The stars shined on RiverClan's first night. Plenty of cats had already taken to sleep within their new nests, not quite comfortable, but pleased with the promise of a brighter future. One cat would not stir from their slumber to glance upon their new home, instead, should they open their eyes, they would be met with a vision of their future. An endless landscape, stardust amidst the grasses where pawsteps had once trodden, the feeling of a full belly after moons of strife, a pleasant smell within the air with its description forged by the favourite scent of whoever breathed it in. Paradise - Jinglemoon would not share it alone for long.
Out of everywhere and nowhere, a cream tabby's visage formed upon the shimmering plains, pelt aged beyond its years, eyes full of mirth and wonder as they settled upon the blue-eyed kittypet. "Ah, hello, Jingle." A lifetime ago, he would have likely cuffed the cat on principle, knowing that Jingle now represented the very same clan that had taken his life. His younger self would have hated what he'd later become: peacekeeper, guider, a symbol of hope, all the things that may have prevented their destruction in the first place. He smiled behind his bushy fur. "My name is Phloxwish, you do not know me, but I speak to you as one of StarClan's many whiskers. We are the ancestors of your clan, and I'm sure you will be seeing us again. I don't have the time to answer your questions, so listen closely to what I say next," The tabby leaned forward, feeling the weight of his presence wane.
"You are to become RiverClan's first Medicine Cat, chosen by the Stars themselves. You will tend to the sick, as you did when you lost your home. You will call upon us when you are lost and find what herbs and remedies will keep your clan healthy. I speak as an ancient Medicine Cat, this role will not be an easy one and the weight of all those you could not save will sit on your spine like boulders. But... I know you can do it." Because if Phloxwish the hedonistic, selfish cheat could learn what it meant to be selfless, then a cat with a righteous paw would have few issues. The trust within his gaze for the blue cat was perhaps as heavy as those stones he mentioned.
"When you awake, you will no longer be called Jingle. Your name will be Jinglemoon in honour of your new connection to the stars above, may it serve RiverClan well." Phloxwish flickered like a fluttering blink, when he pressed his nose to Jinglemoon's forehead it would be like a touch from a river's ripple. "Oh, and do tell Pike about this, will you? He is..." 'Stay mysterious, stay cool, stay all-powerful'. "When you tell him about this, he will understand." Probably. Seabriar's frustration upon his return from speaking with Pikestar had been of some amusement to Phloxwish, but, it was that hesitance from a mortal that made him rush speaking to Jinglemoon. That and a limited connection to the world below - too many moons in stasis, too much time not being a StarClanner, but that was a secret for the Stars alone.
He moved away from Jinglemoon and dipped his head. "Farewell." Another blink and Phloxwish and the stars would be gone, replaced with the dingy dark of an unfinished den and the promise of a new future for RiverClan's first medicine cat.