Adderfang, riverclan & warrior

values family above all else, with loyalty and survival closely tied. In conversations, he is blunt, stoic, and pragmatic, rarely mincing words or indulging in small talk. Though his exterior is cold and distant, he harbors a deep, unwavering love for those closest to him and will stop at nothing to protect them. Guided by a strong sense of duty and shaped by his harsh upbringing, Adder prioritizes practicality over sentimentality.
His rogue background has left him with a healthy distrust of rules and traditions, though he abides by them when necessary for the sake of his clan. While he respects the warrior code, it is not sacred to him—he sees it as a tool rather than a guide. His belief in StarClan is shaky at best, as he finds it hard to accept their supposed guidance with the suffering he's witnessed.
Growing up under the harsh but loving guidance of his father, and losing both his mother and siblings to illness and hunger, has hardened Adder's view of the world. He sees life as a constant battle for survival, where kindness is not always a given. Despite this, his devotion to his mate and kits brings out his softer, more affectionate side, making him a fierce protector and provider.
↪ Named Adder due to his wirey appearance as a kit and his long striped tail.
Age: 30 moons
Pronouns: He/Him
Rank: Warrior
Chocolate Ticked Tabby
Description: Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes.
Physique: Tall and lean.
Current Condition: Healthy, but rugged.
Posture: Naturally straight, emphasizing his height.
Distinguishing Features: A gash on the right side of his face, crossing his muzzle and exposing one canine slightly, which inspired his name. -
Stern — Stoic — Dutiful — Cold ​
» Maintains a distant and serious demeanor with most clanmates, tolerating minimal nonsense from anyone outside his family.
» Reveals a softer side when it comes to his mate and kits.
» Patient with his mate's sass and quick to yield during disagreements with her (though he doesn't extend the same courtesy to others).
» Slightly overprotective of his kits, likely a bit traumatized by what happened to his siblings. He means the best but may come across as overbearing as they get older. Will grill their future mentors on their training regimens to ensure they're properly trained. Also potential suitors for his kits, beware—he'll have (many) questions.
» Him Honk.
» Still figuring out fatherhood. He wants to dote over his kits but fears being too soft on them. His father's detached way of showing affection has left an impression on him, but he strives to do better for his kits.
» Has an intense stare—often makes others uncomfortable without meaning to. Always looks mildly annoyed or disinterested, even when he's perfectly content.
» Has a deep gravelly voice that might startle others.
» Secretly appreciates well-crafted insults and sharp wit—his mate's sass is one of his favorite things about her. He adores her regardless of whether his affections are returned or not. Much like his father Adder struggles to show that he cares. He finds it easiest to express himself through acts of service.
» Has a habit of collecting smooth, water-worn stones. Claims it's for his kits, but he simply enjoys looking at them.
» Would prefer to express that he cares through actions rather than words—leaving extra prey for someone in need, checking in on an injured cat without making a fuss, donating herbs, babysitting when he's not busy to give caretakers a break.
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Early Life & Young Adulthood
→ Adder was raised in a very different environment than his kits. His mother was a kittypet abandoned on the Thunderpath. By some miracle, she managed to survive and met a rogue with whom she conceived kits.
→ His father, Dusk, was by most accounts a rare specimen. He was present in their lives, striving to a good father despite struggling. He wasn't the most affectionate father, but did his best to ensure their survival.
→ Adder and his siblings grew up loved despite their struggles. However, not all of them made it, with some perishing to illness or hunger despite their parents' best efforts. Dusk believed that only the strongest survived but deeply mourned every loss, showing his love in subtle ways like saving the best prey for his kits or bringing them things to play with.
→ Early on in the kits' lives, their mother became gravely ill. As she neared death, to keep the kits safe, she asked to be left behind, entrusting Dusk to raise them. Dusk was heartbroken, but without the knowledge or means to seek help, he reluctantly honored her wish.
→ As the kits grew, Dusk taught them how to survive. How to hunt as well as fight. He was a harsh teacher, for their benefit, as the wilds were cruel and would spare them no kindness. Adder was and still is a quick learner.
→ One day Dusk simply vanished. He left the kits to hunt and never returned. By the time he went missing, Adder and his siblings were nearly grown. They stayed together a while before wandering off to strike it out on their own. Adder often wonders what happened to his father.
→ Adder grew tall and lean like his mother, but his appearance strongly reflects his father.
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Sample Post
The night was silent, save for the rustling of dry leaves. He stood alone, his tall frame shadowed by the gnarled branches above, leaves stretching out like claws at his back. At his paws lay a ring of stones, smooth and worn, collected some time ago with care, surfaces caked with a layer of moss. The tom crouched down, lowering his head against the earth with a tenderness unexpected of him.
"You would have loved them, Ma," Adder murmured, his words barely a whisper in the wind. "They're good and healthy—and they're mine. Can you believe it?"
For a moment, the weight of his own words settled over him. He was a father now—a father. Those were his kits. His claws flexed against the dewed earth and as he exhaled a plume of mist dissipated into the air. "I wonder if I'll do right by them... like you and Pa did for us. I'm not sure I know how though..." He paused, eyes fixated on the stones as if they could somehow answer him. As if his mother's voice might ring out from beyond the grave and offer him some much-needed guidance.
"I tell myself I've learned enough. From you, from Pa, from the things we've been through. But sometimes, Ma... sometimes I feel like I'm actin' on my toes. Stars know I don't have a plan." Adder's voice wavered, but hearing himself, he briskly cleared his throat. Now was not the time for uncertainty, not from him. Come storm or highwater he would be what his family needed... even if Adder didn't exactly know what he was doing.
"I will protect them, though," His voice held a rediscovered firmness as if to reassure her—and maybe himself. "They won't go hungry or wonder if they're loved. Not while I'm here. I promise."
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