SkyClan Journey milestones [open/first catch]

  • Love is in the air, platonic, familial or even romantic! Check out SkyClan's Matchmaker Event!


the underdog



Bright was a newcomer to Skyclan, an ex-kittypet tossed from their home who'd managed to discover and join the group mere days before their departure. As such, there was a lot the lithe little tabby had yet to learn, not just about the group and it's culture, but about taking care of himself as well. Up until a short while ago, he'd had Stormy to help with keeping him fed and warm, and while he now had Skyclan to depend on, there was the understanding that he would learn to care for them as well.

So he'd been practicing a lot, which he was sure his new clanmates had noticed. Bright was a clever cat, a good study with a sharp mind. And if you asked him the best ways to hunt a bird, or to track a squirrel, he could definitely tell you how to do it.

But when he tried to personally put the tactics to use? It was usually a disaster in the making. Clumsiness, he called it, when he returned with bumps and bruises, scratches and torn claws. But he knew it was his own fault, that if he just stopped hesitating and overthinking all the time that he would do better. Which is why he was always back out there trying again, practicing until he got it right.

That morning he hadn't gone out with the intention to hunt. He was actually practicing some basic fighting moves when he knocked over a few rocks, spooking a fat grey mouse out into the open. He hadn't thought twice before moving, simply pouncing down on the thing with a speed that he surprised himself with.

"I-I did it!" he exclaimed, voice colored in shock and excitement. "I caught some prey! I didn't even know it was there and- and I just– did you see that?"[/color]

OOC- the boy managed to roll a 16 despite having a -2 on his hunting roll lol

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes

swallowpaw's become familiar enough with skyclan's newest addition. she honestly thought he would've ran away as fast as he could after hearing about the rats. instead he's been working and helping out as if he's been apart of the clan for awhile. it's nice, reliving to see eager paws when they're in such a vulnerable position. bumps and scrapes were no big deal… most of the time it didn't require any herbs. still, she wished bright was a teeny bit more careful, their herb supply currently favors nursery residents over a small hunting mishap.

she's helpful, the young medic reminds herself that daily. if she didn't agree to step away from warrior training, she'd most likely be in bright's position. a clumsy hunter, flailing paws and torn claws. when he calls out to the other cats, the girl looks up from the herbs she'd been counting. "bright? you caught something?" she says, squinting over the fog. drat, she missed it… but she's still happy for him. "that's great! you're a warrior already." she purrs, smiling bashfully at the older cat.


you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
The first few words on Lionfire's tongue were harsh, but he swallowed them down at the utter shock and excitement on the dark tabby's face with a rumbled sigh, shaking his head mutely. The reaction wasn't all that bad. Like a snap of a coiled spring, Lionfire had watched the tom pounce with a surge of stamina, having brought Cygnetpaw out on another training expedition when they stumbled on the other.

"Guess you aren't all that bad." Lionfire mused loudly. Not what he wanted to say, but whatever, it wasn't his fault how anyone interrupted it. He jerked a large head forward, swiping the ground with a heavy, wooly plumage toward the masses, "Better give it to the caregivers before the predators come lurkin' for a tasty morsel." He rumbled with muted amusement.
  • ooc
    —— apprentice tag @cygnetpaw
  • d1b272f6bf2bf1124a70637df5a807afa1cdb37c.gifv
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea