The night is over. Some of the cats left to find new shelter, away from the rain, whilst others clustered together, tighter, beneath the thinning canopies of the sparse tree line. Even overturned water-monsters would not provide as much shelter from the storm, and given the risk of them toppling right-side-down entirely... most cats avoided even the temptation. They were left to their own devices as the sun rose, the clouds thinning to lessen the storm but still remain an ice-cold trickle. Leafbare continues to be unkind to the cats of the beachfront, now daring to freeze the pelts of those who could not dry. Which... was so many of them.
"This is... insane," Downy laments to Tide, and frankly anyone who had ears. She tucks in close to her sibling, her thick pelt still thoroughly soaked and now matting into thin shards of ice. The molly didn't bother to move far from the thickest mass of cats, hopeful that in the very least, they could harbor warmth in one another's existence.
The misery continues, voiced by the former kittypet. "I'm beginning to think I'm a bad omen, y'know?" She draws her tongue over her shoulder to no avail, "This storm has been the worst of it, but - a moon ago, was it? When Dove came and told us about that big 'ole fight? And then..." Downy groans, leaning her weight into her pale pelted sibling, growing more agitated when warmth doesn't immediately worm its way into her cold, cold fur. "... Clans was it? They had grouped up, and taken bits of the land as their own. And when I - we - finally got there... she said cats had died to make it work. She said it like I had killed them myself. Me!"
Downy pauses, blue eyes glancing back and forth along the horizon line. "Maybe we should head back that way," she murmurs. "They can't have taken all the land. Maybe there's a little pocket we can live in instead... or maybe it'll flood as soon as we get there. That'd be my luck, wouldn't it?"