{$title} The sun barely graces over the horizon when flowercloud wakes Sorrelpaw for sudden battle training
Flowercloud wasn't happy that the journey took out a large chunk of her training with Sorrelpaw. Nearly two moons seemed down the drain, with four left- but it wasn't easy to train an apprentice while always on the move. Sure, they faced opponents, but it was mostly the warriors, the apprentices would have gotten hurt had they intervened, and she was sure her worry would only gain- remembering Teaselpaw trying to step in and panic flooding through her.
But finally settled, and getting into the groove of hunting patrols as well as learning the territory- it was finally time. They barely had time left it felt, and she knew they still had a lot to do. Flowercloud would beckon Sorrelpaw from the apprentices den, her voice soft just as the rays of the rising sun casting long shadows across camp. Sure it was early, but you never knew when danger would strike, it was inevitable.
"Good morning Sorrelpaw," she would greet, gently nudging her apprentice as she pulled from the den. "I hope you slept well. I know it's earlier than we normally meet to train, but there's no time to waste," she explained as she began to walk towards the camp entrance, hoping her apprentice was following in stride.
"We'll begin today with fighting training. We've been very brief on that, and I'd like to explore in more detail."
The walk didn't take long, leading Sorrelpaw a bit away from camp, before suddenly turning towards the younger molly. "Attack me. I won't be fighting back for now, only defensive maneuvers. You've got a smart head in there, I know you do. I have faith in you." She purred, before bracing herself, green eyes analyzing the apprentice.
She wouldn't learn if Flower was too easy on her, but with how little they touched into it, she didn't want to scare her either. But Flowercloud had faith, and she hoped Sorrelpaw wouldn't express hesitance. There was no time for that in the battlefield … but shed explain that
at later.