The energy in the camp for the last few weeks has been a real bummer. This time of year is always a little melancholy, with the cold biting at ears and noses, and gray skies casting a dismal shadow over the colony. But for as long as she's been alive, Milky can't remember a leafbare as lousy as this. Empty bellies had put cats in a bad mood, and the bad moods caused fights between cats that had been friends before. Everything she had known was starting to crumble and slip away, and she wasn't sure what would be left once the smoke cleared.
There's no use in fighting the inevitable - time would flow where it wanted to, and Milky would ride the current like she always had. The spirits that had set the world in motion would deliver her gently to whatever destination they had in store, and she would gladly take what she was given.
Still, something about all this rubs her fur the wrong way. Milky was only seein' doom and gloom from the rest of the cats around her - to much worrying about the future, not enough having a good time in the now. She especially hated seein' Acheron all mopey. The tom had been a pal of hers for a long time now, and Milky quite enjoyed his company. He was goofy, and laidback, and always good for a laugh. It feels wrong, seeing him walk around with his head hangin' low. Milky ought to do something about that.
"Achie~" She calls for him in the slow, sing-song voice she seems to use with everyone, before aprroaching him to rub their shoulders together. "It's been waaaay to long since we've hung out, but hey, I got something nice for us. Something to lighten the mood, y'know? "
[post will open after @acheron posts, and then close again once a few cats have joined!]