This thread takes place in the Leader's Den.



a stunted white cedar stands at the camps center, a previous flood having swept the mud underneath to expose it's roots

DEN APPEARANCE Outside of the white cedar, it's trunk is surrounded by the embrace of an overgrown buttonbush. It acts as a barrier between the exposed roots that lead to Sablestar's nest, creating the perfect buffer to listen for any activity within camp while maintaining his own privacy.

Within the den it is quite dim with little light passing through the scraggly branches from the buttonbush. It provides wonderful shade from the heat in greenleaf and protection from the rainy winds in the colder moons. Sablestar's den can appear rather bland as it does not see him often. His scent is rather stale most of the day, more commonly found residing within Cicadabuzz's den in the sparing moments he is in camp.

The space inside holds enough room, comfortably, for a total of three cats. Anything beyond this is shoulder-to-shoulder and crowded. His nest is rather plain with no interesting trinkets or flashy items. Just enough moss to keep his body off the ground, and the open space surrounding has the occasional tumbleweed of Sablestar's shedding tucked away. Most nights this den is empty, as Sablestar functions near-solely from dusk till dawn and naps intermittently throughout the daytime.

VISITING PURPOSES Sablestar's den has a multitude of reasons beyond using it for rest. Most often for conversations regarding training, warriors requesting to train specific apprentices or kits, inter-community concerns, patrol reports, and other low-risk conversations are had here. Sablestar will always assume the possibility that some may attempt to eavesdrop on the other side of the buttonbush, and speaks carefully in preparation for it. More personal discussions are had out in the territory, where he can secure better privacy if necessary.

Need to request your leader's attention? Here is a form to fill out your request!
[b]CHARACTER:[/b] @character account
[b]URGENCY:[/b] low/med/high (pls include if this thread needs to be completed quickly or can have responses spread over time)

DEN BOUNDARIES Sablestar is very particular about who he allows in his den and not. It is expected for a warrior to either fetch Sablestar personally or wait outside before being given explicit permission to enter. He does not take kindly to cats barging into his den without announcing themselves or prompting to enter, and may outright deny addressing their concern at all until they've learned manners. In such a scenario, Wolfpack would be the next option to approach for an audience.

Apprentices and the like are also not allowed in Sablestar's den, not even to change out his bedding or tidy it as they do for the nursery and elder's den. Any youth snooping around his den will be reprimanded and potentially be punished, depending on how severe the invasion of privacy was. This does not, however, often apply to kittens or his kin.