath. Is this enough? He gives the nest -- a hole in the ground overflowing with moss, feathers, soft needles and foliage, some tufts of fur from prey -- a good look.
He is thinking about this because he has beenā¦ not stealing, but certainly seizing a large amount of bedding material for his personal use. Should he leave some for other cats? He drags another mouthful of moss towards his and Serpent's sleeping spot, mulling this problem. No, certainly other cats already have their nests. Besides, Serpent is expecting kits--any cat would be glad to sacrifice some comfort for her own. Yes, he's sure it's fine. Other cats can travel a little further away if they want comfortable nests. Water Snake himself has been sleeping on the ground; it's not too cold yet, and the grass is comfortable enough. They can ask Hawthorne if they have complaints.
He nudges some downy feathers aside to make space for moss beneath. Is this enough? He gives the nest -- a hole in the ground overflowing with moss, feathers, soft needles and foliage, some tufts of fur from prey -- a good look.
"Perhaps a little more,"
he muses under his breath. The air was getting colder: it wouldn't do for his sister to be cold.- ooc: @serpent he's been requisitioning the forest's entire stock of Soft