Tethered to nothing, nowhere, just the habitual trajectory of his own curiosity, Karst's snout stabs into the cavity of another hole in the ground. Nostrils quiver at its damp scent and the frigid bite of its earth, a mouse-length beneath his chin.
There's no shortage of these tunnels here in the swampland. He's been investigating their breadth and depth since they'd arrived, a constant for his mind to focus on and fill the days with. The tom makes a consistent point to return to camp with fresh-kill clenched in jaw, so that his cohorts might see the worth in keeping him around, and to not worry too much about where he wanders to and fro. Luckily for Karst, many holes serve as dens for myriad prey species. His keen thirst for knowledge and a full belly seem to coincide more often than not, and this confluence of interests sits just fine with him.
The particular hole which presently preoccupies him lays on a tongue of land that pokes into a pond, bridging the shores. Its circumference is akin to that of his skull's, leaving him ample room to stick as far as his neck will allow. Prey-scent mingles in that soupy dank air. Why, this is a very nice hole. Fancies himself almost akin to a muskrat. Surely these tunnels are safe, warm, snug and comfortable. "Hellooooooo..?" His sonorous mew calls out, quiet and curious in its echo through the soil.
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