She soars through the air, and in the passing heart-beats, she finds an ever reoccurring thought that has stuck with her since the battle: so, this is it? This is all there is? It takes everything in her power to convince herself she is no longer fighting for her life, to unlearn the instinct that shrieks at her to pivot her attack, to flee. I cannot, I will not! All of this is for them, she braces herself. She feels unstoppable, if only for a second. A shoulder checks right in to her chest before she even gets a chance to wrangle Vampire to the ground. With that, she wheezes, slumping forth as land heavily onto the ground. Its achingly familiar, and yet not at the same time; she's never had to suffer this long without being able to catch her breath, heaving a shallow suck-in of air. She tries to haul herself up and away out of Vampires grasp, but the other doesn't move to attack, and her own paw-steps are slow. Vampire praises her, a surge of approval which causes her to dip her head down, ears pinning back. At least they thought it was half-decent, but half-decent wouldn't be enough. It has to be perfect, more than even. She narrows her eyes ever so slightly, takes in all of the advice that the other speaks of.
Vampire asks a question that Vanilla is vaguely aware of. "Use... their size against them...?" shes still catching her breath, but at least it aches less now, at least she can talk. It's a underwhelming guess, as the one cat she did fight during the battle was her own size, was matched evenly with... But if she had to guess, knocking them down, using their weight against them would be the most effective way. She stares at Vampire, hoping her answer was at least somewhat correct. "And try to... play off of that." she sucks in another breath, rising fully to her paws now, ready incase Vampire shows a demonstration.